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Post Mobile Phones, Wi-Fi, Blue-Tooth, Pay-TV; The Dangers!
I seem to remember making this point some time ago in another post, that is now apparently Locked! For some reason, it would appear to me, that my particular reply was forfit; "Oh Well.. Hmm..." I feel I must make this point, for all those that deserve to comprehend it, and for all those that would otherwize be bemused!

Radio-Wave Infarkshon apon the Body, Nervous System and Brain

"Biological Capacitance Dissorder (B.C.D.)":-
"Nervous Tension" resulted from too much radio wave impact apon the body's flesh, organs and connective tissues. The E.M.F. charges up the body's mollecular structures, to the point of capacitance, and more excitation than the nerve's themselves are capable of transmitting. The Nervous Impulse is placated, scrambled and potentially disrupted completely. (Fit's!)

Strange Thoughts, Backwards thoughts, reverse trains of thought; resultant from the brain being charged from the outside in, resulting in backwards activity of the neural structure, the opposit direction to what the nurons function, the tree of neural connectivity is so over-charged that the neurons fire randomly after too many minutes/hours of over-exposure to E.M.F. A potential Cluster Cascade of neural activity that makes no sense to the "Mind".

Hyperactivity: If this level of exposure is endured, the brain can actually form new backwards cluster formations, resultant in symptoms akin to parkinsons, or more appropriately defined as juxtaposed dimensia; a hyperactive moment of nonsensicle emotion (activity/thought) that leaves the mind bewildered, or perhaps interfearing with core-function! (ie. hart palpatations to the point of dissorder!)...

Abhorrant Addiction - Nonsensicle Abnormality Complex: If you become "used to" such abomnable devices as your wide-band multi-frequency wi-fi, or usb mobile-modem etc, you tend to recieve a sense of hyperactivity, or engaged mental excitation; ofwhich can leave you feeling a bit down or lethargic or amiss from this sense if un-initiated mental activity; so even though its a confusing state of mind to have the brain charged up like a capacitor, it didnt take any effort; so although you feel drawn to the provisional activity, you risk neural decay, as the neurons are only evolved to function for short periods of time (milliseconds) as a manner of your minds initiation, so when the cells are over-charged over time, they begin to bio-degrade as the excessive electron energy over excites the atomic structure; ie. delapitating cell walls, neur-transmitter tissue etc etc.

Mental Complexity Syndrome: Enough time away from the exo-excitation of these devices has you returning to a singular, normal and natural state of mind, quite the relief if you've been using such devices for extended periods of time; redily noticable by the older generation that grew up without such total saturation of the atmosphere with EMF. If you continue to use, then not use, and so on over longer periods of time, these Radio-Wave Infarkshon's begin to seriously effect the natural ballance of your brains furthur development, your mind's stability, and most dangerously, your brains ability to heal or repair neural pathways (as a measure of natural memory for example!); what this means is thay you can become rather (to use a rather old colloquiallism) "Cluster Fucked", and in more ways than one (as explained above).

Summation: We need our societies to go back to Minimal Analogue Radio-Wave Emissions (TV/Radio/CB Only!!), because its as obvious as the forrest for the trees; that all this digital wide-band high-frequency saturation of Earth's atmosphere is the early cause for Fits, Dimensia, Parkinsons etc in early American society (All those states - Focal points for radio wave interfearance patterns that resonate differently inside the diversly shaped crainiums of its citizens!), and obviously now the direct cause for the 2000+ generations of hyperactive children (!), and more concerningly, the absolute cause for all the general Manic Hysteria all over the world, and thus the Riotus Descent of various societies (groups of peoples). No one's able to remain calm and relaxed, no ones able to experience true peace of mind anymore, and what's worse is, the younger generations (post 2000) would know the differance, and cannot help but perpetuate the integration of such dasterdly devices into our world!

Aliens: If Aliens were to arrive on our planet, they would surely say that the use of all these phone-poles and transmissions satelites is doing nothing more than behaving like a weapon, a weapon that scrambles the minds of all known forms of biological life (particularly those with brains!). There advice would no doubt be to discontinue such usage of technology and substitute for CABLE Services instead, obvoiusly for the reasons i've mentioned above! Foolish we are as a race to embark and argue in favour of, such technological implementations on our societies, as they do nothing more than endanger the evolution of EVERY Species on this planet (as explained above!)!

