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oh darn, meh ok Continuation!!

Broken Star Bridge

Capt. Alonzo never had many moments, but this one takes the cake, a rhino, sitting in front of his battered, yet still alive ship, now glowing dangerously as it's systems recovered and the captain powered up his weapons. Alonzo thought it over, he was going to have to go to plan B, unless that Rhino was stopped he and his crew would be corpses.

He walked over to the contingency plan console and tapped in the command prompts to bring up his weapons manifests, his ship was practically out of any projectiles now, and the lasers had been slagged when the cooling unit had malfunctioned half way through the raid main gun's Dark matter shells haven't had a restock since the incident in Shadow when Lush incision was almost destroyed by a stray Dark matter round hit the towering station.

The main pules cannon was disabled by a direct laser hit from another Rhino deeper in the sector, and the mining point defenses had been deactivated as well, and his missiles were practically drained, then something caught his eye.... That was it the one last tactical nuke he had on his ship, old ,but would blow just fine. Without hesitation he punched in the arming codes and authorization codes into the console, and notified Missile launch bay 7 the only launch bay still capable of launching missiles of such calibre


Broken Star missile Launch bay 7


"Warheads armed and ready sir!"


Four Rhino cannon rounds slammed into the Broken star's already weakened shielding, having only just re-activated them for combat, they were already cold at the time of the attack, the stress in the superstructure was making it self known, the ship groaned as the rounds slammed one after another into the shield, making it flare a violent red signifying its near death state.

"Missile is in the pipe, looking at 1 minute fueling time"

"We DONT have that time here fuel it manually if you have to just get it ready for launch NOW"

"Aye sir!"

Lois rushed to the launch controls and jammed the fire button down, and held her breath as a Yellow "nuke" blip appeared on radar, she bit her lower lip as the tiny circle raced towards the Rhino, accompanied by a large swarm of other yellow blips. Missiles launched from the other 9 missile bays on the Broken star, a salvo of covering fire for the nuke, the small but powerful weapon found it's mark on the rhino's shield generator knocking it out for good and leaving the ship open for a heavy salvo from the Broken star's guns.


Broken Star Gun battery 2

Petty officer Soryan watched in awe as the nuke's surreal blue, red glow subsided leaving an exposed and stunned Rhino open for attack.

"Commence salvo fire aim for their reactors"

"Aye aye sir, commencing salvo fire"

The main gun lit up and sent four lances of light punching into the rhino's reactor like a pin through paper, a blinding white light lit the vacuum of space.

To be continued

Enjoyed it? hope so

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Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:23 am
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"Anything yet?" asked Karesh.

"No admiral, these dark suns are making a mess of the scanners."

"Very well, run an active sweep. I just hope these new systems work as advertised."

"Still nothing, Sir" replied officer Darkon

"We might be a bit early. And I still think these ships need more testing" said Karesh with a disappointed tone.

"Sir you did get the report didn't you. RnD has remodeled most systems, they ran trials for months."

"Reports... statistics... those mean exactly nothing out in the field. How does she feel, Jan"

"Most excellent, Sir, she can push 170 easy and remain nimble" was a reply from helmsman Jan Santi, fines pilot the Blues had to offer "Just Like flying a fighter. And we actually saw Kurssa smile when he saw the new weapons' configuration"

"Lies. Tactical officer Draxon Kurssa, is this true?"

"Affermative, Sir. These new Delta bullets are formidable. Not only have the RnD boys increased damage tenfold, but the salvos are in a state of flux that allows them to pass though dampeners and resistance amplifiers with no significant damage decrease. RnD is still working on the power consumption however. With the new energy grid we can sustain firing for 33,5 seconds in optimal conditions. Sir did you read about the new assault mode?"

"I was there during testing, we lost some good men."

"They got it working now, you have my guarantee on that, Sir."

"The new cloaking system is still bothering me. We have almost no shields. If something were to go wrong... I told them on the trials they were pushing it. This ship is not ready for the field and if this..."

"Contact!!!" shouted Darkon.

Everyone went quiet awaiting the admirals orders


"100% match, Sir!"

"Alright people, this is, we're going hot, notify the Wolfpack, bring up tactical!"

Admiral plotted an intercept course to the target.

"Status on fleet?"

