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Post Red Faction Something Post

Red Faction was purchased a few years back by me, Lemon. I also acquired pantalones around the same time from brindlebull for the low price of an Eridium Furnace Blueprint. These relics of ancient past were consigned to rotting on f2p alts for time, but they became useful later in my career.

The current iteration of Red Faction has nothing to do with the old, our flag differs because of that. Team leveling system is OP.


The ascension began on Adamantiumized Souls, led by -13-. His methods of fearless attrition vs our enemies baptized Red Faction's future players in the blood of the infidels. Our fearless Borg leader assimilated a few teams with our aid. Victorious Secret, Imperium, Merchant Consortium, Immortal Silver, and other smaller teams fell to his conquests.


Eventually an Alliance was formed against AS, the United Defense Alliance. This consisted of The Dividing Contrast lead by bob, Merchant Consortium lead by crop octagon, and Victorious Secret lead by Stifler. Ultimately, this alliance proved futile and AS continued to destroy its enemies.

PvP against UDA:

------------------------------------------RF Emergence---------------------------------------

Born in strife and constantly bathed in strife, Red Faction rose after a splinter from Adamantiumized Souls due to internal conflict. The team was formed by Lemon and YAHWAY with a core of veteran players, such as blacktonal, TranquilityZ, Igneil, Yipperx5, maniac45x, HeartOfTheStar, goofy, -Owen'sDrones-, USSGalaxy, Covenant Spectre, Nizmo God, Lithium, The Unknown, Toxiky, Acedousstar1, and others.

After Red Faction formed, -13-'s holy conquest against unworthy galaxies in Wild Space continued over the first two universes of existence. Many more teams fell to our onslaughts.



There were moments of peace in RF's history. YAHWAY conducted a large scale BvB contest with only Argonaut kits, the Royal Base Battle! Much fun was had by all participants! We spent time developing alts, building relationships with other teams, and maintaining close ties with each other as we grew more powerful as a team and more confident in our abilities as players. This lead to PPS DGing and BNF runs, much murder of Olympus and hilarious amounts of abusing the power of FC swarms.

Royal BvB:
Peaceful Hoffman:
Fastest Ares Kill:
Traders/RF PPS:
Oly with FCs:

---------------------------------------Sekrit Strats--------------------------------------------

Red Faction then entered a secret Alliance with Traders to attempt the largest holy purge of Wild Space in Star Sonata history. The war against Eminence Front. This massive conflict lasted almost two full universes, and some of the largest BvB's ever conducted were on live done here. Large-scale PvBs of EF's teamspace resulted in huge losses to EF's membership count, galaxy count, and morale. Their last ditch effort to save their core galaxies the first universe was a 23 Ada Kit BvB attempt VS Traders' 30 Ada Kit Outpost in Galactic Infraction.

After 12 hours of defense by Traders and Red Faction, EF's kits were obliterated, leaving only stripped shells and many searches for a viable scapegoat as to why they failed. Many mentions of a bad client to server lag to blaming tweaks on bases were heard, but no reason was ever unanimously supported. This failure lead to an even more rapid decline of EF's member count, as they lost both councilors shortly after. Sk1rm1sh and -wex- both disappeared from Star Sonata entirely, leaving the team in a bit of a flux.

Galactic Infraction lead to Jey becoming even more inactive, as he had to stop playing in order to spend as much time as possible to spend his time optimizing the server for 50 vs 50 kit BvBs. He was a rare sight in the war, only appearing during one other BvB conducted by the Alliance.

Al Minliar Al Assad BvB:
Mandor PvB:
The 12 Year Old BvB:

Red Faction and Traders continued the war into the next uni, forcing EF to turtle into their core galaxies just to be able to build in Wild Space. There was a lull for a month or so before the Alliance resumed attacks, with a few more outposts and large scale BvBs against EF's core galaxies.


Eventually, the new leadership of EF cooperated with the RF/Traders alliance and paid the peace treaty terms, thus ending this conflict. Traders and RF severed their official alliance and went their separate ways.

----------------------------------------The Holy War-------------------------------------------

Seeing Immortal Silver weak and scattered, The Order and Adamantiumized Souls started the destruction of their teamspace. Lemon offered IS's strongest members protection if they formed a coup and left the inactive leaders behind to form a new team. These terms were ignored and IS rallied against this offer, spending 24 hours fortifying their HQ galaxy against the possible RF BvB.

IS's HQ, Tinik:

This abject failure to accept terms lead to a rift between Lemon and DurpySquid, leading Durpy to name his kits things such as "you do not have permission to post this content on youtube" and attempting to get Lemon's personal Youtube account banned for copyright infringement. As this did not succeed, Durpy and some of IS became inactive, leaving the members without leaders once more heading into the next universe.


