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Post Create a Ship Story - Private Development by Team Horizon


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Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:21 pm
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Based on the NCC Bulk....

"Come about to heading one one five three eight," Captain Siv barked to his crew as he stared at the viewscreen watching the stars flicker and shimmer like small diamonds.

The bridge was filled with the soft hush of his five other crewmen moving about and soft beeps filled the air as they responded to his orders echoing a consensual "Aye Sir!"

"Disengage the sublight drive and prepare to enter the warp gate," he continued in a gravelly voice, stroking his white beard.

Captain Siv had been in the business of hauling freight for a long time and made a hefty profit from it, allowing him to purchase one of the coveted bulks from the Vindian trading company.

The catch itself in purchasing the bulk was that he had to do the odd job for them. In this case, a large shipment of Silver and Diamonds filled the massive cargo hold.

The D'eris shuddered sleightly as the warp field generators kicked into life and the massive twin sublight engines powered down in expectance of a jump through the warp gate.

He was comming from Paxius and the treck had been fairly uneventful, as he had hoped while travelling through the protected galaxies of the powerful Earthforce fleets.

"Raise the shields, dampeners to max, cut the engines completly and engage the main drive," he ordered. The viewscreen flickered as the D'eris' shields sprang to life distorting the image and the shimmering stars outside.

He wasn't worried, this was one of the newer ships the vindians had designed, a prototype known as the Neverwish class. He was the first and only captain to own one outside of the company.

While the original design wasn't much different than the older models, the Vindians had finally grown sick of the pirates attacking their best traders and the Earthforce not stepping up to the plate to provide adaquate coverage to their ships.

The Neverwish class, had been upgraded with a much more powerful energy grid, allowing its shiled protection to be doubled, and a thicker hull plating to absorb some of the residual damage that made it through the shields.

She had also been given weapons, something Siv had never thought he would need, but had been more than willing to fork over the extra cash for. In return, the Vindians had installed two turrets along the main cargo hull to allow the lasers to gain full tracking advantage against anything that dared attack them.

Not top of the line, but better than nothing. "Enter the warp gate," he ordered and the ship lurched entering the massive gravitational fields from the instability of space.

Klaxons rang out across the bridge and several panels exploaded sending debris and crew members flying across the carpeted bridge.

"What the hell is going on!?!?" he demanded amidst the groans.

"Sir! We're under attack!" a young crewman shouted through the smoke as the ship shook again from another barrage of weapons fire. "They've setup an interdiction field! The jump core has gone completly dead!"

"Engage the sublight engines! Our backups wont hold without power!" Siv barked as his crew scrambled to their feet and struggled to get to their stations. "Charge the tracking lasers as soon as we've got power!"

Ehhh, I'll write more later since I'm kinda at work right now and am being called all over the place again.... :P

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning, that's the best they'll feel all day." --Frank Sinatra

Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:59 pm
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KK updated now read please!!!! tell me if i can add anything to make it better.

Thebattler35's account on the history of the NCC-Bulk: Neverwish class

The Neverwish class of the NCC-Bulk was created by the members of the NCC trade enterprise in response to increasing attacks my the pilots of the rogue monochrome tints, the ship is currentely the strongest of the current bulks in production with a triple hull creating 3 atmospheres of protection with an increased chance of the reflection of physical missiles, however due to the focus on the protection from the missiles from monochrome tints, the ship has a reduced capacity to deal with laser fire, to combat this weakness the designers have created a larger hull space capable of fitting the largest shields available. The ship is usually fitted with rotatable turrets as it is designed for carrying extremely heavy loads and most engines do not have the power to rotate this ship around at the speed required to successfully target and hit a ship making firing runs.

History of the Neverwish class:

The neverwish class was first tested in the year 301000 I.N. although it was initially scheduled for 300354 I.N. fears of it's vulnerability to laser fire forced the project to be shelved. In it's first tests it performed better than projected, it's physical protection was estimated to be only 24.657% and it's laser weakness at an astonishing 98.7635% however the figures produced during testing put this at 78.745% and 37.9012% respectively. The ship has a tracking system automatically installed onboard the ship, although some stations at an additional cost have been known to remove this to provide extra hullspace for traders of large shipments. For the more cautious traders some of these ships are equipped with an engine tuning designed to increase the overall speed by 25%. It is these modifications that allowed the Neverwish class to be propelled straight into the "must have" lists of traders and merchants everywhere. It is also reported that the imperial navy is currentely designing a new ship named the "ultima" based off the Neverwish class currentely available to the public.

