Star Sonata

Crystalline Reserve
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Author:  The Voomy One [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Crystalline Reserve

Ok so this got changed it seems. It will no longer become cap ship only, it will be getting a little nerf instead but stay open to all classes. A new similar energy that is cap ship only will be added.

And for those who are bitching about me for this change, Im not the one doing the changes. I have nothing to do with it other then posting it here to inform you.

Author:  trevor54 [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

Well, Lets not shoot the messanger :p

Author:  Lancer [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

Well glad to hear admins came to their senses, dont suppose you could give us an idea of how big a 'little' nerf is :P

Author:  The Voomy One [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

dont suppose you could give us an idea of how big a 'little' nerf is

It will be put down to 45k bank (from 60k) and elec tempering down to 10% (from 20%).
Dont think anything else is changed.

Author:  trevor54 [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

The Voomy One wrote:
dont suppose you could give us an idea of how big a 'little' nerf is

It will be put down to 45k bank (from 60k) and elec tempering down to 10% (from 20%).
Dont think anything else is changed.

exactly what i guessed ;p

Author:  Asmodeaan [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

when will the capship only energy be released and any idea on it's stats insofar?

Author:  The Voomy One [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

No idea.

Author:  MagicSteve [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

A little nerf? I pay 5bil for an energy and I lose more than a third of my bank. Yippee

Im betting this mythical "cap-ship only energy" (apologies Voomy but a "soon" from an Admin means nothing) will be size 300 and probably weigh about 2mil.

Author:  Lancer [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

Dont suppose theres any thought of a zerker version say with the original stats...? I still dont think there is a valid motive for nerfing zerkers in this way.

Author:  FriendlyPaperclip [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

I still dont think there is a valid motive for nerfing zerkers in this way.

I've talked to players today with 300-800k energy, enough to lay any set of drones 5-10 times over before even thinking about recharging. Enough to solo dmg ubers that aren't ment to be solo'd. Enough to use Vapids with and pwn players in a matter of seconds 10 times in a row, if not more.

The current panels are so strong, along with the electric tempering that energy is not a considered stat anymore for SD, Zerker and DM, a player has plenty and can go all-out with multiple weapons and high RoF. It's better than any other energy out there, but not more expensive or rare, there's tens in game (yes).

That's the motive for nerfing it.

Author:  Lancer [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

FriendlyPaperclip wrote:
I still dont think there is a valid motive for nerfing zerkers in this way.

I've talked to players today with 300-800k energy, enough to lay any set of drones 5-10 times over before even thinking about recharging. Enough to solo dmg ubers that aren't ment to be solo'd. Enough to use Vapids with and pwn players in a matter of seconds 10 times in a row, if not more.

The current panels are so strong, along with the electric tempering that energy is not a considered stat anymore for SD, Zerker and DM, a player has plenty and can go all-out with multiple weapons and high RoF. It's better than any other energy out there, but not more expensive or rare, there's tens in game (yes).

That's the motive for nerfing it.

Well thank you for the example of using DMs to justify a zerker nerf. Also I still dont see how an item thats completely different from the CR is influencing this, i can use panels with any energy why dont they get nerfed? Your saying yourself the current panels are to strong.. are you nerfing the wrong area..?

Perhaps you have never seen a Panther with a jiji or a seer with a MD if you think pwning player WITH tweaks in 10 secs is bad.

I agree with your point about the solo dps ubers however i was using 16 solar intakes today for MS... could i power 5 dark fists? no.

EDIT: Also you are aware at the rate which energy is consumed with this rof and multiple weps, you wonder why people are using the CR what other choice for them is there? You cant use a high regen energy, it just isnt good enough... Iam still needing more bank with a CR it doesnt give enough currently.

You keeping telling of more expensive and rare energys, exactly what makes an adequate replacement for the CR thats harder and more expensive to obtain. A same bank energy (45k) from a gargan mission? oh wait that would be easier to get. An Aku Qa', no wait thats rarer and more expensive but DOES NOT fit the order... If theres more rare and expensive energys out there that are better for zerker then i'm sorry for pushing this but I dont see what they are. If making the CR more expensive or rare is needed then why not just do that...

*yet i edit again*Also Which zerkers are gaining 800k energy banks? Iam torn between you meaning DMs or zerkers in Zebras with something like sup 2 dem rage. If a zerker uses 2 dem rage then no way in hell are you going to argue that ohh thats not fair you shouldnt be able to utalise all that uber shit that is designed to add sick dps and energy bank to do just that. If your meaning DMs I couldnt give 2 shits about a DM when i would like to know why the hit to zerker, I was after the current CR to be made a zerker only energy.

Author:  jsn0X [ Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

Lancer wrote:
FriendlyPaperclip wrote:
I still dont think there is a valid motive for nerfing zerkers in this way.

I've talked to players today with 300-800k energy, enough to lay any set of drones 5-10 times over before even thinking about recharging. Enough to solo dmg ubers that aren't ment to be solo'd. Enough to use Vapids with and pwn players in a matter of seconds 10 times in a row, if not more.

