Star Sonata

On test
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Author:  BAM5992 [ Wed May 23, 2007 7:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

It was a loophole in the thought process for stockings and items of the such. He just thought of clever ways of improvement and using every aspect to his ability.

Dont ban him

Author:  IAmMe2 [ Wed May 23, 2007 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Insane wrote:
Still 1 - 2 shot an Ambush Armada and see it pretty easily.

No stasis gens available, not overly interested in the developments thus far as they still do not reduce the overall and unfair element of risk associated to DMing within the constraints of any reasonable budget.

I don't think ambush drones are supposed to tank much of anything... They're defensively weak, but have massive DPS... between 8 and 11k dps PER DRONE depending on your setup... The drones can't be good at everything, and not all drones are good for every situation... Armada Drones (the regular ones) got like 150% more shields than they had before... Ambush drones are for exactly that... AMBUSHING people... They're not intended to just sit there and tank, they're intended to very quickly deal a lot of DPS, then replace them with more versatile drones once the enemy's attention has been raised...

Author:  IAmMe2 [ Wed May 23, 2007 10:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Original Soulless wrote:
He abused a bug, same as Tobal/Dominicans/Dream...

I see his 'bug abuse' more along the lines of those people who upgraded lvl 20 bases to tech 14, but not even close to exploiting an item duping bug to create thousands of uber tweaks that make you pretty much invincible... I don't think overloading your hull can even be compared to duping items, griefing players, hacking accounts, using admin powers to destroy everything... etc... Its not the same scale...

NB used a feature in the game in a way that though maybe not intended was entirely foreseeable... I wouldn't consider that alone worthy of a perma-ban, not even close.

Author:  SuperHero [ Wed May 23, 2007 11:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thummmper wrote:
Ceno wrote:
Then ban him.. Exploiting bugs is a bannable offense.. ur the admin do ur job.

You can't ban someone for doing this. While I think it is an exploit, it is in the grey area of exploiting as it is not doing anything that anyone else can't do "legally" within the context of the game structure. No "rules" were broken, no client hacked, just a normal progression of using everything that the game structure allows... at that time. The fact that its being used in a way that the game designers hadn't thought of does not make it a bannable offense.

What we're seeing is the Admins sitting back and saying "I didn't design it to be used that way"... and are now looking for an eligent solution that will not break the game and be fair for everyone.

And Voomy, as far as I can see, it is not a game bug and therefore nothing to report. It's more of an oversight by the programmer. No rules were published saying you can't use your hull expanding tweeks to make room for bigger and better whatevers. No rules were published saying you have to dock every so often.

No matter what we think of NB as a person, creativity is not a bannable offense.

One uni, it was possible to extract the Protoganglea from the planet they were on, and sell it to the colony for something stupid like 2 mill each, making over 2b/2hour. That would also be classified as not a bug, but a programmer oversight. Yet I would expect it to be reported. Just because its a oversight doesnt mean It shouldnt be reported.

There was a uni where termites would drop obscene amounts of money, iirc, around 2-6b per bio termite (bio termites only for some reason, something to do with the amount of money being related to the lvl of the termite, and bio termites are 200 lvls higher then normal termites). Its still a oversight not a bug, but if you were using it to go gain 500b, and not reporting it, i WOULD expect you to get banned. Your excuse for abusing a bug (sorry, programmer oversight) is lame.

Author:  erman [ Thu May 24, 2007 12:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Ceno wrote:
Then ban him.. Exploiting bugs is a bannable offense.. ur the admin do ur job.

be careful what you say...calling for such an action against my ally could be all the reason i need...

PR Director for the Mining Alliance

Author:  IAmMe2 [ Thu May 24, 2007 1:02 am ]
Post subject: 

SuperHero wrote:
One uni, it was possible to extract the Protoganglea from the planet they were on, and sell it to the colony for something stupid like 2 mill each, making over 2b/2hour. That would also be classified as not a bug, but a programmer oversight. Yet I would expect it to be reported. Just because its a oversight doesnt mean It shouldnt be reported.

There was a uni where termites would drop obscene amounts of money, iirc, around 2-6b per bio termite (bio termites only for some reason, something to do with the amount of money being related to the lvl of the termite, and bio termites are 200 lvls higher then normal termites). Its still a oversight not a bug, but if you were using it to go gain 500b, and not reporting it, i WOULD expect you to get banned. Your excuse for abusing a bug (sorry, programmer oversight) is lame.

