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Team: Strawberry Pancakes
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Atlum wrote:
Titan Torpedoes will be looked at eventually, DM is being looked at, expect a change to DM expertise pretty soon. Armada drones are also all being looked at, DM is incredibly hard to balance correctly but we will try our best.

As far as the Jiji, it was balanced in my smoking crack days, around 2 years ago and was totally out of whack for our internal formulas. A weapon cannot have 400 range, decent dps, be heat damage, nearly full tracking, having a better ratio then most laser AND be ethereal. The ethereal is a major thing in this. Either I was cutting on the tech, the dps a bit or removing ethereal I decided to keep the same style but cut a bit everywhere to have the weapon more balanced.

The problem with your equation is you take nothing into account of how difficult the weapon is to obtain or it's rarity.

By your logic weapons like the lion scimmo, panther paw, ukukuu qu, zebra spitter, mercurian disintegrator, and armada drone should all be removed from the game completely as they are so horribly inbalanced in one shape or form compared to "other" weapons which are all vastly and utterly inferior!

If the risk and time time invested in getting a jiji qu is too little for it's power according to the formula, what could be done to make an advanced jiji qu that is the same as the old one, but requires rare commods, money, a mission, whatever to build/make/receive as a mission reward? It's the least you can provide the player base I think, and besides, it would give us something more to do, even if we still don't actually get ahead in the game because of it. It can require a lot of hard to get stuff, I don't care, I just want to know how this could be balanced in a better way for the players that adds to the experience as opposed to simply detracting from it.

Sat May 26, 2007 12:27 am
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We are talking about a very small nerf here people, something like 20 DPS. It's not the end of the world.

Sat May 26, 2007 12:37 am
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well i think the admins just need to lower there standards and get on the player base lvl not the admin lvl yall nerf stuff without even knowing how hard it is to get....u nerf stuff bc this certian boss was killed....u nerf stuff bc the weapon is used to much.....well there is always the ion peashooter

Dm's a very affective class atm.....reason bc people are becoming smarter dming has always been good now that there is an atcual drone that rocks it will probly get nerfed to moblie pest drones...when all in all the DM expertise is 15bil-20bil and to get a GREAT augged Droning and the proper drones and shield and energy etc. takes lots of money to contiune to buy more and more and more and more 1bill drones cost its not all free boys....

all in all the problem is admins need to get on your level instead up on there littile cloud saying "hey they killed the princess better get the nerf bat"

the reason i went to MFM and SHM is bc it is not touched by the admins so i know how to problery aug and not ever have to change it its not being touched so i like it if they start nerfing that i will guess be an EE expert (its fun cool cash)

voom its not just about the jiji its ABOUT EVERYHTING THATS NERFED

Trev :roll:

Sat May 26, 2007 12:39 am
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The Voomy One wrote:
We are talking about a very small nerf here people, something like 20 DPS. It's not the end of the world.

The problem is that 20 DPS is almost 1/10 of its total DPS...

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

Sat May 26, 2007 12:51 am
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The Voomy One wrote:
We are talking about a very small nerf here people, something like 20 DPS. It's not the end of the world.

20 Speed here, 20 DPS here, .5 worse DPE ratio there, 20% less overall resists there, 1% less hull and 30-40 less Hull from expanders there.. it adds up man, atm I'd likely be better off flying a fucking Izer shooting TT+, a total of 2.1b for the ship and weapon, add in a couple Sups and 1 Exc, market value would be about 18b. I spent over 120b making a DS that could use Jiji Quu in PvP to its max potential, I setup my energy requirement PRECISELY for it, I augged my ship to have JUST ENOUGH hull for it. Now why is it again I'm getting fuck for actually making a specific setup? Oh yeah, people like myself were actually above par, gotta knock us down.

At the VERY LEAST, SS Admins need to adopt a policy of keeping old items found (Say a pre-nerf Jiji) at the stats they orginally had, while making all new items that drop have the new stats, same for DSes, whatever, as long as said item was not majorly breaking the game. Don't fuck us over every time you guys see something is slightly too strong, you just make us all backtrack so we can get to what we were before, over and over and over and over and fucking over man.

This is going to be maybe the 10th time in the past 3 months I've had to revise my entire game plan because one "little" change comes along and totally screws up my setup which I invest very heavily into. You people must understand, we invest MONTH worth of income into single ships, and to pull off its max potential, we make sure we specify in one expertise....

I'm done ranting, but really, instead of screwing us over every goddamn time, maybe its YOU who should revise your game plan this time around.

I'm not attached to your world. Nothing heals. Nothing Grows.
Cause it's a great big white world, and we are drained of our colours.
We used to love ourselves, we used to love one another.