Subspace became alive. Sensor echos and noise were broadcasted on all channels as the rest of the 6 Targan class ships contacted the flagship.

"Sir, all ships reporting in. Systems green across the board."

"Engage sensor linking, this has to go by the numbers. Time to intercept?"

"5 minutes, Sir"

"Make it 3, they mustn't reach reach the warp!"

"Aye, Sir"

As the 6 Targan class gammas picked up speed one could see the space flicker very faintly. The new cloaking field generators adapted themselves to the changes in space. Silent as death. They had to be, for their target was most formidable. The wolfpack was assigned to intercept and annihilate Big green dreadnoughts that were interfering with the normal blues operations. The green convoy consisting of a dreadnought and 3 battleships had no way of knowing they were being hunted.

"Time on target?!" shouted the admiral.

"50 seconds to weapon range, Sir!"

"I want phalanx formation, rear flanking positions. Match speed at optimal weapons range. Final systems check now!"

As the 6 Targans were coming into the range of the greens they formed a line and matched speed.

"Admiral, fleet is in position, all systems nominal. Awaiting orders."

"I want fighters to take out weapons on support ships. One wing disable engines on primary. Also full firing solution on primary as soon as engines are down."

"Aye, Sir. Fighters are ready to deploy."

"Launch fighters, and stay cloaked."

Greens had no time to react. They were disabled before they knew what hit them.

"Sir, engines are down on the dread."

"Good work, all ships open fire. Full firing solutions!"

As volley after volley of bullets hit the Green Dreadnought the admiral grew increasingly worried.

"I want that vessel destroyed, Major, and I want it 2 minutes ago!! They will regain control any time now and we have no shielding to put up a fight."

"Sir!" shouted Kurssa in a distressed voice, "Their shields are too strong Sir, we may need to break off."

"We can't, they will retaliate in force when they meet up with the rest of their capitals at their staging area. Anything you can do Major?"

"We still have enough energy to engage assault mode, Sir!"

"Doesn't look like we have a choise, tell the fleet I'm authorizing the use of assault mode!"

In seconds the volleys of death coming from the betas became a wall due to the massive recoil decrease granted from assault mode. There was a drawback, all other ships systems went offline to route all power to weapons.

"Sir, it's it's going down."

"Recall fighters and prepare to cloak, lets see how well these new cloaks work."

As the Dreadnought's shields collapsed and hull burst into flames the blues stopped firing and cloaked instantly. New technology worked. Radiation field generated by weapons fire was quickly dissipated allowing near-instant recloaking. Just in time too as the Green support ships regained control of their systems.

"Can we still fire?"

"Negative, Sir. Energy levels are down and 2 ships are reporting powergrid failure. 2 more are having trouble with engines exiting assault mode. We are in no condition to fight."

"I knew this would happen. Does it look like the greens can pierce our cloak?"

"Negative, Sir. They are running active scans but dampening fields remain unaffected."

"Very well commander, tell the fleet to break off. Disengage sensor links. We are going silent mode. To fleet captains: I want telemetry and tactical records in 15minutes, command needs these ASAP. Also get yourselves ready, intelligence reports another Dread is due to come through here in 3 hours and it's not going to be leaving. Oh and congratulations, good work people. Regroup at the staging area, Karesh out!"

"Here is the damage report from assault mode, Sir. We got some shield problems but everything else seems nominal."

"Get someone on that ASAP, also run a diagnostic and a backtrace of what went wrong. If those shields give in during a fight it will end very unpleasantly. And good work people, but next time lets try to get the support down too. They probably have already reported in about what happened. I'll go check with command. You have the bridge commander."

--- meh

Julian wrote:
In ss we fill breast implants with sand because we are to cheap to purchase silicone.
Battlecruiser23 wrote:
I have reasons for why I do things.

Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:11 pm
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I got bored ok?

T-Minus four minutes till Rhino destruction, 2542 km out from Broken star

Waldo piloted his ship like an ace, and his two wingmen were right with him, he let a missile loose from his specialized missile bay that was installed into his fighter in the place of a cloaking generator, he heard his two buddies, Lieutenant Carlson and Ensign Vesper whoop over the neuro link as the missile slammed into a fighter from the rhino, a panther, blasting the striped ship to Hell.

