Star Sonata

Real C2 test uni
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Author:  pip8786 [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

landswimmer wrote:
dont remove radar, if you think it makes C2 look crap, make it OPTIONAL

one of the biggest things that piss me off about games today is the lack of customisation... is it so hard to give players a choice? "resistance: fall of man" had almost complete customisability in the controls, hands down that was the best part of the game, not being stuck with some fucking shitty control scheme.. pretty much everything else about the game was inferior to more popular titles, but customisability made up for it (except for the widescreen auto left and right split, that was fucking annoying, it shouldve been optional ingame, rather than forcing you to change the screen ratios on the console so it would go top/bottom)

things you consider "not needed" are "Extremely important" to others, whenver you want to remove something, make it optional instead (unless it is broken, or it breaks the game, in which case it shouldnt exist in the first place)

JeffL wrote:
We'll get it back in at some point. It's fully functional - just no one ever added a toggle button for it in the UI yet.

He said it was going to be in. You should probably read his full post before complaining. And C2 UI is completely customizable.

Author:  Dorin Nube [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

pip8786 wrote:
He said it was going to be in. You should probably read his full post before complaining. And C2 UI is completely customizable.

Is it completely customizable to the point where we can adjust the range that is displayed on our radar?

Author:  andezrhode2a [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

Dorin Nube wrote:

I dont want customized range of vision, too broken imho.
What I do think would be nice, would be a 500 base radius on the radar screen, and radars are given say, +10 to the base radius per tech, Eg. T20 radar=700 base radius on radar. Or maybe mods/skills around it, would be nice SP sink for skills.

Author:  Dorin Nube [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

Nah. The radar you equip on your ship already limits how far you can see. It doesn't seem right that you should need a special neuro-skill just to increase the resolution on your radar monitor enough to actually see the little red dots at the range of your choosing, assuming your radar is powerful enough to see that far.

Author:  jeff mc beth [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

That depends how they decide to program it Mytok, as I pointed out, there currently isn't a radar.

Although, to the extend C2 is customizable, there are the image files, the object files (For ships and such forth), and the texmaps for them.

Then there is also XML, different files for different parts, so, if I wanted, I could only have 5 hotkey windows (The squares at the top in the normal gui), instead of however many there are, and remove my visibility bar.

In theory, you could get the same gui as C1 with C2, with just a few minor differences.

Author:  Demiser of D [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

Yeah, your radar should be range-adjustable. Some classes just need to see further than others :P

For example, a shm might want to actually zoom in so they can see their individual targets easier. While a sniper would obviously want to zoom their radar out a significant distance.

Another feature i would really like is the ability to choose what you want to see on your radar, and what you can select at the same time.

IE, you can deselect "Friends" and "Neutral" (asteroids, bases, etc), and then only potential enemies would show up on your radar. Or the other way around, so you can only select allies, or whatever.

Also, make allies green on the radar.

Author:  Aurora Ex Machina [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

jeff mc beth wrote:
That depends how they decide to program it Mytok, as I pointed out, there currently isn't a radar.

There is; you can even see it functioning in early videos. The toggle for it just vanished - the code for it is still under there.

Author:  anilv [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

Feathers wrote:
Because c1 is flat some ships will just end up looking flat when you get them in c2. Though ofc many of the ships look downright squashed. This allong with the level of detail of certain models is all in a slowish and steady upgrade process. There are hundreds of ships in c2 allong with all the other models and the ones that dont even exist yet are a priority. Expect to see upgrades eventually to the quality of all the models and textures.

If what you're saying is that most of the current models are placeholders based off the flat C1 models, then I'm fine with that. It's just that I've been getting the impression that some of these ships are intended to be this flat, which I feel is a misstep. For example, I've always thought of the Equanimizer as more of a walnut shape than the thin slice that appeared in a screenshot a little while ago, and the Rosemaries in this screenshot are at least half as thick as I would want them.

Author:  Jagur4 [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

If I understand you correctly, then you are suggesting there be a "stem" of sorts connecting each layer in the center, composed of protected stairway galaxies. If that is the case, then I like it. It adds a bit more interest and dimension to the map as well as making buildable space more interesting.

Author:  thecrazygamemaster [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

Feathers wrote:
Because c1 is flat some ships will just end up looking flat when you get them in c2. Though ofc many of the ships look downright squashed. This allong with the level of detail of certain models is all in a slowish and steady upgrade process. There are hundreds of ships in c2 allong with all the other models and the ones that dont even exist yet are a priority. Expect to see upgrades eventually to the quality of all the models and textures.

Off Topic: You got an avatar! and the fuzz looks like Rudolph.

On Topic: The ships seem too flat yes, I'd like it if they were more bulky. The sun and the wormhole looks sexier than ever now though.

Your Universe layout idea is awesome.

Author:  DarthFirebert [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

anilv wrote:
Feathers wrote:
Because c1 is flat some ships will just end up looking flat when you get them in c2. Though ofc many of the ships look downright squashed. This allong with the level of detail of certain models is all in a slowish and steady upgrade process. There are hundreds of ships in c2 allong with all the other models and the ones that dont even exist yet are a priority. Expect to see upgrades eventually to the quality of all the models and textures.

If what you're saying is that most of the current models are placeholders based off the flat C1 models, then I'm fine with that. It's just that I've been getting the impression that some of these ships are intended to be this flat, which I feel is a misstep. For example, I've always thought of the Equanimizer as more of a walnut shape than the thin slice that appeared in a screenshot a little while ago, and the Rosemaries in this screenshot are at least half as thick as I would want them.

Besides the Kraken, which is manta-like, I'm making any ships I work on "thicker," as I feel that the third dimension can be taken advantage of to make a wider variety of shapes for spaceships. For example, I'm also working on the Dropship, which takes inspiration from the below book cover. (an excellent book series too, if you've never read it.)

For Star Sonata, I also take inspiration from various other covers by John Harris:

Author:  SimonV2 [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

anilv wrote:
Feathers wrote:
Because c1 is flat some ships will just end up looking flat when you get them in c2. Though ofc many of the ships look downright squashed. This allong with the level of detail of certain models is all in a slowish and steady upgrade process. There are hundreds of ships in c2 allong with all the other models and the ones that dont even exist yet are a priority. Expect to see upgrades eventually to the quality of all the models and textures.

If what you're saying is that most of the current models are placeholders based off the flat C1 models, then I'm fine with that. It's just that I've been getting the impression that some of these ships are intended to be this flat, which I feel is a misstep. For example, I've always thought of the Equanimizer as more of a walnut shape than the thin slice that appeared in a screenshot a little while ago, and the Rosemaries in this screenshot are at least half as thick as I would want them.


Author:  JeffL [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

Well, once we get more people testing, anyone with modeling skills will be free to submit improvements. =)

Author:  newman233 [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

Niice work Jeff, I really like the uni layout idea :)

I personally prefer how C1 looks, but I think C2 will be perfect in pulling in people from other games.

However I fear the launch of C2 will ruin our sense on community; instead I hope at a later stage there might be the opportunity to open up a pre-2010 server for all the C1 'crew', maybe still in the visage of c2, but it would enable us to retain our community.

I hope we don't get too many new trolls with the launch of C2 :P


Author:  Klestiko [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Real C2 test uni

Ohhh yeah!

Server 1: Your account must have been created before the release of C2 to play here, you retain all of your current progress.

Server 2: You would start from scratch if you decided to make an account here, so that everyone, oldschools and noobs to the game would start at the same point.

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