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Team: Aidelon
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Post Gold Flame
~Concerning the team Gold Flame:

On Friday, October 12, 2007 at 5:30 Central US time, team Gold Flame will be disbanded to make way for a new team in it’s place. Obviously to those on the team, the two appointed Councilors are both inactive. Neither has been seen for nearly three weeks. One Councilor, Doom Joker, is assumed to have quit playing SS altogether, while the other’s status is unknown. For these reasons, as well as the inactivity of other, lower ranked players, and the desire of our Director to have control of the team moved to his alt, Gold Flame has decided to move.

The new team is: Gold Flame.

Same name, same leader, same members, different set-up.

Joker Of The Hell will be our Director.
I, as DragonGod, will be senior Councilor.
The Most Wanted, assuming he gets back to that alt, will be secondary Councilor.

All current members will be placed into the rank they are as of the time of disbanding. (Meaning that if you are an Officer when GF disbands, you will be an Officer upon rejoining.)

All members of Gold Flame wishing to return to the team are to come to Melpomene or Evora to be invited back into the team.

~Concerning non-Gold Flame members reading this topic:

We are currently recruiting all levels of players. F2P or P2P players of any level are welcome to join Gold Flame after the move. As stated above, you may come to Melpomene or Evora to join, or pm one of the Councilors and we will arrange a meeting so that you may join.

Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:05 pm
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I wish you luck in your team!

The original Junkie

Thu Oct 11, 2007 12:54 am
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brave move but cant have a team were councilers dont log on so understandable maybe a system where councilers that have not logged for weeks on end can be demoted and a officer promoted to cover the whole in the team shame to have to start all over again

but anyhow goodluck

Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:18 am
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May I suggest you hold a weeky meeting in your team, where everyone on team must show up and state what they have been doing and their level of activity in that week? If they can't show up then they have to give a reason before the meeting

Did you praise the sun today?

Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:40 am
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Team: Traders
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to be honest this is a world wide game so some members would be online while you sleep its there evening or morning some teams i guess have members that some don't see much of each other but doesn't mean they are inactive at all so holding team meetings is not gonna cure the prob because your online in your evening other members could be at school or work or asleep having a team of world wide members in effect keeps a watch on base's etc if your all in the same time zone there is gonna be a period where team is inactive and thats bad

Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:01 am
Press Corps
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Team: Aidelon
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Yes, but when a high-ranking member of the team goes AWOL and the other is assumed to have quit, it causes a few problems. In addition to both of our councilors going missing at almost the same time, our Director, under his current main Joker Of The Hell, had just become p2p and had left the team to learn to run it better.

I, as one of only two active Officers durring this timeframe, took it upon myself to be interm team leader while our Director was away. We kept in contact durring the durration of his "training".

As stated earlier, however, our current lack of available Councilors is not the only reason we are "moving" the team. We are also refocusing the leadership onto Joker Of The Hell who originally formed the team under a different name. Along with these changes in leadership, we are issuing polocy reforms.

It is also a way, though rather drastic I'll admit, of rooting out the inactive members and the members who don't care to be in Gold Flame.

I would like to think of this as the pheonix being reborn from the ashes. :3

And yes, I agree that a system in which inactive Councilors could be demoted after a few weeks of inactivity is a good idea.

To the comment about the different timezones, I am completely aware that some people play this game in different parts of the world from me. I am a major roleplayer on a few anime-related forums, and am used to working with people from as far away from me as Tokyo, Japan.

Thus my reasoning for posting this in the SS forums. Our Director has set the team login message to tell about this topic posted in the forums so that all team members may read it.

As well, I posted this to give information to those members who do not log on between the date of it's posting (yesterday) and the date of the "move" (tomorrow). This allows former GF members who are still interested in being on the team to rejoin.

Thu Oct 11, 2007 3:39 pm
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last time i saw Joker Of The Hell he had a team called J.O.T.H. Corps but ok well good luck on the rebuilding of your team

Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:18 am
Press Corps
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Team: Aidelon
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Acctually, you're right, and he's been on a few other teams sence then. I have been in charge of the team since he left, and I am now myself leaving the team for yours. =P

Dracorean, my tic turned sic (third in command and second in command respectivly) is now in charge of Gold Flame. I wish him and the rest of my first SS team luck and hope they do well. =3

Sun Nov 25, 2007 4:28 pm
Team: Eminence Front
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Yay! I'll try & reshape the team & make it a bit more organized & it would be nice if I had help from other teams if any wont mind..

Sun Nov 25, 2007 4:50 pm
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