Star Sonata

So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.
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Author:  bencee [ Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

The characters ~ -Hades-, Miish_SM, Miish_DD, -Poseidon-, Anal Probe, Battle Shield, -Ares-, -Hephaestus-, Globug, -Zeus-, Miish, Bullet Proof, and Dominator All belong to Mow, AKA Mowmates.

Due to the direct result of the RE Sabotage towards TUC Mowmates is leaving team to become a pirate. He was lent a Night fury Anger aug from are team with intentions of either paying / replacing it. He has chosen to leave team with no intentions of paying us back, or returning the aug itself.

When asked to please un-aug and return it before leaving he replied "You can suck my c***, now kick me out of team before I leave and cost you more loyalty skill"

To everybody out there I am sorry that the sabotage upon us has lead to a new pirate to annoy players.

Kind Regards

Author:  sabre198 [ Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

how did he get away with having a character called anal probe?

Author:  ripcurl111 [ Fri Nov 08, 2013 4:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

Sam's sabotage has awaken the pirate in him!

Author:  Antilzah [ Fri Nov 08, 2013 6:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

bencee wrote:
"You can suck my c***, now kick me out of team before I leave and cost you more loyalty skill"

Admins have said it doesn't matter if you leave or get booted. Same loyalty loss.

Author:  Trismegistus [ Fri Nov 08, 2013 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

bencee wrote:
"You can suck my c***, now kick me out of team before I leave and cost you more loyalty skill"


Author:  lordjeroen [ Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

sabre198 wrote:
how did he get away with having a character called anal probe?

i can understand fap, nice big brown ass and shit, but anal probe? did he anal probe someone for that?

Author:  globug [ Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

One i don't recall saying "Suck my C***"

and "Anal Probe" is a character we have had for a while. Admins changed it we sent in a ticket with a valid argument and they have left as is.


Author:  Badgerlost [ Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

Mow mates was always cool with me, I like him he will put Liz Lemon to shame lol.

TUC tend to get a bit annoyed if you want to leave or arnt happy with something's on the team and they cover it up and do nothing to resolve issues, hince why I left.

Mow was the only person to take me on runs because TUC wouldn't take me as they said if I took my Tarkin Augged prawn I would make them fail.

It's TUC way or no way on that team :s

Author:  thecrazygamemaster [ Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

Badgerlost wrote:
Mow was the only person to take me on runs because TUC wouldn't take me as they said if I took my Tarkin Augged prawn I would make them fail.

It's TUC way or no way on that team :s

Which is funny because literally 2 days ago, RE took me on a Oly run in my jackshit useless T20 elec dread. Pretty sure a prawn, augged or not, is more useful :P.

Author:  bencee [ Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

We take all are "newbie" members on runs to get them t21 - t22 weather they have "good" ships or not. Matter o' fact I just took a noobie with one t21 skill in an ap ward healer on a run last night and gave him all the dusts. Then after the run I began to teach him how to build t21 modules for a HM and supplied him the commods free of charge.

When people want to leave we don't tell them no. We politely ask them to pay of there debts (If they have borrowed anything) and if they cant at that particular moment we don't tell them they cant leave. Just to pay w/e back in a timely fashion.

Mow refused to pay us back at all. He can lie all he wants. But we are the ones that got screwed out of a NFA Aug. He gained are trust and pretended to be are friend. Just to stab us in the backs in the end.

Thanks again Mow. People like you that remind me not to put trust in any none old school players.

Author:  Badgerlost [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

thecrazygamemaster wrote:
Badgerlost wrote:
Mow was the only person to take me on runs because TUC wouldn't take me as they said if I took my Tarkin Augged prawn I would make them fail.

It's TUC way or no way on that team :s

Which is funny because literally 2 days ago, RE took me on a Oly run in my jackshit useless T20 elec dread. Pretty sure a prawn, augged or not, is more useful :P.

That's RE not TUC

Author:  lordjeroen [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

Badgerlost wrote:
Mow was the only person to take me on runs because TUC wouldn't take me as they said if I took my Tarkin Augged prawn I would make them fail.

TUC cant think it seems, a prawn tarkin sniper can take the place as a zerk and a watt sniper as 1, drop a sup prot drone and you only need 1 HM monk to outheal zeus, for heph and anything else you dont even need a sup prot. note: for zeus you dont even need the aggro holder to tank it.

Author:  Badgerlost [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

lordjeroen wrote:
Badgerlost wrote:
Mow was the only person to take me on runs because TUC wouldn't take me as they said if I took my Tarkin Augged prawn I would make them fail.

TUC cant think it seems, a prawn tarkin sniper can take the place as a zerk and a watt sniper as 1, drop a sup prot drone and you only need 1 HM monk to outheal zeus, for heph and anything else you dont even need a sup prot. note: for zeus you dont even need the aggro holder to tank it.

They said they would fail if I went with them because I would steal Argo from the zerk and everyone will die, I've proven that I can tank Zeus. On TUC you have to aug your ship the way they want you too and if you don't they say it's a bad setup and it won't work hince why I wanted to proven them wrong.

Yeah reaver prawns pack a punch but they can't tank for shit.

Author:  Badgerlost [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

Too be honest if a zerk can't hold Argo then it's a shit zerk

Author:  lordjeroen [ Sat Nov 09, 2013 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So the public is aware that Mow is a thief.

note that there are maybe 5 zerks that can keep aggro from 100% ana tarkin prawn snipers, and 1-2 that can actualy do some DPS, but a tarkin gives enough resist to not care about it, just 80% of SS dont understand that.

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