Star Sonata

The Emperor contest rework
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Author:  Star Sonata Bot [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  The Emperor contest rework

Discussion topic for post: ... -rework-3/

Author:  jack the ripper [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

The Emperor contest rework

2016·07·14 by Auxilium
First and foremost, this idea is still in its planning stages so anything posted here may change at any given time. The purpose of this thread is to give players a chance to weigh in at an early development stage. We welcome any questions, concerns, and suggestions.

amazing, yes, hoorah, great job overall!

What exactly is changing and why?
We are planning to move Anatolia, which will be surrounded by a cluster of galaxies (more on those later) to Wild Space. This means that the galaxies will all become buildable. We made this design choice because permanent drones have become less powerful compared to player ships over the years and a small squad can take down 30 permanent Drones without too much trouble. As such, Anatolia requires a 24/7 active watch from the claiming team. While there is nothing wrong with the Emperor system being dependant on a team’s activity to some extent, the current lack of interest in defending Anatolia makes it clear that the player base would prefer a new system.

Anatolia will still be the galaxy where the Palace rests and it will be surrounded by a cluster of galaxies. We haven’t settled on a layout of the zone just yet, but you can expect something along the lines of this:

all perfect

Anatolia and its surrounding galaxies will become buildable. This means that becoming Emperor will be a King of the Hill contest. At the start of the universe King Midas will be the Emperor of the universe. Anatolia (and likely its surrounding galaxies to a lesser extent) will be defended by a good amount of Midas-type stations that players will have to BvB. We’re doing this to prevent players from instantly claiming Anatolia when the universe resets.

Once King Midas has been dethroned and his galaxies laid to waste, players will be able to own the Emperor zone for their team. With ownership also comes the standard rules that apply throughout Wild Space: you must own an adjacent galaxy for 24 hours before you are able to lay BvB kits in the galaxy you want to assault. The only difference is that you can only own the galaxies in this area by using outposts.. The reason we don’t want them to be ownable by linking them up to a team’s HQ is simple: we don’t want a team to absorb these galaxies into their teamspace, making it more difficult for other teams to assault. The only way to dethrone a reigning team will be to blow up their palace, which they will be able to defend with their own stations.

all amazing

Ability to create one Unclean Imperial Seal every 24 hours on the palace. (already ingame)

A 10% tithe to the reigning team that applies to colonies, sales to AI bases and credit scoops. (already partially ingame)

A team-wide aura that will give a percentage boost the reigning team’s experience gained, shield, energy, speed and possibly an increase in hull space. We are still considering whether to apply these boosts to their bases as well (we haven’t decided on any values yet).

The director of the team that has successfully docked the Crown in Sol will be given the opportunity to create an item of their choice (keep in mind that we do not intend to create new item types, as that would take a lot of development time). If said person would rather not design an item, they will be given a custom holo projector (which will be awesome, we promise).


Also, this rework will not go live until we are absolutely sure that BvB is stable and will cause no lag. The last thing we’d want is another Anatolia that is unkillable not because it’s so strong, but because your client crashes before you’re be able to kill anything… *cough* old Andaman Drones *cough*.

I think theres a little more emphasis on this than needs be. I have a great computer, but fairly lacking graphics card, and I run tons of clients during bvb and never had an issue with the old anda drones, in specific bvbs when others were having issues. I came to the conclusion after lots of experience that this was the result of others' potatoes, and the current SS BvB is totally doable. I have no issue with 40 kit gal bvbs currently.

Upon reflection, I thought I had a bunch to say about this but it just all looks great. Good job. I definitely think that this would be an awesome change for ss.

one thing I would like to mention is it would be nice to have some where a specific conditional statement list for emp. I guess a guide?

Also, I think the requirement for being in the top 3 should be reworked. In the last how many ever years theres only a handful of teams monopolizing the top 3 ranks. Obviously I'm not impartial but I really think you should be able to claim/go for emp no matter your rank.

so my only question: what about the other current requirements such as being in top 3/5 and colony population (colony population would be fine to leave in, in my opinion, but also fine to take out).

Author:  ELITE [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

Glad to see my ideas are getting some traction.

Author:  DarkSteel [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework


Author:  redalert150 [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

Yay bvb against ai that sounds fun. Few things though..

Could each gal have a limit to the amount of bars a team can lay. Like 5 maybe? So that everyone has a equal chance and a team with unlimited resources can't stomp on the competition?

Could we get more rewards for claiming emp or at least more seals. 1 seal a day is very underwhelming when you have so many people in a team needing them.

Author:  DarkSteel [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

jack the ripper wrote:
I think theres a little more emphasis on this than needs be. I have a great computer, but fairly lacking graphics card, and I run tons of clients during bvb and never had an issue with the old anda drones, in specific bvbs when others were having issues. I came to the conclusion after lots of experience that this was the result of others' potatoes, and the current SS BvB is totally doable. I have no issue with 40 kit gal bvbs currently.

I have a fairly low budget gaming computer (800 dollars worth) and I had to pixelate my client for it to not crash. I'm not sure what's causing it but it seems to be fairly random which computer burns and which doesn't.
Oh, and the old andaman drones made my clients crash within 3 seconds of warping into Anatolia, which wasn't very entertaining :roll:

jack the ripper wrote:

so my only question: what about the other current requirements such as being in top 3/5 and colony population (colony population would be fine to leave in, in my opinion, but also fine to take out).

We didn't think of the top 3 requirement when designing this but I'm sure its not a problem to making it top 10.

I don't think we're going to change the population requirement :)

Author:  buggy123 [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

In my opinion, any requirement that might stop weaker teams from competing for the throne should be removed. If a weaker team can overcome a stronger team in BVB, they should get the throne.

Author:  ELITE [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

I dislike the population requirement. No one on RF enjoys doing colonies, being forced to utilize that aspect of content feels shitty.

Author:  MasterTrader [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

I think the solution to the distaste people have for needing a certain population in order to claim emperor should be fixed by...

Giving colonies a better defined role! :D

Author:  ping101 [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

Sexy update, glad to see old content becoming more relevant.

P.s what's the matter DS? No Pokemon go where you live?

Author:  jack the ripper [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

what is the current population requirement?

Author:  lordjeroen [ Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

ping101 wrote:
Sexy update, glad to see old content becoming more relevant.

P.s what's the matter DS? No Pokemon go where you live?

Pfft, who needs Pokémon go when you have Pokémon Blue?

Author:  DarkSteel [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

jack the ripper wrote:
what is the current population requirement?

5% of the universe population, which isn't very hard to get

If you have any ideas for new or additional rewards please let it be known. Simply giving more seals out seems a bit boring :P

Author:  kwilson [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

Will the Crown Ship be able to use a transwarp device, or be able to be in a squad with a Fleet Commander that can transwarp it to Sol?

Author:  anilv [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Emperor contest rework

kwilson wrote:
Will the Crown Ship be able to use a transwarp device, or be able to be in a squad with a Fleet Commander that can transwarp it to Sol?

Definitely not for either of these. Probably no Juxta use either.

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