Star Sonata

Note to DMs (and people going DM)
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Author:  Badgerlost [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tregish wrote:
Armada Drones, in general, without any drone operations augs are not broken as far as i can tell.

In my opinion, drone ops augs are only broken because you can use multiples of them on one ship, and still have quite a bit of bank to deploy drones. Therefore, in my opinion it would be best to limit these augs to one per ship, and/or remove the energybank bonus.

Says a DM...

Author:  Badgerlost [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tregish wrote:
Armada Drones, in general, without any drone operations augs are not broken as far as i can tell.

In my opinion, drone ops augs are only broken because you can use multiples of them on one ship, and still have quite a bit of bank to deploy drones. Therefore, in my opinion it would be best to limit these augs to one per ship, and/or remove the energybank bonus.

Says a DM...

Author:  LichG [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Who is also complete right. The augs themselves are fine, an aug is fine. Its the fact you could get upto 3 of these bonuses (could get more, but that area is a bit patchier) that made it damn ridiculous. OH and server lag made you double post, if it didn't your a noob.

Author:  MagicSteve [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Imagine a battlethatch with 6 augs laying armadas? the thatch may die but its drones would destroy everything

Author:  Happy_Tree_Friend [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not that I've read all the posts or anything but what would be the problem with restricting 1 aug per ship? Or is that too difficult to code or something?

Author:  nigglet [ Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

MagicSteve wrote:
Imagine a battlethatch with 6 augs laying armadas? the thatch may die but its drones would destroy everything

exactly what korg it talking about..... its the stacking of DM mastery augs thats broken...not the augs or drones themselfs

also when u r paying 1-2bil per armada i hope they can do something special, its not like a weap on ur ship, they can die...

Author:  trevor54 [ Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

when will this nerf be implented, i personaly am guessing new uni?

Author:  saran [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Badgerlost wrote:
Tregish wrote:
Armada Drones, in general, without any drone operations augs are not broken as far as i can tell.

In my opinion, drone ops augs are only broken because you can use multiples of them on one ship, and still have quite a bit of bank to deploy drones. Therefore, in my opinion it would be best to limit these augs to one per ship, and/or remove the energybank bonus.

Says a DM...

seeing as a DM would be the only one who could tell if they are broken since other classes get no bonuses to drones? yes...a DM would be the best person to take information from. if you made drones and disregaurded the stats that DM gets and have no experiance using DM full-time...there would be ways and means to break the class or it would be severely underpowerd.

the problem is that they are stackable. not that the ops themselves are broken when you only have one in a setup. and that is math right there..when stm was changed so that it no longer gave drones a bonus you lost 20% on the stats. put one offensive ops aug on and you have what..a 26 or 29% drone ops? (cant remember exactly..not had time to play recently so its a bit foggy XD) thats only a 6-9% increase if you dont take into account that the DM aura gens are now all capship-only. (take 2% off the top if you want to take those into account) the T20 defensive augmenter gives a far larger boost but again...lost 20% and DMs have alwase wished they had better defensive stats.

if the stats were taken off the augs and given to overloaders or equipable items it would fix the problem as long as the items are not stackable. if the items/overloaders worked like aura generators and only the owner's drones were effected and these were made so the ship they are equiped on could not be slaved it would be very beneficial to the class. and if when they are equiped a unique set of aura symbols denoting wich overloader/item was equiped and what set of bonuses they get it could also give the other classes a heads-up on whats being used and how they could change their fighting style to match.

Author:  MagicSteve [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

they dont deserve a heads up. Other classes get to keep their setups secret why should DMs carry a flag saying what they have equipped?

Author:  saran [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

MagicSteve wrote:
they dont deserve a heads up. Other classes get to keep their setups secret why should DMs carry a flag saying what they have equipped?

we dont carry a flag. but id rather admins know what i have in the hopes they will for once balence the class and leave it the fuck be so i can play the game without getting a new setup every 4 months.

Author:  MagicSteve [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

and if when they are equiped a unique set of aura symbols denoting wich overloader/item was equiped and what set of bonuses they get it could also give the other classes a heads-up on whats being used and how they could change their fighting style to match.

I was referring to that part of your post. If thats the 1 item that DMs get to boost their drones they should be allowed to keep opponents guessing as to what they have equipped

Author:  saran [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

MagicSteve wrote:
and if when they are equiped a unique set of aura symbols denoting wich overloader/item was equiped and what set of bonuses they get it could also give the other classes a heads-up on whats being used and how they could change their fighting style to match.

I was referring to that part of your post. If thats the 1 item that DMs get to boost their drones they should be allowed to keep opponents guessing as to what they have equipped

would become immidiately appernt what they are using anyway based on how the drones hit them or react. this just gives us a visual heads-up showing what is working, easyer to test that way if it was put in and easyer to see bugs because ether they will have the aura ring or they wont.

Author:  Emrys [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

MagicSteve wrote:
and if when they are equiped a unique set of aura symbols denoting wich overloader/item was equiped and what set of bonuses they get it could also give the other classes a heads-up on whats being used and how they could change their fighting style to match.

I was referring to that part of your post. If thats the 1 item that DMs get to boost their drones they should be allowed to keep opponents guessing as to what they have equipped

Goldstar just put that in to make it more appealing to the admins. He doesn't really like it, but he hopes that it makes the admins like the rest of the idea better.

Author:  SAL 9000 [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Emrys wrote:
MagicSteve wrote:
and if when they are equiped a unique set of aura symbols denoting wich overloader/item was equiped and what set of bonuses they get it could also give the other classes a heads-up on whats being used and how they could change their fighting style to match.

I was referring to that part of your post. If thats the 1 item that DMs get to boost their drones they should be allowed to keep opponents guessing as to what they have equipped

Goldstar just put that in to make it more appealing to the admins. He doesn't really like it, but he hopes that it makes the admins like the rest of the idea better.


Author:  Zeuss [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think the best idea is to make drone ops an OL instead, doesn't take up aug slots, but it prevents use of multiples. This would bring in more items too, so like tech 1 OL, Tech 5 OL, Tech 10 OL, Tech 15 OL and Tech 20 OL. Make them either for sale in the engineers workshop or DG loot, or a mission like copper.

Solves everything :D

Yes, they will have an extra aug slot, but it will only be spendable on their ship, DM's ships are quite shit since they don't get all the other fun bonus' we get.

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