Lt Aura
Team:  Rank: Director Main: Lt Aura Level: 4066 Joined: Wed Jun 12, 2019 5:21 am Posts: 24
 PLayers of sonata ... HOW DARE YOU BE REDACTED (removed de
HOW DARE YOU BE HATE BECUSE SOME SAID YIOU THE MASS YOU BUT HE IS RIHT YOU ARE A TRINITY ANYONE .... FIF NOT HAVE A VOTE What is a VOTE ... BUT THAT IS DIUFFERENT THEN A HATE now that your MIND IS DONE .... let me ask you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, whpo are you with notting ..
do you trust when you have .... too much
who are you when the "walls fall"
this trinity asks /// what your leaders kniw ;little shit of// Let m shio yiou a majik tricjk And they are your leaers right ????
i mean i mde sugestions.. why cant we CONTROL PLANETS .... THEY COMNTROL US right .. as a girl copuld i ? well yer TECH n9Ne " PSYCHO" tbh whoever i could do this better an mak it advabce in my ways private sector we make it work baby Fuck yer college and we even come on color
_________________ Meow 83