Star Sonata

Class Skills
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Author:  shawn_mccall [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Class Skills

Mmkay, low-mid game sucks and a good portion of the problem lies in that class skills and Augmenter Tweaking are quantifiably the most important skills in the game outside of core skills. To remedy this without fucking with the SP system, and possibly even fucking thing up worse since reverting to older more effective system is apparently not up for debate, I would like to suggest making it so that at lower levels class skills, subskills, and AT offer more at lower levels, then phase into giving less at higher levels.

Class Skills
It would essentially work like this.
  • At around the time you choose your class your first three levels of the Focus, Class, and Subskills would give roughly 15% of the total bonus from maxing those skills per level. instead of the roughly 5% per level it is now.
  • The next two levels would give about 7.5% each as opposed to the ~5% it is now.
  • The last 15 levels would then award roughly(Slightly less than) 3% of the total instead of 5%.
  • That means by having 5 in your focus, class, and sub skills you would effectively have 60% of your total class bonus. Making the player able to outfit and use a ship how they would at the high end, just much much weaker.

The reasoning behind this is that at those levels most everyone goes FC to grind into the higher levels. However, if you gave all classes a increased amount of class benefit at lower levels, you would make it immediately feasible to play and use any class at low levels just as it is meant to operate at high levels. So instead of being forced into an FC grind this would allow for all low levels to pick their class and stick with it from the beginning.

Augmenter Tweaking
I would suggest the same thing for AT since it is just as essential at low levels, but almost impossible to get for legitimate low levels due to price for low level condensers.

So, if they are going to be forced into dumping that much cash at low levels(AT with minor conds = 1-2b, AT with Basic 750-1b, AT with Exc Conds = free-100m) then reward them more for the more difficult levels of AT to get. Granted the initial bonus could not be as large as that I have suggested for class skills, but a low level player *cannot* be expected to drop more money than most of them have ever seen on 4% more augmenter effectivity.

Author:  shawn_mccall [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Class Skills & AT

TL;DR: Make classes playable at low levels the way they are meant to be played at high levels, by tweaking the way that Class Skills and AT distribute their benefits.

Author:  redalert150 [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Class Skills

SS needs this!!!


Author:  shawn_mccall [ Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Class Skills

redalert150 wrote:

Yeah I remembered you had posted something like this, but I was too lazy to go find it. :mrgreen:

I am also a fan of people picking classes from character creation. So yeah, these two suggestion together = golden.

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