Star Sonata

The next "uber" zone
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Author:  Takuhi [ Thu May 04, 2006 12:34 am ]
Post subject: 

I think its great what you've done on the nexus (seen it on the Test Server) and your plan to do a new Uber area... but your focusing on two extremes. What about players from 100 to 500? We dont have much compared to lower levels and ubers.

Author:  Demiser of D [ Thu May 04, 2006 12:34 am ]
Post subject: 

How about an AI war? say, V'Ger Drones, bases, and Ships defending, with some new Alien Race attacking? then, you can join one side or another, and do missions for them!(Unknown aliens=attack and kill 10 drones maybe, V'Ger= defend pillbox from destruction for 5-10 minutes)

have all the AI have special self destructors so when AI kill them, they dont drop, but when PLAYERS kill them, they do. no camping allowed. no loitering.

Author:  FracOMac [ Thu May 04, 2006 6:13 am ]
Post subject: 

i love the Nexus, just do something about how the galaxies overlap the other ones

Author:  Emrys [ Thu May 04, 2006 9:29 am ]
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Thanks for the info...we'll see how it turns out.

Author:  Madferret [ Thu May 04, 2006 3:36 pm ]
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Voom wrote:
Im not complaining, Im just telling people what my opinion is. It's the highest levels that need new content, not anyone else since they have more then enough to do.

And for your information Im level 1409 and 8th highest level in the game, about 2600 skill points to waste. I have no need to level.

The highest levels should just do the decent thing and leave :)


Author:  karmellace22 [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:17 am ]
Post subject: 

did the nexus ( loved the content) doing infernal tempest ATM ( liking the content ) also doing liberty on alt ATM ( liking the content ) just need a few more zones lke this & would like to see the amount of buildable galaxies increase or several ( unownable) but buildable noob galaxies say 1 base per team per planet? & higher DF building opened back up not totaly open like was possible before but say to DF 150? would give higher SM players reason to use some of these upper lvl kits ( only reason to use ATM is to build certain items or to prevent or prepare for war)

Author:  FracOMac [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:09 am ]
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i would like to see a few buildable galaxies in the middle of w3, and by building in them you can get some special stuff high lvl stuff by doing so

Author:  Voom [ Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:10 am ]
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Something like the nexus but for high level players would be cool.

Author:  jsn0X [ Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:04 pm ]
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Well, I was talking with Thanar and we had some good ideas about the new Uber zone. One of them that would be very interesting is a Big, slow moving Ruin (Vazaha, maybe?) Capital ship that has a large number of Vazaha Protoype ships spawning from the ship itself. They would use weapons that would maybe put out around 1-2kish DPS per ship with say a laser weapon. Maybe have a 5 minute spawn time on them. The ship could put around 10k DPS itself with laser. Have around 20k regen. 1-2mil shield bank. This could be the first level of one of the branches from the main galaxy for the zone. After that, there could be something similar to the Vazahas, but a Mzungu ship with Mzungu Liquids spawning out of it. Then the last level could be a Faranji ship with the wingships spawning out if it.

Another suggestion we were thinking of would be that in the second branch off the main galaxy there is a base that has a 2 or 3 sets of missions maybe that involve 2 or 3 uber attacking eachother. There would be 3 different branches from that level, but about the 3 ubers there, they attack eachother and dont really break the other ships regen. It would involve high amounts of player DPS attacking one of the ubers to 'help' the other uber kill it. Once you help kill that uber, 2 of the 3 mission chains are eliminated and one of the missions lets you advance and get the key to go into the next level of that DG and kill the bosses. Also there could be some mission chains for that side of the uber that involve some tech 20 ships. This would promote diplomacy between 2 or 3 teams to go and kill the other ubers in that level.

Another branch from the main galaxy is an uber big green that spawns 2-3 normal big greens, which spawn 2-3 Aganemnons, which spawn 2-3 Liquids. Not sure about this one, but hey its a suggestion.

