Star Sonata

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Author:  ELITE [ Fri May 20, 2016 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advertising.

Again, fuck off.

Author:  MasterTrader [ Fri May 20, 2016 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advertising.

You all know damn well you've blatantly ripped the admins to shreds for petty shit, and diminished the value of things they've even relatively recently... In that context, ya'll having low expectations of some artwork that is consistent with the quality and theme of what we have now is fucking hilarious.

Ain't nobody except andsimo and redalert say shit when they first unveiled the work Pixel had done


and the theme and style is the same fucking thing.

I'm out this bitch :wink: , you can circle jerk around the issue if you want but anyone with any level of activity on the forum knows how fucking bipolar most of the playerbase tends to be towards the admins. Calling that out isn't being negative. I'm sorry if my innuendo didn't make it through text clearly, but its the net.


Author:  carterstrain [ Fri May 20, 2016 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advertising.

No it's not. The style of these new bases remind me of Eve Online. High quality, detailed, futuristic, smooth, and not cartoony.

The bases in the second blog post remind me of other AI bases in SS. No real change in style that reminds me of another game.

Author:  Zalistar [ Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Advertising.


What was the question again? Oh, I have no opinion on any revenue spending, I didn't know that I even got a vote. I'm a Paid Subscriber, the only expectation my $$'s buy is to complain - no expectation for any results. I consider it a feed back mechanism.

Without a C3 - SS is doomed. Eye Candy is King. The C2 Kludge has outlived it's uselessness...

Honestly, I have no idea about this so called XP/Experience WALL at level 150-200 that people keep referring to - That was not my experience, and as the creator of DSF - have never found to be any kind of issue. I am neither aware of, nor have encountered any kind of problem with the lower or middle game content. I thought it was a lot of fun - but not so much fun, that I've bothered to make any of the other 4 slots on my account level past 25...

Personally, I do not like how F2P's have access to so much content as it is, too often I hear "I'll wait till lvl 1000 before I sub, if ever"...

I like the idea of Expansions, and P2P only items. I would LOVE to see such mechanics like item Mods not having any effect unless you are premium and other EF low-mid Premium Only areas, like Mira ,Jungle, Creaky's Junkyard, and other areas and entire mission lines being Premium.

Multi-Clienting has got to go. It just makes the entire game experience feel like cheat-to-win. In Virtually every other MMORG I've played, - It's a bannable offense if you are caught. If we aren't going to ban it - then Advertise THAT, if that's the kind of people you want to attract.

What it really comes down to -

Is SS a PvP game with PvE elements to attract innocent suckers? Or a PvE Game with some PvP elements to satisfy the playground bullies?

Author:  gundamrules2004 [ Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Advertising.

Seems like someone shouldnt have been made a content dev.

Hobber curses so much..i thought ss was a bit more PG? Guy i learned 3 new curse words and im only 12..thnx hobber

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