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Post judgement day: the future of NSA spying activity.
this is one of the longest posts i have ever written. if you are interested in the snowden scandal, the reality of what the "five eyes" alliance (US, UK, AU, NZ, canada) are doing, and how the future will play out if the spying is not stopped, then i recommend you read it.

if you arent interested in the NSA spying scandal then you wont be interested by this.

so the NSA logs the location of every mobile phone on the planet, 24/7. they record emails, text messages and phonecalls.

this survellance is only set to increase, and eventually every aspect of our lives will be logged and stored for perpituity.

you may be thinking "how does that affect me?", well, it doesnt. not yet. eventually, someone will decide that the information gathered, and influence upon the world, should be used to help/hinder people based on judgements of their future activity, to discourage behaviours and actions that will lead to negative outcomes for the individual and society (or at the expense of the individual for the benefit of society) "help/hinderances" could range anywhere from arranging for them to get a specific job, killing them, or ensuring that they meet a particular person, basically using the gathered information to gain a level of control over every human on earth

people with spiritual/religious leanings could even be convinced that a form of karma or god exists, which punishes or rewards certain behaviours.

and the possibility for godlike control over people opens the door to judgement day. the day that the people in control decide who to kill and who to let live. its the day they choose whether they're going to kill geniune threats who are actively plotting attacks, or simply kill anyone who is hard to control.

all of this is inevitable as long as the spying continues, because it gives a kind of omniscience, and when the government knows about everything and has a strong grasp of cause and effect, it becomes aware of possibilities for change, even possibilities which require a "sacrifice" of sorts, an inhumane act committed against innocent people soely because they are in the way of "progress" as a species.

the core goal of the national security agency is to improve national security. and they will do so by whatever means become avaliable to them. and if they figure out a way they can ensure near-perfect security or improve society thereby improving security, they will do so, and in so doing, unlock legal powers to do almost anything.

and with unlimited surveillance of everyone, they can develop a model with which they can predict who will try to challenge them politically or physically, and neutralise those people before they even begin to pose a threat. this applies equally for real terrorists, and political dissidents.

many groups are safe from persecution/genocide/annihilation because it would be impossible to kill all of them without some raising the alarm. but when judgement day hits, that safety dissapears, because with NSA spying, they can know exactly who is a political dissident, and exactly who would oppose what they are doing. they could kill literally everyone who would ever oppose them, within a few hours, and the entire world would be under their control, humanity would cease to be free, and begin to be a herd species kept for its usefulness to the people in control.

you may be thinking, "isnt this a good thing? the government could kill the people who pose a genuine threat to innocent people" but where does it stop being "tossing the bad eggs" and start being mass murder? a thousand people killed in the name of national security? a million? a billion?

policy creep ensures that if the murder of a tiny few proves beneficial, and the policy of selective murder is not constantly challenged and kept in check to prevent it from policing all but the worst crimes against humanity, it will expand. 10 people per year will become 100. and then 1000. and then 10,000. and then 100,000. and so on, because as each "problem" is solved to the point of no longer being considered a problem, the agency will have to find something to justify its existence, and that will be pruning sections of the population in order to "improve the usefulness" of the remaining members of society.

we already have evidence of this policy creep, in the form of data use being extended from just being used to track and neutralise terrorists, to being used to track and neutralise drug offenders. the process has already begun and is plain for everyone to see.

soon, they will start using the technology to neutralise murderers, and then rapists, and then wifebeaters, and then people who hold beleifs which cause them to be disruptive to the "ideal society", like racists, bigots, etc.

eventually they will try to take control of society by imposing an invisible "karma" effect whereby they do things to make religious/spiritual people think that there is some kind of all-knowing being watching them, punishing them for bad behaviour and rewarding them for good behaviour. the problem with such a system is the fact that many people would refuse to beleive in such a thing, which would prevent them from being brainwashed by what appears to be "luck". while they would be unlikely to have knowledge of who/what was trying to control them, or that someone was even trying, but they would undoubtedly be difficult to control, and in order to improve the efficiency of the system, they would eventually be eliminated.

thus, the "gods of data" would end up systematically murdering the people who refused to beleive that:
1) they are being watched
2) they are being judged
3) these judgements have a real effect on their lives and the quality of their outcomes

and by doing this, they would be able to shape society however they choose. they could change mainstream culture by causing things that would make a religious nut think that "god is angry because of what i am doing" or "god is happy i am doing this", and without any skeptics to stifle the spread of the implanted "reward/punishment" system, the people in charge could exert unprecedented control over society and the way people act.

they could even influence people to think that "god wants me to murder these people by strapping a bomb to my chest, walking up to them, and setting it off" and create a "false flag" attack whenever they needed one to further their strategic goals, or to justify to people that they are neccesary.