He kept a keen eye for any boarding craft bound for the Broken Star, he knew that the Helro - class Boarding craft were a pain to catch. but he had already shot down four, with the help of Carlson and Vesper of course. Suddenly, a cry over the links sounded and Carlson suddenly veered away spinning wildly spewing it's promethium stores that ran the Forge of the Gods reactor the veteran lieutenant liked to use.

"Mayday mayday! This is Beta- four niner, requesting immediate recovery , I am hit and have lost over half my fuel reserves, Repeat this is Beta - four niner......"

Waldo forced the call away and concentrated on not running into the Broken Star's flak belts, while shooting down as many enemies attempting to enter the black cloud of death.

"Dammit, we lost her, she ejected, but her ship crashed into an boarding craft, damn she is not going to be happy about that"

"Shut up and concentrate ,mate, your going to get us killed"

"What ever, ya twit, remember I'm the one who pulled you out of the belt when we were at the Citadel wall"

"Just shut up.."

The citadel wall was the nickname the Broken star's crew had for the fourth Tier of the Serengeti sector,during this raid it was there that Waldo almost died because of a stray laser shot hitting his ship, he lost control and flew into the flak belt, with quick thinking, Ensign Vesper managed to slam his ship into Waldo's pushing him into range of the Broken star's main tractor beam.

"Beta-four seven and beta-four eight, clear the area around the Rhino, Tunder missiles are inbound, get anyone else out as well, were opening up a vector in the flak belt for you to return and re-arm before the big show starts, Broken star actual out"

"Roger that Actual, all squads RTC* for re-arming and re-fueling"

A chorus of acknowledgment lights and yes sirs answered his call, and he couldn't help but smile as the rest of his wing of fighters, kicked into turbo and high tailed it back to the Star.


T-Minus 2 minutes after Rhino destruction

Four sleek, dark, but striped craft soared silently towards the Broken Star, unhindered by it's now in-active Flak belts the four boarding crafts silently touched down on the Forgotten - class battle cruiser's surface.

"Bloody hell, how do these humans keep this piece of rust in working order"

"Silence, just get that cutting equipment up here"

"We are going to cause some extreme chaos"


Broken Star Bridge

"..........are we alive?"

"Damn, what the hell just happened?"

"Huge EMP blast from that Rhino's damn Reactor"

Suddenly a console sparked violently, and an Ensign was knocked back.

"Argh! sheesh, cant feel my ass!"

"Shut up and get the damn ship back to working condition"

"Aye sir"

An ensign groped around and managed to jump start the power with a neuro shock through the system, the multiple lights around the ship jumped back online suddenly and then Captain Alonzo spotted it, the figures standing by the hatch from the bloody splattered maintenance lanes.

"Freeze" it hissed


* ETC = Return To Carrier

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Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:08 am
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The broken star reminds me of the Galactica. Lol.

Burning angel wings to dust

Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:30 am
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Xanu wrote:
The broken star reminds me of the Galactica. Lol.

Drawing alotta inspiration from that >.<

So anyways heres another one

Broken Star Bridge



"This ship is now under control of the Serengeti Empire, this ship's crew is to stand down and prepare to be subjugated"
Was hissed out of the creature's assumed mouth, the bridge crew were stunned at the sight, most that regained their stance, surrendered reluctantly and were placed in holding cells at the far end of the bridge.

"They have control sir, were screwed"

Whispered Commander Grace, the supporting commander, she was a Pyrokenetic*, but now she was nervous, and when nervous she tended to spark off un-expectedly, a simple thought from her was enough to generate a blaze enough to incinerate the whole bridge.

"Don't worry, so long as they don't have the neuro keys were fine, and if that fails, I still have my Neuro link to the ship's reactor core control unit"

"Well captain i pray that never happens"

Just because Commander Grace was an accomplished Pyrokenetic it didn't mean she was invincible, if she stood here ground, a mag rifle would have turned her to a slice of swiss cheese. The bridge crew's only hope was somewhere with in the 6-kilometer length of this ship, there was some marines heading for the bridge to answer a call from a neuro net order.


Broken Star Barracks/Armory D3-Delta

Sergeant Kissengar wasn't one to celebrate early, but when they thought they were done for, the captain miraculously pulled one out of the hat, and managed to save the ship and the crew, so this was a special celebration and for most of his men who could do nothing but watch, it renewed their faith in their captain, and his exploits, but now the captain was being held hostage, and with the newfound patriotism, he and his platoon were ready to go into hell to return the favor for their captain.

