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Main: Mew Meeow Level: 5238
Joined: Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:55 pm Posts: 465
 Re: New AI Attack Patterns
I love this idea
Tomzta09 wrote: don't Churchill and DB seem like the perfect couple?
Both extremely boring Both make pointless walls of text / paragraphs Both never stfu Both need serious mental help Both know far too much about SS
Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:52 pm |
Main: flo02 Level: 2632
Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:13 pm Posts: 1551 Location: The Flohobian Empire
 Re: New AI Attack Patterns
yeah finally ai become less boring than their autopilot like behavior
monster543210 wrote: flo i saw you go from lvl were so nice back then
Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:12 am |
Main: Spatzz Level: 3104
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:40 am Posts: 3122
 Re: New AI Attack Patterns
The issue with this idea is it, once again, makes current content harder. That is a bad idea regardless if there is good justification. When SSS were added onto AI ships look how hard it became for even experienced players to level alts much less brand new players coming into the game. If you implement something like this you have to see it from all sides. This is similar to the increased demand for skill points, it did not really do anything but make stuff harder and nothing was rebalanced around the new difficulty.
JeffL wrote: Come have sex with me in space, my lord
Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:21 pm |
Corazon Sierra
Team:  Rank: Peon Main: Corazon Sierra Level: 85 Joined: Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:45 am Posts: 1
 Re: New AI Attack Patterns
I like the idea of smarter ai but the game lacks any real means for the player to respond to complicated situations. forinstance if an ai prefers to snipe but the player lacks any ability to close distance either with slave fighter or thier own weapon ranges then the ai would be bad for play.
However lets say if the ai chooses to use a particular attack pattern there should be drawbacks to using it. if an ai switches to a sniping mode it gets a speed debuff because the ai is attempting to aim better. the ai should also have a random miss counter implemented based on max range.
other ai patterns will have thier own debuffs and buff according to the style of play.
if an ai attacks in a group one of the ai should sacrifice itself as a shield... it gets a buff to shield regen and bank but uses its weapons less... the wing men would then gain bonuses to range or damage but a debuff to shield bank or regen.
these are just examples but i think more advanced ai would be great if it can be implemented for both mobs and slaves with accompanying buffs and debuffs
id like to see ai fitted with shield trans attempting to repair each other lol but the healer and the repairer should get a vulnerability debuff placed on them kinda like in WoW when a priest heals another player often times a debuff making the healed player more "squishy" for a couple seconds prevents whole groups of healers from heal tanking 1 guy breaking game balance.
please dont hate me for the wow reference xD im just saying it's a good example of a way to prevent the ai from becoming too powerful for new and even old players.
Sat May 11, 2013 7:08 pm |
Team:  Rank: Officer Main: Maxathron Level: 4129 Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:16 am Posts: 5804
 Re: New AI Attack Patterns
Quote: but the player lacks any ability to close distance Now you know how Berserker class feels when someone tries to do stuff solo. *Doing a dg with some friends* "Hold on, I got to do a 'quick' run with my team" *Pretender Zeus one hits the zerk* Team: "Fucking imbecile! Learn from the sniper, moron" Zerk: "Tell the sniper to get a run specific ship before you say anything to me!" Sniper: "I thought we all only needed one ship and setup for dging and ubers!?" *Sniper starts crying*
Sat May 11, 2013 7:23 pm |
Team:  Rank: Main: Bluejayek Level: 3919 Joined: Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:16 pm Posts: 1356
 Re: New AI Attack Patterns
I agree with others that this could potentially be irritating, however I would very much like to see new types of AI behaviour to make fighting them more interesting.
A compromise could be to leave current DG and roaming AI as they are, but as new zones or AIs are added into the game, they could have AIs with new sorts of behaviour in them.
Perhaps a new type of DG could be added, distinguished by a different color warp, that has slightly better drops, where the enemies are the same as normal (MF reavers, MF picks etc.), but rather then having the braindead current AI programming, they would exhibit these interesting (and potentially more difficult) behaviour. This way those people who don't want to deal with the new behaviours don't have to, and those who want to, can.