and the fact that it would be possible for them to do such a thing, is precisely why they shouldnt be allowed to gather or store that information in the first place. the potential for abusability is too great for them to ignore forever.

if the NSA is allowed to continue expanding its surveilance activity, it will cause the government to almost become a kind of god, whether we want it to or not. the embodiment of "big government interfering in people's lives"

both sides of politics see this as a good thing, liberal lawmakers (democrats who are really best described as authoritarian egalitarians. not "classical liberals" like the founding fathers.) think that because it will allow the perfect welfare system without any fraud, and that the system will be used to help everyone (which it will, but only the people who arent deemed to be "impeding progress/improvement" and designated for termination)

conservative lawmakers on the other hand tend to be rich and powerful, but painfully aware that the universe is godless by its nature and the lack of justice in the world. they seek to bring justice and fairness by creating what they consider to be the most fair and just system possible, I.E. one world under god's rule.

and they all know that if the truth about where humanity is headed if it stays its current course were to come out, the public would become informed, and demand a say. and once accepted, rather than "republicans and democrats" fighting over pointless bullshit issues that nobody cares about, parties would be fighting over whether or not this spying should be happening, and whether or not the "one world under godlike government" is a good thing that should be embraced, or a bad thing that will subject the world to atrocities much like a rerun of the stalinist purges that occured in the soviet union

and their entire plan hinges on discrediting the idea of policy creep, and making us disbelieve/ignore the ramifications of policy creep, while attempting to hide the fact that it is happening right now infront of us, plain for all to see.

EDIT: you will see this on reddit (if you go there). and the dates/times will show that it was posted here first.

Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:58 am
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Post Re: judgement day: the future of NSA spying activity.

obama and NSA are only spying, because them girls be showin their titties without them, thats why they upset

but obamas also mad cause they caught him on NSA stealin some chicken strips from KFC, but waz like nah nah that wasnt me yo, that was some mistake


derpy is best pony

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Thu Dec 05, 2013 3:21 pm
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Post Re: judgement day: the future of NSA spying activity.
To be fair, there'll probably be a reduction in the number of foreign spies in the country. I'd be fine with the policy if it stopped expanding. (that is, if policy creep didn't happen, even though it does)

To be honest, I'm not sure how possible it is to increase the amount of spying the US does. Maybe it would be possible if they gave some money to NASA to build more spy satellites. Otherwise, seriously, what else are they going to use to spy?
They've already got keyloggers on most computers(with access to the phone system no less). (whether they were the ones who wanted them or not is debatable, regardless they exist.)

I guess we're already more or less at the breaking point. If only 9/11 happened after all this spying happened... Not sure they could have pulled it off that way, to be honest.

SunDog60 wrote:
targeting my OWN slave because... reasons, and then MIRVing it.

Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:08 am
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Post Re: judgement day: the future of NSA spying activity.
SkyTitan wrote:
To be fair, there'll probably be a reduction in the number of foreign spies in the country. I'd be fine with the policy if it stopped expanding. (that is, if policy creep didn't happen, even though it does)

To be honest, I'm not sure how possible it is to increase the amount of spying the US does. Maybe it would be possible if they gave some money to NASA to build more spy satellites. Otherwise, seriously, what else are they going to use to spy?
They've already got keyloggers on most computers(with access to the phone system no less). (whether they were the ones who wanted them or not is debatable, regardless they exist.)

I guess we're already more or less at the breaking point. If only 9/11 happened after all this spying happened... Not sure they could have pulled it off that way, to be honest.

several months before the attacks they had solid evidence that osama bin laden had genuine intent to attack buildings in new york by flying commercial jets into them.

they knew, and they did nothing.

they were spying long before the boston marathon bombing, and yet they were unable to stop the attack from occuring.

spying does not make us safer.

Sun Dec 15, 2013 4:00 pm
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Post Re: judgement day: the future of NSA spying activity.
True, but in those days they actually had to track everyone down and use spies to do it. There was only a certain number of people that could actually go and find out information. I'm not saying they're going to suddenly go and stop everyone, I'm just saying that now things won't be an accident anymore. (the naive would assume this means less terrorism and that accidents happened in the past.)

Government inaction is not a new concept anyways. Pearl Harbor happened. That's probably quite a bit different, considering that then the government was more isolationist than anything. It'll still feed their ambitions quite nicely.

Also, Wikipedia says Google now owns Boston Dynamics.
Conclusion: Opinions of Google are correct.

SunDog60 wrote:
targeting my OWN slave because... reasons, and then MIRVing it.

Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:54 pm
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Post Re: judgement day: the future of NSA spying activity.
SS forum just wouldn't be the same without a regular spattering of DB topics, although they're starting to receive far fewer replies...

Space for rent!

Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:03 pm
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