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Post llivetest run
livetest ( port 3030) is currently running with the intesting code.

This will go live on December 06. You do not need the beta client this time, since we patched the client recently.

* (already live with client patch) Changed the radar blip to be uniformly transparent.
* (already live with client patch) Removed the 'experiemental' and 'alpha' notices from Orthographic camera, HDR and SSAO checkboxes.
* (already live with client patch) 'Buttonified' the undock button.
* (already live with client patch) Mission Summaries now appear at the top of the mission dialog.
* (already live with client patch) Tooltips for Hull Items will display the model of the ship they are for.
* (already live with client patch) Fixed the typo in the faction selection screen.
* Beacons in unexplored galaxies will now appear as 'inaccessable beacons' in the transwarp destination list.

* Added a new game parameter that lets us control the galaxy limit for attached and non-attached bases separately. This will be used to give an attached base limit of something big, like 50 or 99, essentially unlimited (unlimited galaxy base slots suggestion).
* Added a text notification for how many base slots a character has used when he deploys an attached base similar to the one that currently displays when you deploy a floating base
* Instances can now be locked to a set number of players.
* Added support for untanglers (graviton disruptors) to optionally also disrupt tweaks (including auras etc), gremlins and critical hit effects (you'll still do the extra damage).
* Added the ability for holoprojectors to be used from super items

* Drones will no longer automatically shoot at other drones.
* Increased the placement distance that you have to be from the edge of a planet when deploying an attached base from 50 to 100
* Drones deployed via super item no longer count against personal drone limits.
* Made missions take into account required items to complete it when calculating if you have enough space to finish it.
* Made missions able to have multiple galaxy reveals on the map
* Missions now tell you how many credits you are short when you try to complete a mission that requires credits
* Autoscooping (holding down C) will no longer scoop drones if debris has been scooped first.

* Fixed the bug where it's always saying you get 0 XP for exploring.
* Fixed the bug where missions say they give 0 XP incorrectly
* Nodes can no longer spawn on objects players can't prospect.
* Single Body Prospecting Scanners no longer show empty nodes.
* Fixed Fleet Transwarps (they didn't warp squadmates properly)
* Fix for beacons being removed from destination lists on server restart.
* Fixed a missing space in the stat string for user bases
* Selling a modded item to an AI base and undoing the sale will no longer result in extra mods being added to the item.
* Transwarps will no longer allow warping to no-PvP galaxies while under the effects of the PvP warp timer.
* Transwarps will no longer warp slaves if the destination galaxy is a no-slave galaxy.

* Added some new tractors to DGs

* Removed the team from the Lyceum warp beacon.
* Temp Beacons are no longer scoopable.
* Beefed hullspace on Academy Freighter and Academy Thatch.
* Increased lifespan on Mythic Defended from 5m to 15m.
* T22 ship Revamp (see below)

* Fixed the blue photon transwarper missions not taking the credits they should
* Fixed the mission 'Urzod' to kill Urzod (the giant volcom) not telling you where Honey Moon is.
* Fixed incorrect manhours on the Adonis Protector Z blueprint
* "Package Pickup" mission in the Nexus no longer automatically reopens.
* Fixed Tractoring skill in Capella
* Lockout and kick issues with Tidepool are fixed.
* Changed the lockouts on the Tidepool daily to avoid any conflicts with Olympus lockouts.
* Added missing Nuke Crate mission to Shadow.

T22 Ship Revamp
* (T22 Ship Revamp) Isvas'ayu has a new inbuilt, Aveksaka Submerger.
* (T22 Ship Revamp) Isvas'ayu inbuilt, Panic Button, warp range increased from 2000 to 3000.
* (T22 Ship Revamp) Isvas'ayu inbuilt, Panic Button, now sets the player to 0 velocity after warp.
* (T22 Ship Revamp) Subhatt'ayu has a new inbuilt, Subhatta Charge.
* (T22 Ship Revamp) Bhisajayu has a new inbuilt, Healing Burst Device.
* (T22 Ship Revamp) Bhisajayu inbuilt, Shield Overcharger, no longer gives shield max bonus.
* (T22 Ship Revamp) Samgrahak'ayu has a new inbuilt, Recharing Burst Device.
* (T22 Ship Revamp) Samgrahak'ayu inbuilt, Energy Overcharger, no longer gives energy max bonus.
* (T22 Ship Revamp) Antuayu has a new inbuilt, Alien Siege Mode.
* (T22 Ship Revamp) Vaziayu has a new inbuilt, Nest Drone Device.