Above all, I think that adding the new 'smart' behaviours to existing aggressive roaming AI's shouldn't be done. It would be too irritating to have a a tractor/range auged icepick circling you forever while keeping you still with his tractor where you can't reach it while you are just trying to travel... Or any other crazy situations that could occur (And yes, I realize a grav disrupter would fix this particular situation).
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Fri May 31, 2013 2:18 pm |
Team:  Rank: Officer Main: Maxathron Level: 4129 Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:16 am Posts: 5804
 Re: New AI Attack Patterns
"Smart" Behaviors are/will be extremely annoying, no matter how you look at it. An AI that tractors you just right, use afterburners to kite you, or dock/run when you crack the regen enough will be beyond irritating.
"Script" Behaviors I think is what Jeff_L is trying to implement, but mistook them for "Smart" Behaviors. He doesn't play the game enough (low level to high level) to understand what such "Smart" AI would make him do. And that is to toss his computer out the window.
I envision adding Super Items to most AI's to give variation to combating them. It has to be Super Items because a random timer clock is needed code wise. Basically, there is a clock. As the clock ticks, the ticking hand will fall on certain Super Item tags to activate the SI. Every X seconds, the clock gets that tick. The tick may or may not be on the same super each time.
The key is to provide a wide variety of such super items for each AI. AI families like Forgones (Single Fire, MF2, MF3, etc) can have the same supers, but effects a bit stronger for the upper level versions.
The super item would also have to shut off whatever weapons the AI uses. A super that causes a Forgone to bank away from the player and fire rockets in the player's direction cannot fire Xeno Torpedo and Titan Pulse and whatever laser they use at the same time as the super. People against this point: Super + Normal Weapons might as well be a raw damage increase. Do you really want MF3 Forgones (minus the fact DG's can have 8 at once) to go back to one volleying through Rhino Engineer and 6 Prommy AID's?
Alternatively, the "normal" weapons could BE super items. Thus the lame "I' going to hold space bar and shoot this player all day!" will be changed to "Should I use the nanite rockets, proton cannon, or electron bolter?"
Fri May 31, 2013 4:02 pm |
Team:  Rank: Director Main: Llessur Level: 5909 Joined: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:26 pm Posts: 902 Location: Feilding, New Zealand
 Re: New AI Attack Patterns
JeffL wrote: New AI "attack patterns" to make different AI attack differently, and potentially the same AI have different methods of attack based on the circumstances.
For example, an AI with a 360 weapon could circle hit target rather than strafe it, or just always try to stay out of range, or just always swarm if in range, and approach if out of range.
An AI with a physical pulse gun with knockback could basically just fire without accelerating if within range to try to kite, and approach slowly if out of range. An AI could have the "escort" pattern, where he just tries to fly in formation with his parent (maybe good for some kinds of fighters?).
These different attack patterns should be separated out into their own methods, and the AI should get some logic on how to select one and how to switch. For example, if an AI is out of energy, he might want to switch to the circle pattern even without a 360 gun until he gets some energy back. No use in strafing if there isn't enough energy to power full RoF. Are you going to upgrade their level to compensate for their increased difficulty?
Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:01 pm |
The Salty One
Main: Ununoctium Level: 5960
Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:27 pm Posts: 1773
 Re: New AI Attack Patterns
I love it, but be sure to balance AI with their new attack patterns and allow slaves/fighters to use this.
I'm seeing two potential solutions to the increase in power:
1): Simply give AI a straight up stat nerf based on their new attack pattern/s
2): Have AI spawn with different patterns and stat nerfs. So we could have tankier strafe GBs mixed in with some weaker circling GBs.
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Sat Jun 08, 2013 7:30 am |
Main: flo02 Level: 2632
Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:13 pm Posts: 1551 Location: The Flohobian Empire
 Re: New AI Attack Patterns
blablabla wrote: heck yea for a ranged augged wattage thats circling you at 1.5k range with a speed that slaves cant follow and only laser weps with a high enought range can hit see jwatt doing the circling thing? gonna be 100x easier then!
monster543210 wrote: flo i saw you go from lvl were so nice back then
Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:08 am |