Re: Way of Klestiko (Endgame Seer)
lordjeroen wrote:
still see kles as an awesome seer, im sure even with this oldskool setup he would rape most things (some t21s), maybe even semi good t21 seers
Klestiko is a very good seer, but the fact Oly Ships exist puts a huge dent into his ability to compete, unless he himself uses Oly ships too.
For example, most T21 Monks can tank a burst from a DPS seer or not be frazzled period by a DPH seer. Engineers ruin the seer's day with Heph Drones that see you from 1500 away and even more tank.
The change to Electron-items makes them unspammable, so you can't hide a zerk from the monk. That and the monk (if he's a good one) is going to have a FT Merc Pharos or better, plus the zerk is going to have a Lighthouse or better, making the Electron's point moot.