Star Sonata

Server-Client Patch - November 19
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Author:  Jey123456 [ Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Server-Client Patch - November 19

* Fixed ambient light on medium settings.
* Made chat colors customizable from skin.xml.
* increased the set team welcome msg dialog to a bigger size.
* improved performance noticeably
* Swapped selected/current galaxy colors in Universe Map
* added new Deathstriker+ texture
* removed the extreme logs
* made sure no sounds would play if either both volumes are set to 0 or the usesound is unticked.
* added checks to display an error message if the config couldn't be written to.
* tweaked the autopilot so that it should try to not thrust as much if a ship is stealthy (if your visibility was lower than 100 at any point during the ap (or when ap jumped), the ap will consider your ship as stealthy and will act accordingly)
* fixed multiple secondary inventory bugs preventing right click menu actions.
* fixed toss some from userbase.
* fixed a bug that caused the sobicon to get stuck in the mainscreen.
* Fixed bug with energy use for MF, and made the code a bit simpler in the process
* Made a SS2 visage for the Asteroid Freighter
* Fixed a bug which was making the non-pvp flag not get set in some galaxies

(Discuss this patch here)

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