Class Rebalance (none of this is live yet):
= New passive Seer Ability, "Phase Shift"
= New Charge Overloaders.
= New Aura Tweaks.
= Fighterbays now 'charge up'.
= Berserker Class skill gives +3% rate of fire per level.
= Berserker skill gives +100% MF on level 1 and no incremental bonus.
= Gunner skill gives +100% MF on level 1 and no incremental bonus.
= Speedy Firing skill no longer is scaled by speed.
= Increased number of aura buffs possible.
= New Damage-to-Shield Transference buff.
= Fighter Recall Device
= Scoopable, non-permanent drones now go into a destroyed state when they reach 0 shields.
= Scoopable, non-permanent drones now go into an expired state when they reach their time limit.
= Destroyed drones can be repaired using credits.
= New item, Sniper Analyzer, which enables Sniper Analysis when equipped.
= Sniper Analysis damage and critical hit percentage bonuses halved.
= Sniper Analysis rate-of-fire bonus removed.
= Time to charge Sniper Analysis halved from 10m to 5m.
= Sniper Analysis now only charges when laser beams or projectiles hit an enemy under analysis.
= Sniper Analysis only breaks when you travel above 40 speed or actively target and fire on another enemy.

New Universe stuff:
+ Added towing to Janitor's Outpost in The Nexus
+ Trials of adum
+ Added Zebucart varients (CS, HF and FR) to the Basic (normal Zebus) spawners in Earthforce and Celestial Gardens

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Fri Nov 29, 2013 7:12 am
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Post Re: llivetest run
Hang about. If you're removing the ROF bonus and halving critical hits/damage that's quite a bit more than 'halved' dps on sniper analysis.

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Fri Nov 29, 2013 8:53 am
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Post Re: llivetest run
The Salty One wrote:
Hang about. If you're removing the ROF bonus and halving critical hits/damage that's quite a bit more than 'halved' dps on sniper analysis.


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Fri Nov 29, 2013 8:55 am
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Post Re: llivetest run
keep in mind, the class rebalance stuff is not live, nor is it enabled on livetest, they are simply here so that they can be seen somewhere.

Right now, chance are they arent properly balanced, since the finetuning will only happen after all the class rebalance changes have been made.

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Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:07 am
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Post Re: llivetest run

Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:17 am
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Post Re: llivetest run
if you go above 40 speed does the anlysis pause or go back to 0?

Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:18 am
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Post Re: llivetest run
But my zerker is allready at RoF cap so whats the point of the RoF? unless I have to demo some of my augs to put this right?

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Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:57 am
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Post Re: llivetest run
sabre198 wrote:
if you go above 40 speed does the anlysis pause or go back to 0?

It pauses, we (well, ycelpticon/Calypso) caught that a couple days ago.

But as Jey said, it's not live any time soon it's just there to inform of progress. :)

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Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:54 am
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Post Re: llivetest run
*Borg* wrote:
But my zerker is allready at RoF cap so whats the point of the RoF? unless I have to demo some of my augs to put this right?

Well, they could always replace the ROF with damage and elec temp.

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Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:07 pm
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Post Re: llivetest run
agreed in the original discussion on this

= Berserker Class skill gives +3% rate of fire per level.

was damage not rof

Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:13 pm
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Post Re: llivetest run
sabre198 wrote:
agreed in the original discussion on this

= Berserker Class skill gives +3% rate of fire per level.

was damage not rof

I'm fairly certain we've stated that stats aren't final, and more certain, having just read it quickly, that no 'real' stats were even agreed on or proposed in the discussion (except the MF3 thing).

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Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:25 pm
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Post Re: llivetest run
In that case I suggest in your next discussion on it bring up the possibility of replacing ROF with damage and report back to the community.

Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:30 pm
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Post Re: llivetest run
sabre198 wrote:
In that case I suggest in your next discussion on it bring up the possibility of replacing ROF with damage and report back to the community.

We'd have to make it so that Berserker's weapons take more firing energy (+electrical tempering) to keep it at the same overall DPE I believe. I don't think people would approve of that, it'd impact negatively on the electrical tempering in their regen setups.

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Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:34 pm
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Post Re: llivetest run
Thing is, most zerker-focus augs give ROF. If you give the class inbuilt ROF, it will reach ROF cap -very- quickly. I'd rather you just keep the class at MF5 then mess it up with the rebalance as it's currently stated.

Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:12 pm
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Post Re: llivetest run
SodaPop wrote:
Thing is, most zerker-focus augs give ROF. If you give the class inbuilt ROF, it will reach ROF cap -very- quickly. I'd rather you just keep the class at MF5 then mess it up with the rebalance as it's currently stated.

I highly doubt this as the more you add the less you actually add (due to how the math works).

However if it really is an issue, we can tweak things, these things aren't final at all. XD

"What you mean you killed him cha cha cha?!"


Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:30 pm
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