"Move move move get your asses geared up and ready!"

"Gear up and hit the Transport lanes!"

"Sir yessir!"

"Mount up, were driving from here all the way to maintenance corridor 12! MOVE!"

Unlike most large ships, the Broken Star had maintenance lanes, or otherwise known as Maintenance corridors, such corridors are large enough for 3 General transports to travel in formation, and at decent speeds to boot, these corridors were adapted for a very different purpose, they were used as rapid response ways for marines to various locations around the ship in case of boarding.

"Alright men, this is the real thing, another platoon is already cutting their boarding craft loose, and we are to go in silent with maximum effect, we must free the bridge crew with minimal casualties, i hope you got your mag rifles, cause things are going to get loud around here"

"All right!"


"Pop the hatch"

"Ok here we go people, no cow boys and stick together"......................

Stay tuned for the next one!!

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Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:36 am
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yo sicuro dem imgs own man i`ll be rejoining every1 as soon as my w2`s come in so prolly dis week or da nex mabey but sicuro keep on dem images man they real good

umm im back...

Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:39 pm
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Post fire the missles

The Lion

As i was flying through out the universe i happen to see a enemy trader. Captin"Prepare the Excoms!" As excoms fire and the trader runs after an enrgy sucking fight we run into the MAN! as we prepare to fly by midas the guns go off dam the space bar! BOOOOM! TO sol in a pod.We have lost the fight against the MAN but its time for some fun.Before we make it to sol we see a another enemy trader and boom the pod goes by by,along with the 2 bil from gurjit .OPPS.and now its to sol in a we arrive at sol hmm 500mil for a now that i have goten my ship back i muxt refill on the GG that i had lost seeing how CG did not work. and as i am in my galaxy i see a member from another team warp into my galaxy and then he says that he needs help so i shall run about the uni with you. and now to deep warp 3 . we see a cap ship and the other player and I take it on.after the 10mins we spent killing it we finally kill it and in sqaud i see we got a minor shield aug and then i go puke in the tiolet "Plasmite" afk 3 mins brb" and as we fly through the W3.we find another cap ship so we give it a try agian and as i hit it with my 3 uber venu jack's. we still try to kill it and as we kill it and i click on squad once more and hmm wow we got a basic shield aug so i tell the freindly player i must got to S w3 to get around these augs.

IM bored see ya later srry bout the punctuation but i must go to work srry


Thu Jan 31, 2008 2:43 pm
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Broken Star bridge

"Executivvve we are approaching the gate to the jump"

Executive Rah' Opius sat on the bridge chair, his tail still slick with blood from the maintenance corridor insertion, in the tech stations of the ship was his men, or in this case Primal Shock troopers the bridge was on lock down still even after the fight ended.

"Excellent initiate the warp drives"

"Of course.."

Outside the Broken star's bridge a team of six marines in Heavy tactical gear stomped up to the heavily armored door....


Broken star Corridor Deck 1 A

"Team 2 in position captain Arclite prepped for assault"

"Team 3 in position waiting on your go Cap."

"Alright platoon breach and flash on my mark, Horus got the charges?"

"Got em sir"
Horus the Spec ops demo expert whispered in his slithery voice

"Alright set and detonate when i give the signal no heroes people i want a straight bang and clear movement no spray and pray"

"Ok go!"

A dull boom came from the vents and the marines poured in through the entrances, putting a tungsten-carbon fiber spike into the head of anything not human.

Sergeant Kissengar approached their captain.

"Are you all right sir?

"Yeah, but we gotta get back to friendly space, inform HQ and head for the Northern base branch, we have some loot for the RnD boys and their going t o love this"

All for now sue me but ihad to end this some how so yeah

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Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:43 am
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Post Re: Create a Ship Story - Private Development by Team Horizon
Once upon a time there was a man whose wife died, and he had only a little daughter, whose name was Maria.
Maria went to school to a woman who taught her sewing and knitting. In the evening when she left for home the woman would always say to her, "Give your father my kindest greetings."

Because of these friendly greetings the man thought, "She would be a wife for me," and he married the woman.