Battles involving Neverwish class vessels:

The Battle of Baade, One of the biggest ever conflicts involving Neverwish vessels, The battle included 75 Neverwish vessels and 17 of the emperors stealth fighters against 183 vessels of the blue race. The military tact of the neverwish prevailed against the blues' recklessness and speed, The biggest factor in the success of this battle was the Neverwish vessels rotating turrets allowing the pilots to focus on evading the manevours of the blues' projectiles, a hard task that would have been impossible without the auto-targeting of their turrets. The Imperials won victory over the blues losing a mere 3 ships, only one of which was a neverwish vessel.

The Battle Of Space Port 1095, This battle was the result of 5 neverwish vessels pitched against 25 pirate monochrome tints. The neverwish vessels were being serviced by repair bots at the time, so their engines had been disabled, although their triple hulls held up against the pounding of the monochrome torpedos, the monochrome race made off after the theft of 300,000 credits from the stations database, the meaning of the raid became clear.

Octo wrote:
QFT Octo either owned the fish initially, or scooped it when he podded any/all of the above.

Last edited by thebattler35 on Sat Dec 15, 2007 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:01 pm
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i suck at sotries but i was thinking the SB attacks the Neverclass

Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:07 pm
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*Based on the Paxian StarGazer*

As Grand Admiral Rove Ta Lar' gazed outside the oval reinforced beryllium bay windows, his thoughts wandered with the stars. It was as if he was one with them, his spirits with thiers.

He was practicing a form of meditation ,Ory'Kar in Paxian language, a language that was long unused in favor of the language of trade. The language of the Earthlings. A language called BASIC.

As Rove Ta Lar's mind wandered, he was instantly awakened by the smooth whistling sound of his Celestica Class Paxian Starship.

"Mmmm, another intruder." he murmered, "Computer identify threat".

A few moments later a sweat motherly voice answered his own, *Threat level: Minimum*.

"Good." He sighed. Less paperwork to do when he finished his tour and reported back to Paxius, the Paxians temporary home galaxy.

Rove Ta Lar was assigned garrison duty on an advanced outpost far out in what was called Deep Warp 3. His task to was shadow the Iq' Bana forces and see what they were up to.

The job was more dangerous then he was told, and there were a few times when his life was in slight danger, but he was never worried.

His ship had been outfitted with Quad mounted Fire Beams, a Paxian Soverign Explorer shield, Celestica's Charger, Celestica's Mod and best of all a Paxian Mythos Forge.

He was ready for any incursion from that horrid species.

Except for this one, this tiny nuisence, this insignificant gnat that seemed to gnaw at him, left and right, up and down, until his shields neared 10% of their maximum capacity.

*Captain, shields down, using emergency store of Valaderium Inc. Insto Shield Tweek.*

He sighed a sigh of relief as his shields soared back up to 25%.

It wasnt much, but it was better to have 5 more minutes of standing a fighting chance then 30 seconds of helplessness...


"Ka, ka ka vik vazuk ur iq ju ja vi!!!" The brown cockroach looking creature creature shouted at his copilot.

"Vii vii, ju ja Vik!" The copilot squealed as the ship rocked to the side, its shields plumuting 50% in one salvo.

But no matter, the aliens had figured out how to overcharge their shields to the max, so that by the time the enemy ship fired again, they were back at 100%.

As the copilot increased power to the weapons for a split second, the main piloting unleashed a new weapon that would revolutionize the way the Iq Banaian's fought the Paxians.

They had developed a fully tracking mining laser that was only 25 CU, but could shoot from 700 AU's away!

As the helpless Celestica class ship's shields was peeled away down to the very last 5%, the aliens squealed in delight! Their Queen Mother would be proud of them, they might even be granted special mating privileges!


"DAMNIT!" Even though Rove had only been in this galaxy for a few hundred years, he still had learned to use this age old basic expression of frustration to the fullest.

As his ships shields slipped from 5% to 4%, to 3%. He finally became aware of something he should have done from the get go.

Get the hell into the Escape Pod!

As he raced to the escape pod hatch 5 Meters away, he could hear the warning klaxxon that sounded.

It could only mean one thing, his ship was at 1% shields.

As the escape pod door slid open gracefully, he leaped in just in time to shut the door before his shields gave way totally.

One more shot and it would be over, he would be ejected and his ship would be lost forever...What a great way to get a promotion.

He waited for 1 minute, nothing happed, not a sound from his ship was heard.

He started to wonder if he had just blacked out and the pod had already blown away from the ship, but then he realized that the pods slow humming noise meant it was still being supplied with energy.

He started to exit the escape pod, and made his way back to the bridge to find out what had happened.


Meanwhile, a black and yellow Paxian ship had been plummeting the Iq Bana fighter with its bright red Paxian Heat Wave class lasers.

As the Iq Bana fighter tried to run, the Paxian ship pulled it closer with its mighty Constable class Tractor Beam, courtesy of Earthforce.