------------------------------------the rustling of the spanch---------------------------------

This universe, with the war against EF concluded and only a few minor skirmishes with IS occurring, Red Faction decided to expand it's normal galaxy count. We laid many golden galaxies full of babby spanchs, ready to prosper and feed the newest members of the team with profits and joy. Resident Evil, however, decided this was not to be. With a stealth attack against RF space using the power of time zones, they managed to destroy the southern part of our space with only goofy to oppose them.

RE VS RF: ...

RF rallied against the onslaught and activated a new war. This was a new experience, we had never lost a galaxy before this and learned from Stifler's recording of the events that unfolded while the team slumbered. RE's attempt to outpost Holy Zombie was repelled with a small PvB force as we awoke, then reconstruction of our teamspace started. An executive decision came down from leadership, the golden spanch galaxies must be abandoned and our space strengthened against the onslaught.

Current status of the war appears to be paused, as RE has failed multiple BvB attempts against our HQ, Parthibb, due to server lag. Jey continues his diligent work for the game, hoping to allow RE to one day correctly combat us with their MC swarms. Thankfully, RF has obtained a few very nice empty Ada kit decorations to boost morale, and learned that like EF, RE is very susceptible to server lag in large scale BvBs. This seems to be good for Star Sonata, as it forces Jey to resume work on constantly optimizing the server to allow these wars to happen.

Kit Decorations:

As of now, RE's outpost in Shaara still stands, due to unforeseen potato'ing of leadership.


RE has been cleansed from our spanch.



May continue later as more events unfold.


Last edited by ELITE on Thu May 05, 2016 11:44 pm, edited 10 times in total.

Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:45 am
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post

Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:54 am
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Team: Suns of Hades
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
Joshua102 wrote:

shit died


Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:54 am
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
ELITE wrote:
Joshua102 wrote:

shit died

Those 6 ambros, even managed to spike up MS :lol:

Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:06 am
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
lol nice

Hi, I'm Anil, a long-time player turned developer. I am Star Sonata's lead content developer, which means that I run weekly dev meetings and make sure that any proposed changes to the game receive proper review before going live.

Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:41 am
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
Im loving these post, can we get some more! Id love a EF, Traders, Pants, TFC, LC type of thing to.

"I still miss the Crack Whores..." - Jeff_L

Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:37 pm
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
redalert150 wrote:
Im loving these post, can we get some more! Id love a EF, Traders, Pants, TFC, LC type of thing to.

We have a history post going in the team forum. I'll think about pulling it up and revising it for the format…

Hi, I'm Anil, a long-time player turned developer. I am Star Sonata's lead content developer, which means that I run weekly dev meetings and make sure that any proposed changes to the game receive proper review before going live.

Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:49 pm
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
You fighting UDA on your seer was only MC lemon not the UDA :p but I have to admit that battle vrs VS in UZ looked epic! Shame I wasnt there :(

Good times tho man

Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:37 am
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
Badgerlost wrote:
You fighting UDA on your seer was only MC lemon not the UDA :p but I have to admit that battle vrs VS in UZ looked epic! Shame I wasnt there :(

Good times tho man

you literally shit arrogance when you speak

Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:40 pm
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
laz45 wrote:
Badgerlost wrote:
You fighting UDA on your seer was only MC lemon not the UDA :p but I have to admit that battle vrs VS in UZ looked epic! Shame I wasnt there :(

Good times tho man

you literally shit arrogance when you speak

Do something about it then, il tell you where my gal is and you can see if I care or not what you have to say. I was correcting lemons post as it was infact MC only there.

Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:15 pm
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
Badgerlost wrote:
laz45 wrote:
Badgerlost wrote:
You fighting UDA on your seer was only MC lemon not the UDA :p but I have to admit that battle vrs VS in UZ looked epic! Shame I wasnt there :(

Good times tho man

you literally shit arrogance when you speak

Do something about it then, il tell you where my gal is and you can see if I care or not what you have to say. I was correcting lemons post as it was infact MC only there.


Thu Feb 25, 2016 3:31 am
Team: Star Revolution X
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
No need gorgeous, I left a little message in your HQ with love <3

Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:59 am
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
Can we keep the epeen waving to RF members only in my thread? Thanks.


Fri Feb 26, 2016 1:17 am
Team: Star Revolution X
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
ELITE wrote:
Can we keep the epeen waving to RF members only in my thread? Thanks.

Il wave my epeen in yo face!

Fri Feb 26, 2016 2:14 pm
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Post Re: Red Faction Something Post
woo i got mentioned, although i never actually agreed to join that lol named alliance tdc was pretty much dead at that point with a couple of peeps left until u got an account onteam and ended up making a fair few people get ada gear tossed/nicked by u, idk which and a rather large amount of hydros

although i clearly remember the very fail bvb stiffy tried with dem kits with no assaults and junkyard healers which was hilarious

Mon Feb 29, 2016 1:53 am
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