Star Sonata

User base interface bugs and problems
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Author:  SAL 9000 [ Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  User base interface bugs and problems

Order is somewhat random; suggested improvements are my opinion, of course:

1. Base Even log doesn't clear out when you dock at new base, it just adds to the old one

2. The control panel only contains docking privileges with 3 choices, not the new docking/construction/management system with many levels

3. Changing docking privileges don't work (correctly, at least), nor do they load when you dock at a base - you'll just see whatever you had before (what you last set it to, or "anyone" at restart of client)

4. Having changed docking privileges (locally), focus stays on that dropdownlist, even if you click a chat tab

5. If you try to change docking privilege using Enter key instead of mouse, the client crashes

6. Transfer money dialogues for bases (both ways) are bugged: After the first 3 digits, digits jump to the left 3 at a time - 1000 becomes 100,0, which is interpreted as 100k. Only way to enter a number between 999 and 100k is to add leading zeros (005000 will be 5k)

7. Construction page doesn't show initial build costs

8. Build costs are mislabeled: "Maximum workforce" really shows Manhours, and "Manhours" shows some garbage value

9. Construction page doesn't show number of items building for volume builds

10. In the dialogue for selecting number of items to build, the default "1" should be text-selected when the menu is opened, so that you can type in another number without having to delete the 1 (and having the cursor to the left of the 1 makes it even worse)

11. Base inventory shows item type on top of item number, making item number very hard to see

12. The sorting options for base inventory don't work

13. "Transfer some" from base to your ship doesn't work - it opens an item information window instead (not for the item you try to transfer, though)

14. "Toss some" has same problem as the transfer money dialogues

15. You can only equip/unequip stacks one item at a time

16. There's no way to modify buy/sell costs/limits from trade menu; you have to add the item again from control menu

17. Not limited to bases, but the left/right scroll buttons when the number of categories exceed the width of the window are extremely annoying (particularly for item types in trade menu, since there are so many of them); please find a way to fit all the choices in the window at once

18. Again not limited to bases: Keyboard shortcuts don't work in popup menus - again VERY annoying

That's it for now - stay tuned :P

Author:  SAL 9000 [ Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: User base interface bugs and problems

#1 is fixed, awaiting patch. This also solves the problem of increasingly slow docking in user bases.

Author:  SAL 9000 [ Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: User base interface bugs and problems

#7 and #8 are fixed, awaiting patch. Still a problem of no scroll bar if there are many build costs.

Author:  syberian [ Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: User base interface bugs and problems

transfer money is bugged when u try to give/take money to trade slaves aswell.

Author:  SAL 9000 [ Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: User base interface bugs and problems

#9 is fixed, awaiting patch.

Author:  Zekk [ Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: User base interface bugs and problems

I've a few to add:

1) when sorting items in base inventory, sorting by type results in a random sort within each type; it should default to alphabetical as the secondary sort, unless you want to make it possible to apply multiple hierarchical sorts dynamically.

2) Under Blueprints, the description window cannot scroll; BPs whose entry is longer than one window-full are cut off and cannot be viewed fully.

3) No part of the dialog works with the keyboard. This is actually true of almost all dialogues, including the "Add trade item", "Transfer item/credits", and "Edit slave orders" dialog boxes. To be more precise, the frames never get focus so all key commands are used by the main game instead (ex. tab cycles through targets, not widgets in the dialog), though text boxes in sub-dialogues are capable of getting focus through directly mouse clicking on them.

4) All text boxes in base dialogues (and some elsewhere) are a bit funky and enter creates a new line within them instead of activating the Ok button like it should. This might make sense for the text boxes, but NOT for other things... actually transfer creds to/from base is correct, I noticed it on transfer to/from slaves and assumed it was here too.

Author:  The Lost One [ Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: User base interface bugs and problems

Tossing items from a base that is your own works. Tossing items from a base that is owned by someone else than you, does not work.

Author:  Zekk [ Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: User base interface bugs and problems

yay they fixed my #1 :-D

but i now notice that its doing alphabetical sort on #, just like in inventory

Author:  The Lost One [ Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: User base interface bugs and problems

A bug concerning base upgrades:

Trying to use a T20 Unt Faranji Station Tech upgrade on a T18 kit, will need both a T20 kit slot and T18 kit slot. Meaning, if you have 1 slot left for a T20 kit, you are not able to upgrade the kit as you will not have enough slots needed.

Author:  Russell [ Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: User base interface bugs and problems

The possessions menu shows other characters bases (2 characters showed the same bases, disconnecting made no difference nor did generating a new display)

Also dead bases are not shown do it is difficult to find and demo destroyed bases in different gals (they are all over the team area).

Author:  gundamrules2003 [ Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: User base interface bugs and problems

1.) Items in construction tab are listed in order added and not by name which they should be.
2.) You can not press a letter in the construction tab and have it go to the corisponding letter on the list of construction items.
3.) The Misc details of build items are mostly cut off if the discription is too long in the details window.
4.) Base window need to be to be resize by player I think.

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