Star Sonata

Star Sonata Development Diary #2
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Author:  Eepster [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Look up Nod Crush - Artillery mix if you want a nice music backing instead of what it is now :)

Anyways Question : When are cap ships going to be rethought out?, personally, i thought it was more rushed in no offense =.= i mean seriously the way cap ships are made now, seems more like Glorified and overpriced heavy fighters, think on that please?

Author:  Hermes [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Thank you for answering my first question Jeff. Since not many people are asking questions I am gonna ask another question :P

Question #2: Do you have any plans for the future, near or distant, to add Solarian weapon BPs to any drop tables/missions??

Author:  Antilzah [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Jeff, Will Client2 work on linux?

-- Blizzara

Author:  Original Soulless [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

JeffL wrote:
q: Why is it so hard to make credits? In this game credits are king, and i have gone to countless DGs in warp 2-3 and gotten total crap drops.

I think credits are pretty easy to get if you build bases. Colonies can be very profitable as can selling stuff to AI bases. You just set things up and then your bases/slaves/colonies are making money while you go out fighting for gear and XP.

Wait, then why the hell are there Dungeon Galaxies? If i cant get gear from killing DGs then whats the point?

Ive done countless late Warp 2 DGs, expecting to get atleast a DWO since its DF 100-120. :roll:

Seriously Jeff, that needs looking into.

There are people who dont want to make bases, like me, but need an Income.

Bases are not fun for people who dont want to micro manage.

The base interface is unintuitive, its not very appealing, and it resembles some kind of stock market program. Thats all fine and dandy for people who are making MONEY off of this game, but its not for people who actually want to have fun. :roll:

Author:  BAM5992 [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Original Soulless wrote:
JeffL wrote:
q: Why is it so hard to make credits? In this game credits are king, and i have gone to countless DGs in warp 2-3 and gotten total crap drops.

I think credits are pretty easy to get if you build bases. Colonies can be very profitable as can selling stuff to AI bases. You just set things up and then your bases/slaves/colonies are making money while you go out fighting for gear and XP.

Wait, then why the hell are there Dungeon Galaxies? If i cant get gear from killing DGs then whats the point?

Ive done countless late Warp 2 DGs, expecting to get atleast a DWO since its DF 100-120. :roll:

Seriously Jeff, that needs looking into.

There are people who dont want to make bases, like me, but need an Income.

Bases are not fun for people who dont want to micro manage.

The base interface is unintuitive, its not very appealing, and it resembles some kind of stock market program. Thats all fine and dandy for people who are making MONEY off of this game, but its not for people who actually want to have fun. :roll:

DWO is found in DF 200+ on rare occasions, 100-120 wont give one, so thats not the proper conxext to complain about (but I ould like to see more flavorful drops in lower df's)

Author:  Original Soulless [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Why the hell does a Tech 16 Weapon drop in DF 200, which is warp 3? :roll:

All i know is i camped a DG with a super BG and an MF Pick as bosses, and i got crap drops and BPs that didnt sell for anything.

Author:  urjuhh [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

invasions.... not a new idea...

i have encountered similar shiz in other mmorpg's....

idea is simple... "bigass monsters come to town" and noone is safe.. nowhere...

well in SS you'd prolly be protected while docked in AI base.... but how long would you do that...

Author:  Takuhi [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Jon, mind doing a video on the new Client GUI? Just wanted to know how its going to work, how flexible it was and if there are possibilities for supported skin mods.

Author:  YourMother [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Q: #1: From Razgriz: Hey jeff think maybe you could add a Base control ability? like as in the owner takes the wheel and choses targets and cycles through the weapons and Fires when THEY feel like firing. PLZ that'd SOOOO PWN and it'd make alot of ppl enjoy SS a little more. in my opinino i would spend the rest of my life playing if i coulduse a base as a ship in a glaxy....... which brings mw to question # 2

Q: #2: From Razgriz: could you maybe add a super doper base engine? like maybe Adonis/Argonaught/Ambro.....ect..... that can only be equipped to a base of THAT tech??