Another branch could be one for drones. In the first level, there are 5-10 drones with about the diffuculty of Ancient Defence drones, then it gets progressivly harder for 3 or 4 levels until there is a boss that does low damage and has a high shield bank/low regen that has tough mobile drones around it that would be needed to taken out before going on to the boss. This boss should drop 50-100 drones and maybe have 4 or 5 types of drones that drop from it. These drones would need to be good enough to be sought after.

Another branch could be something like the Bipolar galaxy. Two bosses that work together and have some tweeks that boost their shield bank and regen. Say one has high bank and low regen, gives out a tweek that gives the other boss which has high regen and low bank that gives out the tweek for high regen to the other boss. You would have to get the two bosses away from eachother to kill them. On that note, another branch could have 4 bosses that all have different tweeks, but are relatively easy to kill. They like to stick together though so you would have to get them away from eachother. Lets say they have something like slow down speed, shield drain, leech, and make you heavier. It would take a team of people drawing each of them away from eachother before you could actually kill them.

Another one could be that there is a grid of planets that all have different tweeks that orbit a sun. There could be multiple ubers in that gal and it would probably take 4-d weapons to take them out if you wanted to use the planets tweeks efficiantly which would probably be required to kill them.

Another zone could be one with a base in there that is somewhere around double the diffuculty of a godly augged Annilator base. Base building would be allowed in there, and say that a group of uber termites spawned every 48 hours that would be powerful enough to take out your bases. Also there would be a tweek in the galaxy that was directed toward bases that made them more powerful, so it would be needed to build some bases in there to help take out that base. Not sure on the rewards for this one, maybe it dropped multiples of tech 20 fortified kits when you killed the base.


Author:  Caelestis [ Sun Jun 25, 2006 4:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Some of these ideas are already being used in zone I'm currently working on (IE Ruin Fleets, and AI assists), and I think some of the other ideas are being used in Atlum's uber zone (Two boss bosses, et cetra). Overall, fairly good ideas though. I'll divulge a little bit about what I'm mainly doing, and I'll just say UrQa versus Mzungu with the Paxians tossed in.


Author:  Retyu [ Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:13 pm ]
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Those Mzungu ships had better be cappable ;)

Author:  2kewl4u [ Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Caelestis wrote:
Some of these ideas are already being used in zone I'm currently working on (IE Ruin Fleets, and AI assists), and I think some of the other ideas are being used in Atlum's uber zone (Two boss bosses, et cetra). Overall, fairly good ideas though. I'll divulge a little bit about what I'm mainly doing, and I'll just say UrQa versus Mzungu with the Paxians tossed in.


W00T, go go go cealestis :) :)

(this post kinda reminded me that every1 loves cealestis cuz he adds new nice stuff, whereas Atlum watches if things aren't too powerful - he nerfs things most ppl are annoyed by him, if Atlum did new content and cealestis did the nerfing we'd love Atlum and be annoyed by cealestis, not really fair imo)

Author:  Retyu [ Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:08 pm ]
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Atlum is actually one of the most creative people I've talked to. He's a genius.

Author:  Nuromishi [ Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:49 pm ]
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2kewl4u wrote:
Caelestis wrote:
Some of these ideas are already being used in zone I'm currently working on (IE Ruin Fleets, and AI assists), and I think some of the other ideas are being used in Atlum's uber zone (Two boss bosses, et cetra). Overall, fairly good ideas though. I'll divulge a little bit about what I'm mainly doing, and I'll just say UrQa versus Mzungu with the Paxians tossed in.


W00T, go go go cealestis :) :)

(this post kinda reminded me that every1 loves cealestis cuz he adds new nice stuff, whereas Atlum watches if things aren't too powerful - he nerfs things most ppl are annoyed by him, if Atlum did new content and cealestis did the nerfing we'd love Atlum and be annoyed by cealestis, not really fair imo)

If you read, Atlum has also been working on the uber zone. People just automatically assume he nerfs everything because he is generally the one who had to break the news.

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