Star Sonata

Change proposals to RadX and Capturing
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Author:  reyjalrm [ Fri Apr 14, 2017 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Change proposals to RadX and Capturing

I think it is a bad idea to change the radx skill. It's an amazing skill. Much like gunners get a mining buff and snipers a phys buff, fcs should remain as they are in this aspect.

I have actually used slaves without rad damage and I strong disagree when people say fc is limited to rad because of how much better it is over other weapon types

Besides, FCs are already a very, very powerful class both in PvE and PvP in almost all circumpstances. All I read in the proposed changed is "let's make it stronger"

Author:  Moonlightneo [ Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Change proposals to RadX and Capturing

That's not at all what i think, but if you want to spout nonsense and attempt to put words in my mouth, go ahead.

FC's rad bonus compared to gunner or snipers respective bonus are not even comparable, also their rad bonus is just an excuse of a way to make them capturing-specialized without adding any real depth, as such, most Rad weapons are pretty shit statwise without the Rad bonus that FC gets. Arguing that point is moot.

To elaborate, according to the wiki at least;
Gunner gets +20% Mining damage with Big Guns 20
Sniper get +10% Physical damage with Sniper 20
FC's get +100% Radiation damage with RadX 20

Gunner and Sniper are specialized towards Mining and Phys, but are in no way obligated to use and abuse it, FC on the other hand has so much bonus to Rad, that it's almost silly to think about NOT using it. And Radiation weapons are pretty much Balanced around FC's as a result- This should not be the case, and is extremely silly, as is the basis of using Rad to cap wilds.

So no FC is not limited to Rad, but not using it when able is being straight up full retard in it's current state. I'm proposing that be dialed down and the weapons be buffed to similar levels FOR ALL CLASSES, with FC maybe retaining a 10-20% special rad buff at most if it really needs to keep it, that in no way is asking for FC's to be 'made stronger' as you claim, it's asking for a bit more Equality and less pigeonholing an entire damage type into a specific class.

Author:  MasterTrader [ Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Change proposals to RadX and Capturing

Two points:

1. Radiation Expert gives +200% Radiation Damage.
2. Radiation Weapons have always had low DPS, even before Fleet Commander existed. They were always meant to be, and have been, low damage weapons compared to other damage types with similar attributes. That's how they're balanced in the balance sheets. I can't speak to the existence of weapons like the Emperor's Ray though...

Author:  Moonlightneo [ Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Change proposals to RadX and Capturing

Point 1 kind of just reinforces the point further, though.

As for point 2; why? It'd be more logical to make it actually have impacting damage more aligned with other types, and dial FC down to just getting a smaller specialised bonus.
Just because they are and always have been low damage doesn't mean it really makes sense.

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