The mighty ship finished off the Iq Bana fighter in 30 seconds, a mere fraction of the time it took Rove to even think about killing it.

"Dar Karesh, my brother" The captain of the P.S.S StarGazer announced over the intercomm.

"My sensors detected weapons fire in the vicinity, and i came as quickly as possible. I am sorry for being so late"

"You came just in time" Rove said, "Any sooner and i might have mistaken you for one of them," shooting at the wreckage of the crumbled fighter, "Atleast now there was no mistaking you."

"Well, i will be on my way." the captain said over the intercomm.

"Farewell..." Rove said.

Just before the StarGazer warped out, Rove asked "Wait, i didnt catch your name, sir?"

The comm was quiet for endless seconds..."Zorbitan, older brother of Zobitan..." Then he warped out.

"So maybe that old fool Zobitan isnt so battle dumb after all, must be a method to his madness..."

As he turned and warped out of the galaxy to resupply his Valaderium Tweaks, a brown and black huge menace creeped into the galaxy.

Its sole intent was one of malice, hatred and revenge.

Revenge on the Paxians for destroying its most prized possession.

Its Qoku Vazuk, a tech 21 Light Fighter with obscene shield regeneration.

"Koqii, Kasa kaka Va Vi!" It screamed over all the known and unknown channels of space.

Moments later hoardes of evil brown ships uncloaked from nowhere.

"Ko Ur Qa Vii!" it continued, "Vava iq jii!"

"They have won this battle thru trickery, our brothers did not die for vain, let us not let them die in vain!"

The galaxy seemed to catch fire as hundreds of bright red weapons fire pummeled the Research Outpost Defenses...
*Based on the Paxian StarGazer*

Thats the best i can do atm...

Fri Dec 14, 2007 7:44 pm
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Some new ships added. If someone already wrote about the ship, please feel free to make your own story about it. This process is far from over.

Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:10 pm
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That last ship screams Uber. Just screams it.

Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:33 pm
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how about some smaller lighterships, just some light fighters or more agile ships.

my story idea: Just a raid on bana would be cool, like the paxians trying to erradicate the UrQa threat that has killed all of the other races. Basicaly allot of pax ships attacking allot of urqa and killing the mother ship or getting driven off.

Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:34 pm
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I should have added that the stories most revolve around Star Sonata... they don't need to actually refer to everything in Star Sonata but, they do need to be related some what.

Also, the ships I provide are the ones that get written about, otherwise it would be pointless for me to post anything here.

Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:07 am
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As the lion ship sped away from the exploding base, its captain was wrapped in thoughts that he often had before. Such a big universe and trouble seemed to find him no matter where he tried to escape.

It wasn't always this way. Captain Albert "Munny" Meursault had once been a respected fleet commander. He had directed countless missions for his tribe but had become increasingly uncomfortable with the demands that were placed upon him. It seemed that the more systems they absorbed the more brutal and senseless the killing became.

When he first started flying missions he remembered how clear his motives were. His own family had been entirely wiped out by the Alliance's early efforts to control his people. His own hatred was shared by every member of his race and that hatred fueled a war that was surprisingly brief in its duration. The once powerful Alliance now was but a few scattered bases in the farthest reaches of the universe. To be sure, his people still hunted down the last of them to exact complete vengeance, but their appetite had extended well beyond this noble cause.

The people deemed it necessary to overcome anyone who threatened their survival, and the Pride Fleet had arisen as a method to take control of every system that would further that cause. Munny possessed an uncanny ability to master any tactical situation. This ability propelled him up the ranks until he was entrusted with the people's most important missions. These missions caused him trouble for a long time but it was not until one particular attack that his vision for his service changed radically and irreversibly. He was entrusted with breaking the defenses of a system with a particularly high level of resources. The system had been a neutral system that maintained a friendly trading agreement with the people. However, in the interests of furthering their cause it was decided that the system must be taken to ensure their goals.

The battle to take out the system's defenses was long and resulted in many casualties to both sides. Many died in the field that day and would be remembered well as ferocious soldiers. Munny respected the zeal displayed by both sides in the conflict. He believed that war was something primal and pure, and those that engaged in it fully were deserving of the highest honor, especially in death. He was proud of his service in removing the defenses of the system.

However, the people believed that if any of the original members of the system survived eventually they would threaten the security of the resources there. So he was ordered to remove any collateral threat remaining in the system. He realized that following such a course would reduce the nobility of their mission and his years of service. If he complied with such orders he would be worse than those who had slaughtered his own family. He tried arguing this point without success. So, to preserve the vision that had inspired him throughout his years of service he decided the only course of action was to destroy his own fleet. Destroy them in order to preserve the honor they had gained in serving the cause.

