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Post Interesting point of view on the Ukraine crisis
Not saying that i'd agree wholeheartedly but its definitely interesting to read about the whole situation from a source which isn't obviously biased (, most mainstream western media), have fun reading:


Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:12 am
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Post Re: Interesting point of view on the Ukraine crisis
Dom wrote:
Not saying that i'd agree wholeheartedly but its definitely interesting to read about the whole situation from a source which isn't obviously biased (, most mainstream western media), have fun reading:

Well, Stephen Cohen failed to predict or even see ahead of time the fall of the Berlin Wall and dissolution of the Soviet Union, which was easily the single most defining point in the area of expertise he claims to know a lot about. So take his "expertise" for what its worth...

Second, regarding the NY Times rewriting Kiev press releases, In my opinion this has less to do with an agenda than with most journalists being very lazy. If you dont believe me look how many other "official" press releases from other govs that the NY Times basically regurgitates. I work with journalists sometimes and besides their incompetence, I have found many of them tend to be very very, very lazy. They want to fill a 24 hours news cycle and if they can just copy and paste an official government press release and call it news, they will. They also want to make a name for themselves. So the more sensational the press release is, the more likely they are to copy it and call it news if they think it will get them attention.

This isnt just a problem with a particular issue of the day though, its a problem in general. Its why once you get enough "official" organizations saying something, the media just picks it up as truth, repeats it, and runs with it regardless of its merits. Otherwise they'd have to do real journalism which is more akin to investigative/research work and which most journalists today can not do since they are liberal arts major who lack such cognitive abilities. They can copy and paste with the best of them though...

Thu May 21, 2015 1:53 pm
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Post Re: Interesting point of view on the Ukraine crisis
If they don't have an agenda then why do they only copy and paste the ukrainian government press releases and not the russian ones? This selection is already with an agenda in mind. As for not accepting mister Cohens specialism, he is a freaking russian studies expert just because he didn't see one thing coming doesn't make it okay to just disqualify his education and knowledge, which he obviously has considering he is a prof. At Princeton and New York University...


Thu May 21, 2015 2:16 pm
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Post Re: Interesting point of view on the Ukraine crisis
Dom wrote:
If they don't have an agenda then why do they only copy and paste the ukrainian government press releases and not the russian ones? This selection is already with an agenda in mind. As for not accepting mister Cohens specialism, he is a freaking russian studies expert just because he didn't see one thing coming doesn't make it okay to just disqualify his education and knowledge, which he obviously has considering he is a prof. At Princeton and New York University...

Meh, throw a dart at Google news and you can find another news organization copying and pasting from the other side.

You obviously have much more respect for college profs than me. Having been subject to them for years a student, besides the fact that everyone of them at any decent school is a self-proclaimed expert in something, there is a reason most probably couldnt get a job outside academia doing anything practical. All the expertism (TM) in the world is useless if it can't help you actually figure out stuff in the real world, which for Mr. Cohen it apparently couldn't. Otherwise all that knowledge is just for pure entertainment. But that's just my jaded cynical opinion on things.

Thu May 21, 2015 3:20 pm
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Post Re: Interesting point of view on the Ukraine crisis
So you agree then that there is propaganda on both sides. Problem in The USA is that people actually wholeheartedly believe there is not and if you even think about mentioning it, you'll be portrayed as a lunatic or even worse a socialist :roll: , thus becoming a social outcast. That is the point mister Cohen is making atleast in the Cold War there were considerable voices against the conflict, now if you speak out against more intervention American society will shun you. Which is worriesome to say the least.

And for your second point I completely disagree society thrives om research. Besides private universities in the US are run as companies and there your point about his work not being practical is moot.


Fri May 22, 2015 5:27 am
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