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Post Station Management 21 Galaxy
Create an instance where players can get station management 21. In this instance, building bases is allowed and there is an AI base that sells super awesome kits that come with built in blueprints that can build base gear that's about 10x as strong as normal base gear. These kits and everything built from them are marked to decay on warp, so they can't be taken out.

In order to build the really good base stuff, players must mine asteroids in a far away asteroid field where enemy ships will spawn.

Over time a series of increasingly difficult waves of extremely powerful enemies spawn in the distance and come to attack the bases. Every 10 waves, a boss comes who drops a commod needed for station management 21.

Basically tower defense in an instance to get SM21.

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Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:43 am
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
Seems awesome, but what will SM 21 be used for?

Hi, I'm Anil, a long-time player turned developer. I am Star Sonata's lead content developer, which means that I run weekly dev meetings and make sure that any proposed changes to the game receive proper review before going live.

Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:47 am
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
Unless the AI are massively overpowered compared to AI's encountered normally (Termites, Emissary), then what's stopping me from deploying Demented Kits from a Sphere to get the commods for my teammates without the need to mine the belt? A normal Sm20 account can support 6 to 8 T20 kits.

I think they may be going to use it as an excuse to introduce shitty t21 base weapons.

But the question I have, is how much would "high end" T21 base gear cost, because that's going to be the real reason whether teams get sm21 or not get it. If Dem Kits can suffice, why need more than one or two accounts with sm21?

Also, how strong ARE T22 ships going to be, if T21 bases are supposedly going to fend off Prawns and HM's?

Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:53 am
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
church cos if server goes down whie ur in there all ur kits will go bye bye if its an instance, and those are the rules stated above.

Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:08 pm
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
Sounds nice, but you didn't mention augmenters? Hopefully they'll also be built with mine-able commods.

Bosses also seem like a problem. On one hand it'd be boring to have a boss without guards, but it's also a problem if the boss dies first and nobody can scoop it due to the AI.

Would it be possible to make this a mission reward based on kills and then scale the spawn strength based on how many players/bases are in the instance? We also need the option to instantly spawn waves.

Space for rent!

Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:16 pm
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
With how unstable the server can be I don't like the idea of having potentially hours of work be wiped out in an instant. Most especially if its squad oriented. There's enough issues atm with other squad content that you were required to implement solo ways of obtaining the same ends (olympus shards)

I hope you won't use this as an excuse to bump olympus bps to T21 either.

Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:33 pm
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
actually this is a really epic idea id love to play this right now..sheet take my money. Server issues aside with the potential of a long instance (although at this stage we are only assuming that cos of our preconceptions about base building) this could be so much fun as I love wave based stuff (e.g tartarus)

Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:50 pm
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
The server's stability history isn't particularly hard to understand. It gets more unstable as the universe drags on, starting to spike a little after three months have passed per universe. Therefore, it is really unlikely for a 4 hour fight to end up with a server crash early in the universe, like a couple weeks after the actual reset date.

Furthermore, to an end game team, even 20 dem kits is cheap as fuck. Just throw some expendable T16 augs onto the kits, use normal damp+'s, a few bits of anni gear, and then someone in a Sphere. If you really want to go cheap, use dem T18's and mass spam achilles gear.

The point is that the admins are expecting or seem to expect you to have to fight AI's without the help of your bases while you mine the commods to build the instance base gear to fight off the larger waves. "Really far away" sounds like "beyond base target range" to me, and it probably will be.

So my question was could I simply skip all that by deploying pre-built kits and gear? Because I don't knw about you, but if the AI's in that belt are strong enough where you need constant HPS from your base or several HM's, I don't think it will be very fun for smaller groups of people. Essentially it's sounding more and more like another grind T21 skill zone. I don't care if it's pretty difficult, but stupid and long is not how I want to fight ubers or game mechanics.

Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:29 pm
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
Simple, make it so you can't deploy kits in the gal, but put in plenty of abandoned husks that can be commandeered by the squad. If you want to get really technical, make a new type of item that can only be equipped on these kits and don't allow standard base gear to be equipped. There would be no point in bringing your own gear.

Hi, I'm Anil, a long-time player turned developer. I am Star Sonata's lead content developer, which means that I run weekly dev meetings and make sure that any proposed changes to the game receive proper review before going live.

Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:41 pm
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
Still, and it really needs Jeff_L to answer, but Bobbo or Caly if they would work on it would do. What does "a far away asteroid field where enemy ships will spawn" mean distance wise? Is it within the base target range, or do we have to fight with multiple Red Nightfury-esque AI's to get the material for basic gear down?

Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:47 pm
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
It sounds exciting. :)

However i am not so keen on the boring mining stuff. Long range metal lugging could be a real drag :(

Still I have my DF miner all ready to go. :)

Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:20 pm
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
Sounds very interesting, I love seeing t21 bases being discussed, but i'd like to see more details.

Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:01 pm
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
We're talking waves of enemies with 100x - 1000x the health of normal enemies and maybe 100x normal damage. You *could* bring your regular stuff in, but the things you can build in there will be a lot more powerful.

For support, please create a support ticket here and I will get back to you as soon as possible. About Star Sonata.

Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:04 am
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
why require mining, if you are already adding a new resource gathering system called prospecting? might as well apply it in this SM21 galaxy too :)

Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:05 am
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Post Re: Station Management 21 Galaxy
JeffL wrote:
We're talking waves of enemies with 100x - 1000x the health of normal enemies and maybe 100x normal damage. You *could* bring your regular stuff in, but the things you can build in there will be a lot more powerful.

Good to know. Next time, please say stuff like this in the first post. Be less like me.

Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:05 am
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