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Post Illegal Hollywood References
Illegal "Hollywood" References

I'm going to state this once and for all, as I'm sure I'm not the only one that gets a little "peaved" with the various incarnation of such Reference to the point where we feel "detracted" from the game's theme and content and feel annoyed at the distraction!

It is ILLEGAL to Refer to ANY HollyWood Production's Characterism's or Themic Narrative as it would apply to being a COPYRIGHT BREACH!

More to the point, within a pleasantly unique game like StarSonata (R), it is terribly annoying to find yourself thinking about various great Movie's or Series'es (Characters, Ships, Designs, Languages etc etc!) because some clutz named his team as a "Star Trek" reference, or some of his characters refered to "Babylon 5" Characters or some such!!

I personally have had enough of such Copyright Breaches, it brings the game into actuall Disrepute Legally, and could possibly have the offending player liable for a substantial Fine for not "Asking Permission to use a Star-Treck Reference Ingame..." etc!!



"We DONT Want to be Reminded of THAT when playing StarSonata...!"

Get it now? FFS!

As a perpetual consequence, I do believe the Moderators of Star sonata should make an immediate effort to MUTE and render inactual, such References, for example "Blue Dwarf" with a picture of RedDwarf(C), or the player with his "Tardus" Graphic calling himself "Doctor Who" etc, or the blasted "Federation/StarTrek" team names and their Character Names etc!!!

There is more than enough scope, within the StarSonata Theme, to be something unique and comparatively individual; you could call youself some sort of extrapolation of an Aveksaka title for example, or perhaps preferably just chose a freaking name out of the "Book Of Names" etc, right!!!

Seriously, I've had enough of it, its all over online-internet-games, and in each fucking instance, they are potentially deserving of a Copyright Fine nearing a total of nearly $50,000.00US for making un-permissable references!


We want to think about "StarSonata", NOT "Babylon 5", or "Farscape", or "StarTrek" or "Star Wars" etc.. Understand?!

This sort of Gripe is one of the reasons I dont want to come back, and until its moderated against successfully, I wont!

There is one particular long-term notable player, that has a particular quasi-movie reference to their name, which would suggest that the person perhaps likes a particular coffee-shop!!, That person, as we ALL know, although their name is a bit different, to "buck" the trend(!), is making a rather particular reference, and just to let you know - "You DONT talk about THAT; we DONT want to be Reminded of THAT!". For someone to "Bawk" at their responsibility of respecting Copyright, be it old or new, even if they feel they are paying Hommage to their favorite show, is just plain Offensive! -> Moderate such names please, regardless of how much they have spent on Subscriptions!!

There wouldn't be a Knight if it wasn't for the Black-Smith!

Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:08 am
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Post Re: Illegal Hollywood References
Oh man. smh

I do not believe in an afterlife, although I am bringing a change of underwear.

Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:53 am
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Post Re: Illegal Hollywood References
Actually, you'll find that references to all intellectual property falls under the Fair Use Doctrine, so you're so wrong you literally built a different wrong forest to be wrong in.

Star Sonata is not ready for a release on Steam. See this topic for what we think should be done about it.

Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:38 pm
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