And that is why you should listen to me, and not thumper...

Author:  The Voomy One [ Thu May 24, 2007 1:23 am ]
Post subject: 

Programmer oversight, it whatever you want. I expect things like this to be reported instantly.

Author:  Thummmper [ Thu May 24, 2007 2:18 am ]
Post subject: 

The Voomy One wrote:
Programmer oversight, it whatever you want. I expect things like this to be reported instantly.

Like what Voomy? What did NB do wrong? You can't come out and say "I expect things like this to be reported instantly", without creating a witch hunt mentality, were everyone is looking over their and each other's sholders. If you try this approach you're going to be very lonely here in the SS world.

The only sensibile solution is when something like this happens, is for you and the rest of the Admins to just admit to the oversight and change the code.

I also suggest that once the code is changed, that a scan of all undocked ships be performed and any ship that is overloaded by its equipped items, and not by cargo, simply unequip the ships weapons. And of course all of the ship's owner's bonuses will need to be calculated into the final hull size.

Author:  Happy_Tree_Friend [ Thu May 24, 2007 2:25 am ]
Post subject: 

If you want admins to explore EVERY possibly aspect of something new they want to put in, don't expect to see many new things. It's not down to oversight of the admins, its because players are so determined to use new things to the best way they can. Often this results in something becoming much more powerful in comparison to other things. I'm not saying players shouldnt try to use things to their advantage, but rather try not to break it and ruin it for the rest....

Author:  The Voomy One [ Thu May 24, 2007 2:31 am ]
Post subject: 

You can't come out and say "I expect things like this to be reported instantly"

That's exactly what I just did.

I expect anyone who finds something that might be considered a exploit or something that simply seems a little too good to be true to report it to a admin. Simply like this "Hey. I just notice that it's possible to do this, is it supposed to be like that? Is it ok if I use it?"
It's not hard to do, I already have several players who does it. Since you cant undock with a overloaded hull it's very obvious that something is wrong when you find a way to overload your hull and using it to your advantage in combat, that is what NB did wrong. Im totally sure he knew it could be considered a exploit but instead of checking with a admin if it would be ok to do it he simply kept his mouth shut and did it.

The only sensibile solution is when something like this happens, is for you and the rest of the Admins to just admit to the oversight and change the code.

This is exactly what we have done. No one will get banned for having used it and the code has been changed to fix it, being tested on the test server right now.

Author:  Enji [ Thu May 24, 2007 5:00 am ]
Post subject: 

erman wrote:
Ceno wrote:
Then ban him.. Exploiting bugs is a bannable offense.. ur the admin do ur job.

be careful what you say...calling for such an action against my ally could be all the reason i need...

PR Director for the Mining Alliance

wont ever waste time commenting this

(woops it seams I did :-s)

Author:  BAM5992 [ Thu May 24, 2007 6:04 am ]
Post subject: 

since its not THAT BIG OF A DEAL and ITS FIXED NOW and PEOPLE KNEW ABOUT IT let him go, this time.

I find bugs all the time and I do report them.

I know of a bug that reduces weight on a ship and steals exp from people. I dont do it and I have told people about them

Author:  TehGeneral [ Thu May 24, 2007 7:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Ban him, then ban Bizman, myself, Cyphe, hell, ban every single person flying a LF of any kind in the game. We all did it, and anybody who says they didn't, is full of shit.

Many Admins have seen this happen, and now all of a sudden because one unnamed person (I know who, I'm not stupid) reported it as an exploit, OMG LETS CHANGE IT.

Hell, I've even told Admins I was overloaded to do Ubers/DGs a number of times... nothing was done. This is not exactly a bug that was under the radar, so anybody trying to get this to be a retroactive exploit is just being fucking stupid.

And as ERMAN said, Yurble, watch what you say.

Author:  The Voomy One [ Thu May 24, 2007 8:30 am ]
Post subject: 

I feel like a broken record here....NO ONE IS GETTING BANNED. Only thing we are doing is fixing the problem which can be tried out on test right now.
This isnt something that has recently been reported by any single person either, it's been known for some time.

Author:  longname [ Thu May 24, 2007 8:36 am ]
Post subject: 

A little off topic, but is test online at all? I can't connect

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