Star Sonata

Ok, so a lot of people hate Tobal...
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Author:  DeathWarmedOver [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Ok, so a lot of people hate Tobal...

Ok, can we try to get all the Tobal flaming limited to 1 thread? Hopefully this one?

Author:  Voom [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I will stay out of it this time, it's not getting me anywhere. Nice try though Stormlord, too bad Im not a kid otherwise that might have worked.

Author:  GrimSweeper [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Except that Voom's purported defense of Tobal isn't being attacked here. Do try to keep the thread on-topic.

I've had both accounts of each: help from Tobal and hurt from Tobal. I do not know where my opinion lies in this matter, so I'll keep out of the ban/no-ban issue here.

Author:  Voom [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry but Im not, Im 100% calm and just about to go to bed.

Author:  bob fishy [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

so what does this make for the ban tobal polls three or two and tobal damen and voom quit voting against it

Author:  tariq_1984 [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ive expended all my tobal hating energy i need him to post something stupid somewhere so as to regenerate my hating energy.

Author:  EliteSpartan [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:11 am ]
Post subject:  JUST SHUT UP

First of all, the terms of agreement do not lay out strict guidelines on what consists of greifing and what doesnt.
SECOND, even by your definition of griefing, you're a griefer yourself scoundrel, quit being a hipocrit.
THIRD, just because you have insults for a Voom does not mean it is justified. In my opinion scoundrel, I think you're just a hipocrittic, inarticulate, childish upstart that just wants to make a big deal out of everything.

True that everyone has a right to voice their opinion. However, everyone has a right to NOT have to see spam wherever they go. Topics like these are useless and tiring.

Author:  SomethingLikeMe [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:39 am ]
Post subject: 

All the high levels do the same things: you all do some griefing and you all exploit bugs to do that. Some less than others, but you all do it. Some of you actually try to justify yourself with somewhat interesting reasoning... I won't give any names, you all know who you are.

Anyway, I have no problem with all you big people beating the hell out of each other, but do you really have to make new posts about it in the forums every time when a "god" A caps a base belonging to "god" B or something similar happens? :roll:

And yes, I'm against banning Tobal. I'm also againt banning several other people who, according to you, should be banned.

Author:  DeathWarmedOver [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Up until recently I was against banning Tobal, but recently he has been breaking a lot of rules in the CoC.

One of the worst violations I saw was when he told me that Atlum would mark him team friend of the capitalists if we continued to "grief" him. Atlum denied this. He was lying about what an admin said, which IS a bannable offense! Was he banned? NO!

Not only this, Tobal has done a lot of stuff that by all rights should not be possible. Tanking a base with a surgical laser in a porpoise - whats with that? Tractoring someone and remaining invisible to an Athena shrimp? Thats bullshit! Claiming to see a cloaked ship that should've been invisible to him - no harm done, but how did he do it?

It doesn't matter if he actually did any of these things, and we don't even have to prove it. The point is, Tobal *claimed* to be able to do these things in the game itself, and then someone did it, and Tobal *claimed* that it was him. He can come onto the forums and deny it all he wants, but if something impossible happens, and someone claims - AT ANY TIME - to have been responsible, then that someone should be banned. You can check the chat logs, if you still have them - the evidence is there! Unfortunately, none of us had the foresight to take a screenshot, we thought our word would be good enough, especially since Tobal was openly admitting that it was him at the time. Apparently we were wrong.

I don't know what it takes to get banned in this game any more, but if there is any candidate deserving of a ban right now, it is Tobal. He consistently violates the code of conduct, and I know of at least 3 paying customers who left the game because of the harrassment that they received - through broken level protection to top it all off!

I don't think he should be banned permanently, a 5 day ban would hopefully be enough to send him a message and straighten him out a little. Thats just my opinion.

Author:  SomethingLikeMe [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:27 am ]
Post subject: 

So something that should not happen happens and Tobal says he did it/could do it... So he should be banned? How do we know he's not simply saying that to piss you off? For what I've seen in the game and in the forums, so far he has had a lot of fun messing with you. This is not necessarily the truth, but it's a possibility. Ever stopped to think about it?

Author:  dark__wolf [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:28 am ]
Post subject: 

its possible to shoot cops in sol without them seeing you, that doesnt mean that im a hacker so stop being kids and stop fucking whining.

tobal prolly made a ship to be used completly for stealth. who gives a shit if no1 can see him, did he fire? dont think a weapon on a stealth ship would be a good idea

how about put 3 sup stealth augs and no shield and a good cloak on a stealth ship would it be able to be seen? dont think it will be even with 3 athena. what radar did he have BTW?

Author:  DeathWarmedOver [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:30 am ]
Post subject: 

dark__wolf wrote:
its possible to shoot cops in sol without them seeing you, that doesnt mean that im a hacker so stop being kids and stop fucking whining.

tobal prolly made a ship to be used completly for stealth. who gives a shit if no1 can see him, did he fire? dont think a weapon on a stealth ship would be a good idea

how about put 3 sup stealth augs and no shield and a good cloak on a stealth ship would it be able to be seen? dont think it will be even with 3 athena. what radar did he have BTW?

The tractor adds 1000 base vis, are you a moron? Even with the best cloak in the game, at 98%, he should still have a minimum of 20 visibility. An athena shrimp should be able to see a ship with 20 visibility from at least 300k away.

Author:  tobang [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:33 am ]
Post subject: 

For the record, everytime i cloak i see myself still, so im deffo not invisible :lol: :lol:

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