Since the remaining colony in the system had little defense, he ordered that his personal ship be readied and that he alone would take the glory of the kill. This was his right as fleet commander and none questioned his orders. He had entertained the notion of simply directing his capital ship to fire on the rest of the fleet. Such a course would have ensured victory and also would have ensured that no message would have been relayed back about his actions. However, he could not take the lives of so many honorable soldiers with such a cowardly act. He owed them more than that as their commander.

So, as soon as he launched and had gained sufficient distance, he turned on his own fleet and opened fire. One ship against the entire fleet should not have had much chance of survival. But Munny had surprise on his side and he had complete faith in his ability to achieve his goal. And his faith in that ability met with success that day as it had countless times before.

Of course, word of his actions was transmitted back to the people. He knew that he would never be able to return. Every member of his race was now hunting him with more hatred than they had ever pursued the Alliance. This fact troubled him little. He was alone with the universe now with only his vision to guide him. He had returned to his original cause, to bring nobility to the battle field by serving those who needed him the most. He was a vigilante for hire and his fame was spreading throughout the universe. As much as this fame brought him new ways to serve the cause it also brought continual pursuit by his people.

Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:36 pm
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The muffled sound of debris banging against the hull from the destroyed subsection of the station sent echoes down the dark halls of the evacuated space outpost. Distance footsteps and weary shuffling only raised the tensions higher as the Targan Crew’s main security task force pushed it’s way through the station to meet their objective.

The hallway was littered with the bodies of women, children and the guardsmen which were sent to protect them during their evacuation. On the outside wall of the hallway, large windows gave a glimpse of the scale of the attack. The outpost’s hull was pitted with escape pods customized to pierce the reinforced skin of the station and deliver the invasion parties to the butcher. Other parts of the outpost however where either entirely missing or too badly damaged to recognize as once supporting life.

The team continued to advance down the hallway until they came to a small access door leading into the maintenance tunnels. They all climbed into the confined space of the tunnels and slowly started to make their towards another access tunnel which would lead to the sub power control station. On their arrival, the teams technician started to reroute power to different sections of the outpost to get primary life support back online… and possibly some lights. The rest of the team bunkered down to secure all entrances into the room.

A deep mechanical moan grumbled from the far off distance of the outpost but, the life support was still off. The moaning gradually turned into a rumble and the taskforce knew there was something wrong.

The quickly scattered back the way which they came and the noise just kept getting louder and louder, and now the station had started to vibrate erratically.

Making their way out of the tunnels, the team frantically ran towards the docking port where the Targan was stationed. Staring out of the window, it was clear what was happening. The brute force of the initial attack had disabled the stations positioning thrusters and had pushed it into the orbit of the planet, the outpost was literally being torn apart.

Rushing into the air dock of the Targan, they closed the door behind them and someone yelled over the intercom to undock from the station. Three large release clamps released the Targan but the emergency security system had been engaged when the technician activated the outpost power. The Paxian Outpost Defense Network had been reactivated and it grasped onto the Targan’s docking lock area and started to charge it’s laser banks. The crew of the Targan desperately pushed full thrust away from the station, trying to break the clamps hold on their ship but, the Paxians ( in all their peaceful power) designed these things to keep you put as they blew you to kingdom come.

The stress on the station had increase tremendously and the power station gave way. It was too late however, although the clamps had released, the Targan had gained too much speed while the station dragged it down towards the planet…

I am bored atm… won’t use my story but, I have had it for awhile. Hence why I came up with the name.

Mon Dec 17, 2007 5:37 pm
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the lion sleeps TONIGHT!

Stay strong, live long, and walk humbly.

Mon Dec 17, 2007 6:12 pm
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Just the first chapter of young space adventurer Leet Atol in his FastLane class Zebu the Hida !!!

[color=orange]~~~Installment 1~~~

Leet Atol was filled with pride at the sight of his new craft. As a son of some minor noble on Mars he never saw many benefits of the upper-class. Mars is a factory world and the nobles there are foremen with titles so Leet never suspected he would receive his own craft on his 16th birthday like nobles of other worlds. But there it was docked on top of his father’s factory balanced on the mooring mast that docks ships that blot out the sky and bring loads of metals raped from whole moons. Yet there perched was his ship.

From afar it looked to be a Zebu. He and his father rode up the spire and with each click of the elevator car against the superconducting rail he could see the ship coming into firmer view. There was a slot running from the prow deep into the ship and a bioluminescent glow from the edges. Most of the ship was bare metal that showed the whole red planet across its arc and the sides you could see the tough diamond alloy of the new space age. Leet turned to his father in awe, “W-what is it?â€

Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:19 pm
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