Sat May 26, 2007 12:56 am
Main: Van keilow
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How about instead of messing with player side items make an additional item for ai that detects whats being used to fight and then buffs or debuffs in a specific manor.... this would mean u can have same stats for weps and stuff... so if a DM can solo something no one else can because he has a certain drone then make it buff up against that specific damage.

i dont know if that is possible but if so it may eleviate the continual changes to player side items... and make it easier to fine tune overall game play.

im not a programmer so i dont know if this is feasible but i figured the idea should be put up if it helps .. even if to spur on another idea.


Sat May 26, 2007 1:09 am
Main: Van keilow
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possibley... but if it works then itd be easier on players . wouldnt have to deal with continual changes to stuff we have.. but w/e

up to the admins either way

we would then know that we can still take one ai in a certain manor while the other would take a new method. i think someon mentioned things gettin nerfed to the point where uber drones would become as good as pests lol... bit extreme. If we have a easy time with one ai and hard with another and weps get nerfed then it becomes hard / impossible. all im saying is if there was a way to change ai side instead we would still be able to take some things as normal but only one ai interaction change instead of all of them. but guess always being uncertain will keep us on our toes lol.

i agree with everyone that there is probably a different way to do this.

Sat May 26, 2007 1:44 am
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The Voomy One wrote:
We are talking about a very small nerf here people, something like 20 DPS. It's not the end of the world.

I agree it is a small change. A small change in a series of changes that has steadily and consistently erroded away, one small step at a time at what I consider a fun gaming experience. The issue is not the change itself, the issue is the lack of reasoning behind the change. I'm a customer and I'm beginning to become a very jaded customer. We don't see eye to eye and sooner or later I take my business elsewhere, it's as simple as that.

No one asked for or even suggested a jiji nerf from the player base that I know of, no matter how small or large, and I don't see anyone here on the forum who is jumping for joy that this "problem" has finally been fixed. If an action isn't made to please the customer base and enhance the overall gaming experience, then you guys aren't listening to us and you're more interested in math and balancing equations than you are making the people paying for the game happy! I strongly believe that nothing good will come from that approach...

If my arguments are invalid, then please, refute them. If there have been a ton of complaints about the jiji from the players, then I'll agree it needs some kind of nerf to keep your customers happy. Otherwise, I think you're making a mistake in focusing on things that aren't important.

Sat May 26, 2007 2:07 am
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I have actually gotten several complaints about the jiji. It's not something you post on the forum or mention to everyone in the game though because half of the playerbase will get pissed at you and/or threaten to start a war with your team.

As Atlum said, they use a certain formula to create items. The jiji was made a very long time ago and didnt fit this formula. It's a very minor nerf, the biggest change is the tracking.

Sat May 26, 2007 2:30 am
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Gah you cant do this..elec ok..increase size even..but dont touch damage and tracking, thats its main point..I just got one, and dont want it nerfed the first day.

Sat May 26, 2007 3:51 am
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Are you trying to fuck the game up or something , This is a rare weapon not some weapon you get from dging you need a team of players to get this



Rasing it to tech 20 is bad enough , Lowering damage and elec and tracking there is no sence in having the weapon anymore you was aswell sell it in a ai base for 150M and make it a Titan Fire Beam or something like that!!

Thats how much you dont think about things , You really are in it to fuck people over if this goes threw well well see what happens but ... Ya kno you nerf and nerf things until we scream and are blue in the face.

Why dont you beef things sort micron out do something good for the game for a fucking change i mean you hardly do

Your putting this game in the wrong direction , And the feedback in this post shows you are difinatly making a bad decsion

Btw Voom go in a SD Izer and put in 2 sup combo , 1 exc combo and see if you can kill a BG in like 10 seconds or something you cant

The Jiji isnt overpowered its balanced the only thing a jiji can kill is a izer and its only cause its weak to heat it hardly does any damage at all


Sat May 26, 2007 6:42 am
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Why dont you beef things sort micron out do something good for the game for a fucking change i mean you hardly do

That comment kind of ruins the point of everything else you said in your post. All the admins work several hours everyday trying to make this game better.
You dont even know the new stats on the jiji or how it will work in the game and already you're whining about. Wait, try it out and come with suggestions on how to fix it if it you dont like it.

And I have actually tried a SD Izer in warp 3 with a basic easy to do setup. I may not be able to kill a BG in 10 seconds but I can kill them without too much trouble.

If the jiji was only good for killing Izers it wouldnt be used as much as it is.

Sat May 26, 2007 7:20 am
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