The current panels are so strong, along with the electric tempering that energy is not a considered stat anymore for SD, Zerker and DM, a player has plenty and can go all-out with multiple weapons and high RoF. It's better than any other energy out there, but not more expensive or rare, there's tens in game (yes).

That's the motive for nerfing it.

Well thank you for the example of using DMs to justify a zerker nerf. Also I still dont see how an item thats completely different from the CR is influencing this, i can use panels with any energy why dont they get nerfed? Your saying yourself the current panels are to strong.. are you nerfing the wrong area..?

Perhaps you have never seen a Panther with a jiji or a seer with a MD if you think pwning player WITH tweaks in 10 secs is bad.

I agree with your point about the solo dps ubers however i was using 16 solar intakes today for MS... could i power 5 dark fists? no.

EDIT: Also you are aware at the rate which energy is consumed with this rof and multiple weps, you wonder why people are using the CR what other choice for them is there? You cant use a high regen energy, it just isnt good enough... Iam still needing more bank with a CR it doesnt give enough currently.

You keeping telling of more expensive and rare energys, exactly what makes an adequate replacement for the CR thats harder and more expensive to obtain. A same bank energy (45k) from a gargan mission? oh wait that would be easier to get. An Aku Qa', no wait thats rarer and more expensive but DOES NOT fit the order... If theres more rare and expensive energys out there that are better for zerker then i'm sorry for pushing this but I dont see what they are. If making the CR more expensive or rare is needed then why not just do that...

*yet i edit again*Also Which zerkers are gaining 800k energy banks? Iam torn between you meaning DMs or zerkers in Zebras with something like sup 2 dem rage. If a zerker uses 2 dem rage then no way in hell are you going to argue that ohh thats not fair you shouldnt be able to utalise all that uber shit that is designed to add sick dps and energy bank to do just that. If your meaning DMs I couldnt give 2 shits about a DM when i would like to know why the hit to zerker, I was after the current CR to be made a zerker only energy.

You can thank 1 player for this nef. JJ :) If you haven't seen him in action yet, then of course you wont agree with this nerf, but he can kill about 10 people without a healer due to vapid attacks... and he can solo-dps the emp in a couple minutes(from what I've heard). WTG JJ! :D

Author:  The Voomy One [ Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

Well thank you for the example of using DMs to justify a zerker nerf.

CR is open to all classes so it needs to be balanced with all classes in mind. It will still be a good energy and if it worked for you before the nerf it will work after the nerf, you will have a little less energy bank but it will be very high in any case.

Author:  Russell [ Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

I dont think you should be mentioning panels then evaluating an energybank nerf.

Panels are very limited.

They only work with certain suns do if the sun is wrong or lacking the contribute nothing.

The are short ranged so if you stray away from the sun the panels dharge rate is drastically reduced.

Panels are big so only big ships carry more than one or two.

Author:  Lancer [ Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crystalline Reserve

The Voomy One wrote:
Well thank you for the example of using DMs to justify a zerker nerf.

CR is open to all classes so it needs to be balanced with all classes in mind. It will still be a good energy and if it worked for you before the nerf it will work after the nerf, you will have a little less energy bank but it will be very high in any case.

Well if you'll excuse my previous messy and slightly inchoherant post, I was a bit sleepy and annoyed last night. My aim was to make the current CR zerker only or a equivalent energy with same stats zerker only. My point was that you are nerfing zerkers heavily here, a reason because of that is another class if anything that adds to my case of making it zerker only.

If you want to start comparing what DM can do to zerker how about for an expenditure of 37500 elec a DM can deploy a lovely 5 dark fist weilding drones and fire these almost indefinately with comparable dps, superior range and tracking. Assuming i discount my rof cos thats to much hassle for me to work out right now, i get a consumption of 5625 elec/sec so for the same expenditure of elec i gain 6.67 seconds of firing. A DM can go on firing long beyond that. Zerker needs the large bank in comparison with that class i would say deffinately.

Or how about the capability of spamming mobile lightnings even BFDs work clearing the entire arena for example... keeping your target in place with a enginner enhanced Ungodly Lust thats a real pvp nightmare. But hey they can do that for even less elec than zerker only differance is an SD with a giga fission can actually escape from the zerker.

Your knocking 25% of my bank, feel free to call 111464 energy little.

Now this is odd I see countless post telling how Seers/Snipers can stealth
and run away, how SDs can just fly off anythime they want... yet suddenly the zerker has become able to see the stealthy players and catch the SDs. So what if he is using Vapids to wtf pwn... what did anyone expect when you give a mass dps class dps tweaks? The same capability for dps is going to exist after the nerf your not fixing that, in voomys own words "if it worked for you before the nerf it will work after the nerf" so you realise this isnt stopping the problem.

I am unsure about the soloing emp, yes that does sound extremely broken but I have no indication if that is because emp is to weak or the afore mentioned player is to strong.

Zerker as i mentioned in the previous topic here is orientated at having large banks, you designed zerker with this in mind, its called ordinance supremacy "+4% bank" thats the largest bonus to bank any class has, it would make sense to give the already existing large bank energy over to the zerker class because, oh I dont know... its supposed to have a large bank.

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