Q: #3: From Razgriz: could you also add the ability to maybe make a base deploying/re scooping ship?? like maybe a MASSIVE Thatch that uses an engine, but heres the thing you need hull = to what the gear thats on the base is = adonis: Mag=3k, pulse=1.6k i think, Shield and energy= 1.3k each, shield trans is 1.3k, and the radar = 1.3k, so that would = 8.8kk hull neeeded + the extensions and other things that are on the base........and you can redeploy these base like in Special DG's that require a shitload of DPS and tanking....... that'd PWN

Q: #4: From Razgriz: would it be possible to make roaming bases that ethier roam a galaxy randomly or patrol a set course, and also use the Buildable command station that allows you to control the base, to fly it around and warp or not warp...... but that'd take bases to a WHOLE new level.

and that concludes these questions for now.... thanks

Author:  yugioh124 [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:20 am ]
Post subject: 

BAM5992 wrote:
Original Soulless wrote:
JeffL wrote:
q: Why is it so hard to make credits? In this game credits are king, and i have gone to countless DGs in warp 2-3 and gotten total crap drops.

I think credits are pretty easy to get if you build bases. Colonies can be very profitable as can selling stuff to AI bases. You just set things up and then your bases/slaves/colonies are making money while you go out fighting for gear and XP.

Wait, then why the hell are there Dungeon Galaxies? If i cant get gear from killing DGs then whats the point?

Ive done countless late Warp 2 DGs, expecting to get atleast a DWO since its DF 100-120. :roll:

Seriously Jeff, that needs looking into.

There are people who dont want to make bases, like me, but need an Income.

Bases are not fun for people who dont want to micro manage.

The base interface is unintuitive, its not very appealing, and it resembles some kind of stock market program. Thats all fine and dandy for people who are making MONEY off of this game, but its not for people who actually want to have fun. :roll:

DWO is found in DF 200+ on rare occasions, 100-120 wont give one, so thats not the proper conxext to complain about (but I ould like to see more flavorful drops in lower df's)

I got a DWO in a DF130 DG before, from a BG.

Anyway, I used to be a MF, I managed to fund myself 100% just by getting rather lucky drops from normal AI. I managed to buy myself a warden, augs and 4 DWOs (and other things) just by selling heph augs and dement frags. Of course, I got more than normal people (6 hephs in a week), but it is still a way to make money. You can also sell mission slots/rewards for big bucks, like the Alsen's OL mission slot and hydro slots.

Author:  Original Soulless [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:46 am ]
Post subject: 

yugioh124 wrote:
BAM5992 wrote:
Original Soulless wrote:
JeffL wrote:
q: Why is it so hard to make credits? In this game credits are king, and i have gone to countless DGs in warp 2-3 and gotten total crap drops.

I think credits are pretty easy to get if you build bases. Colonies can be very profitable as can selling stuff to AI bases. You just set things up and then your bases/slaves/colonies are making money while you go out fighting for gear and XP.

Wait, then why the hell are there Dungeon Galaxies? If i cant get gear from killing DGs then whats the point?

Ive done countless late Warp 2 DGs, expecting to get atleast a DWO since its DF 100-120. :roll:

Seriously Jeff, that needs looking into.

There are people who dont want to make bases, like me, but need an Income.

Bases are not fun for people who dont want to micro manage.

The base interface is unintuitive, its not very appealing, and it resembles some kind of stock market program. Thats all fine and dandy for people who are making MONEY off of this game, but its not for people who actually want to have fun. :roll:

DWO is found in DF 200+ on rare occasions, 100-120 wont give one, so thats not the proper conxext to complain about (but I ould like to see more flavorful drops in lower df's)

I got a DWO in a DF130 DG before, from a BG.

Anyway, I used to be a MF, I managed to fund myself 100% just by getting rather lucky drops from normal AI. I managed to buy myself a warden, augs and 4 DWOs (and other things) just by selling heph augs and dement frags. Of course, I got more than normal people (6 hephs in a week), but it is still a way to make money. You can also sell mission slots/rewards for big bucks, like the Alsen's OL mission slot and hydro slots.

Every single time i play SS i have bad luck.

I have only gotten 2 Ares Drops, and maybe 6-8 Heph drops in the ENTIRE time of me playing this game...

Every other time i get shit drops.

Author:  Tesh_Sharman [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:33 am ]
Post subject: 

I wanna fly an unattached base with a base engine around my gal, even if im not allowed to warp with it, it would rock! Is that anywhere on the cards jefl / jon / sal / hal ?


Author:  candyboy [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

Question 1:
Is players that don't like to build bases nor buy credits for cash exluded from the end game content?

Question 2:
If no at question 1, how can players that's not building bases nor buying credits for cash keep up with the builders, and at the same time find moments for a crap, meals, work/school and family?

Author:  LichG [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kalch...I already represent those players. Dont build bases nor buy credits, still do endgame content. And I keep up with RL fine while doing that.

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