Star Sonata

Server and Client Patch 5-17-08
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Author:  JeffL [ Sat May 17, 2008 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Server and Client Patch 5-17-08

* Added Undo to AI bases where you can undo sales to the base and got rid of the sale confirmation box

* Added "/autopilot" or "/ap" command to autopilot to a galaxy

* Fixed aura bug that was causing the field gens to not work on some ships

* Fixed the base aggro bug after loading

* New network optimizations to send multifire bullets in combined and smaller packets to save a bunch of bandwidth

* Most Fighter Bays and Field Generators are now a lot smaller

* Got rid of the double listing of vulnerabilities in item descriptions

* Changed the "nothing to scoop" sound

* New physical damage sounds

* New money scooping sound

* Improved autopilot code including recalculations if your weight changes and dynamic recalculation that doesn't stop you if you are already pointed the right way

* Fixed notification for when fuel/rations/commods get used

* Fixed Parasites

* Fixed three server crashes

* Fixed the new Zens allowing you to pilot engineless ships

* New turret locations for multifiring

* Fixed DG kickout on boss spawn to only affect players that are locked out

* Ships in stasis will now be moved on unevaporation of owner

* Fixed a problem with duped ships in bases when those bases get edited by admins

* Fixed arena drone refund bug

* Fixed target ring color bug

* Fixed missing engine thrust trails while docked

* Fixed multiple kill credits

* Fixed a tractor bug having to do with mass calculations

* Overloaders will now only blow up one weapon at a time and not your entire stack if you have stacked weapons

* You can now undock if you have an equipped aug that requires a skill you don't have, but you won't get any aug bonuses from that aug

* Fixed a minor display bug with the add trade good dialog

* Fixed bug with Add Trade Goods dialog that was updating the window on every item notification

* Double kill count for slaves bug fixed

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