Star Sonata

Soldiers Suicide
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Author:  Razzy [ Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Soldiers Suicide

I hate bringing this to Star Sonata, but you are the people I spend my time with when I am off. One of my dear friends went on a deployment without me, and has recently committed suicide after returning.

A few facts that many people dont know about the Military (With America, at the least.)

1. We spend months training, getting hazed by those that have been in far longer than us.
2. We get paid less than a high school student working at McDonalds for the first few months of being in the Services.
3. Even after being in for two-four years, we still get paid less than a fast food worker earning minimum wage.
4. Our days are long. How often can you say you wake up at 4 AM and get off at 10 PM?
5. No one cares about us. I went on deployment, and when I came back I got spit in my face while I was shopping for some groceries. Why? She saw a tattoo of my branch on my arm.

Many of you may see this as a rant about how shitty the military is, but please dont. I will always remember the memories I have had while serving. Serving the Military is one thing I wish every man/woman capable of doing would do. You learn how to fend for yourself. You learn to be an adult, wake up on time, and deal with all the bullshit this world has to offer. My entire family has served, and I can proudly say I am getting out honorably. I once had a roommate get out for mental problems, which he obviously didn't have. (We are talking about a boot being in for 8 months trying to get out with this.) Where as I am trying to reenlist, even with shoulder surgery on my left and pending shoulder surgery on my right.

In closing, please, just remember that Marines, Soldiers, Airmen.. All of us do this so that you don't have to. Please remember those that serve for you, and those that have died for you.

Author:  anilv [ Sun Aug 16, 2015 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soldiers Suicide

I am sorry for your loss.

Author:  Microsoft [ Sun Aug 16, 2015 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Soldiers Suicide

I am sorry for your loss.

Author:  Makka [ Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Soldiers Suicide

If someone spit at you, here in Australia that would be classed as assault. You would have every right to punch that bitch in the face in self defence.

I'm sorry about your comrade. PTSD is insidious, so many realise it is an issue after the fact. I hope you and your brothers returning from active service all receive some counselling, (whether you believe you need it or not), and at the very least learn how to recognize it in others. Then, when you need it, you may even recognize it in a mirror and get the help required.

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