Analogue: Those old carrier based wave-forms "felt" like a gigantic dinosaur sitting ontop of the mountain having a big Think about something or other (the TV Channel you and your Suburb was watching), which is natural (like the natural analogus wave-forms of the brain!! case in point!), so you/we all enjoyed being "Carried" on this Gigantic Placid Train of Thought, and enjoyed our TV/Radio Shows peacefully..... unlike now.

General Symptoms of Over-Exposure: What we can expect to experience as these devices and services increase in hysterical impulse apon us is what we older folk know as "Flash-Point"; 3G/4Gx/5G Dropouts behind the wheel JUST as your about to recieve a call, disruption of your concentration significantly enough to loose controll of the vehicle, or even pass out (micro-sleep as a defensive mechanism) due the scrambling of your brain. Double-Talk or nonsensicle verbal expulsions (HEHE!), suddenly you said somehting without realising it, or perhaps as you were trying to say something else (ie unnatural excitation of the neural structure or Lobe's!)... 3G/4G Flashes of Light for an instant, waves of blue electrical storm like hue's across your vision (floating clouds) notciable at night as the EMF effects the Optic Nerve and the Retena sending random signals to the brain, this includes a perception of what we old-people call Dithered-Vision, also a direct result of penetrating EMF... 1G/2G+ So called "white-noise" in the ears, otherwize known or diagnosed as Tinnitus (a horrible syndrome that can lead to partial deffness!). 6G or what ever the fuck's next - everybody passes out instead of just going crazy & agro in a Stadium, as the Radio-Wave Imputus apon everybody's brain is too much for any organism to handle, and the body ceases to function altogether, perhaps even spontainious death on mass. Brown-Noise - A Situation where the body looses sensual perception of its own abilities due horrible EMF stresses on the body, and the Sphincter (Anus) looses stability, and we all spontainiouisly crap our pants to the max!! So, Expect Flash-Point and Brown-Noise etc in your near future, or perhaps allready, as more and more people get these higher-frequency devices, and as, no doubt, more perpetual implementations of this Radio-Wave technology pops up around you!

End (A Retorical): So-Said! For the sake of Us ALL, and every other form of life as we know it on this planet! Such digital technological implementations are in actual fact, Technological and Ecconomic CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! It must Cease, Alternate Technologies must be implemented in place of such, and laws must be passed to stop integration of things like wi-fi into peoples houses and pockets that do not posess a Right to Broadcast (eg. CB Radio Opperator!). Our Military's know what I'm talking about... they'd issue Suits of Armour to their Troops to make sure they can think straight on the battlefield, to protect them from the know Brain-Scrambling effect of excessive EMF in the environment, and perhaps also to keep them safe from all that Micro-Wave Satelite Transmissions that may just cook them.... blah blah... So no Radio-Frequency Organisation could possibly argue, in known actuall scientific fact that "Digital Radio Wave Devices are 'Safe'", the Military knows otherwize!

"You've Been Warned! Turn that Shit OFF! Get a proper Network Card and use CABLE - Its more reliable anyways; and for Christ sake, use your land-line telephone WITHOUT a wireless handset! (Those 9000khz handsets were the beginning of the hysteria - remember those?!)".....

There..... Now this is a last-time honest-point, that I share as a manner of my greater theoretical-deductive capacity, for the sake of us all, and every bloody-thing else around us on this god-given planet!...

"Dont Party TOO Hearty."

From Lazerus


There wouldn't be a Knight if it wasn't for the Black-Smith!

Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:56 pm
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Post Re: Mobile Phones, Wi-Fi, Blue-Tooth, Pay-TV; The Dangers!
tldr: if you spend too much time watching TV, your brain will develop Reason on Demand feature

Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:52 pm
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Post Re: Mobile Phones, Wi-Fi, Blue-Tooth, Pay-TV; The Dangers!
Summation: We need our societies to go back to Minimal Analogue Radio-Wave Emissions (TV/Radio/CB Only!!)

But how would we see to read this if we only had TV/radio/CB?! Nevermind that, how would I see to watch TV or tune my radio? Are greenhouses to be made illegal too?

What makes a radio wave analogue, btw?

"What you mean you killed him cha cha cha?!"


Thu Dec 31, 2015 11:50 am
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