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Post Farting in Public!
Farting in Public

Passing Wind, Letting out your Gas, Belching, Dropping your Guts, Contributing to the hole in the Ozone Layer... All a perfectly natural function of the body, nothing to be ashamed about, perhaps even something to be proud of, or at least that's how most Male's feel directly afterwards, usually accompanied by a big smile!

So there's nothing wrong with a somewhat disturbing new trend arising which involves people deliberately getting themselves into the nearest elevator specifically for the purpose of a good Fart, making sure that as many people are in the elevator as possible for maximum effect!

The funny thing about it is that if most people can stomach such a stench and such an embarrassing display of male prowess, that some of them spontainiously find themselves participating in the feel of the moment and dropping rip-snorters themselves, the result ofcourse is that when they all get off, the reak that flows out the open doors is enough to make the people waiting to get on absolutely spew!

Most of the time however the incidence of someone quite naturally opening up and blowing out a stinker usually results in an inevitable vomit reaction from rest of the people aboard the elevator. Consequently it arrives at its floor, opens its doors and the stink and mess is enough to cause most people a migraine.

Rather amusing is to realise that not long after someone exhibits this behaviour, that word gets around the local community quite quickly, and eventually copycat belchers turn up all over the country, and within the month, the world, extorting their capacity for flatulance much to their own hillarity!

Thus a global trend results, a behaviour considered reprehensible, but so dammed funny newspapers planet wide cant resist a front page article deltailing the particulars of the latest event!

Women, Children, Middle Aged Men, Grandparents, Foster parents, even the Homeless all get into the act, Reaking havok apon elevators on every contry on Earth, something that might never be stopped, albeit at the behest of new law's that come into place within 6 months!

Nothing wrong with a good Fart in public ay, especially when its purely deliberate, perhaps even with malice, or at least for the sake of ones own huberus!

Dont say I didnt warn you of the impending ofactory doom that awaits you, next time you board your friendly elevator!

But, perhaps the next time someone opens up and pushes out an absolute rip-snorter that stinks to high-heaven, you might want to congratulate them on their prowess, at least that way, pshycologically, you might survive the event!

Sat Feb 16, 2019 8:28 am
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Post Re: Farting in Public!
I just had to Bump this one! HEhehe.

Morning Farts after all that Wine or Malt Beer.... Geez... PHEW... Enough to make any good man SPEW!

HAHAHAHA.... Haha?... er... HAHA!

There wouldn't be a Knight if it wasn't for the Black-Smith!

Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:46 pm
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