After they were married, the woman became very unfriendly toward poor Maria, for stepmothers have always been that way, and with time she could not stand her at all.

Then she said to her husband, "The girl eats too much of our bread. We will have to get rid of her."

But the man said, "I cannot kill my child!"

Then the woman said, "Tomorrow take her with you out into the country and leave her there alone, so that she will not be able to find her way back home."

The next day the man called his daughter and said to her, "We are going out into the country. We will take something to eat with us."

Then he got a large loaf of bread, and they set forth. However, Maria was clever, and she filled her pockets with bran. As she walked along behind her father, from time to time she threw down a little pile of bran onto the pathway. After walking for many hours they came to the top of a steep cliff. Her father dropped the loaf of bread over the cliff, then cried out, "Oh, Maria, our bread fell down there!"

"Father," said Maria, "I will climb down and get it."

So she climbed down the cliff and got the bread, but by the time she had climbed back up to the top, her father had gone away, and Maria was all alone.

She started to cry, for she was very far from home, and in a strange place. But then she thought about the bran and took courage. Following the bran, she finally arrived home again, late that night.

"Oh, father," she said, "why did you leave me alone?"

The man comforted her and talked to her until he had reassured her.

The stepmother was very angry that Maria had found the way back, and some time later she again told her husband that he should take Maria out into the country and abandon her in the woods.

The next morning the man called his daughter once again, and they set forth. The father again carried a loaf of bread, but Maria forgot to take the bran with her. In the woods they came to an even steeper and higher cliff. The father again dropped the bread over the edge, and Maria had to climb down to get it. When she arrived back at the top, her father had gone away, and she was alone. She began to cry bitterly, and she ran one way and the other for a long time, only to find herself even deeper in the dark woods.

Evening came, and suddenly she saw a light. She walked toward it and came to a little house. Inside she found a set table and seven beds, but no people were there.

The house belonged to seven robbers.

Maria hid behind a dough trough, and soon the seven robbers returned home. They ate and drank, and then went to bed. The next morning they left, but the youngest brother remained at home in order to cook the food and clean the house. After they had left, the youngest brother went out to buy food. Then Maria came out from behind the dough trough, swept and cleaned the house, and then put the kettle on the fire in order to cook the beans. Then once again she hid behind the dough trough.

When the youngest brother returned home he was amazed to see everything so clean, and when his brothers came back, he told them what had happened. They were all astonished and could not imagine how it had happened. The next day the second brother remained at home alone. He pretended that he too was going away, but he returned at once and saw Maria, who had come out once again to clean up the house.

Maria was frightened when she saw the robber. "Oh," she begged, " for heaven's sake, do not kill me!"

"Who are you?" asked the robber.

Then she told him about her wicked stepmother, and how her father had abandoned her in the woods, and how for two days she had been hiding behind the dough trough.

"You don't have to be afraid of us," said the robber. "Stay here with us and be our sister, and cook, sew, and wash for us."

When the other brothers returned home, they were satisfied with this, so Maria stayed with the seven robbers, did their housekeeping, and was always quiet and diligent.

One day as she was sitting by the window sewing, a poor old woman came by and asked for alms.

"Oh," said Maria, "I don't have much, for I myself am a poor, unhappy girl, but I will give you what I have."

"Why are you so unhappy?" asked the beggar woman.

Then Maria told her how she had left home and had come here. The poor woman went forth and told the wicked stepmother that Maria was still alive. When the stepmother heard this she was very angry, and she gave the beggar woman a ring that she was to take to poor Maria. The ring was a magic ring.

Eight days later the poor woman came again to Maria to beg for alms, and when Maria gave her something, she said, "Look, my child, I have here a beautiful ring. Because you have been so good to me, I want to give it to you."

Suspecting nothing, Maria took the ring, but when she put it on her finger she fell down dead.

When the robbers returned home and found Maria on the floor, they were very sad, and they cried bitterly for her. Then they made a beautiful coffin and laid Maria inside it, after having adorned her with the most beautiful jewelry. They also put a large amount of gold in the coffin, which they then set on an oxcart. They drove the oxcart into the city. When they came to the king's castle they saw that the stall door was wide open. They drove the oxen inside, in order to bring the cart into the stall. This caused the horses to become very uneasy, and they began rearing up and making noise.

Hearing the noise, the king sent someone down to ask the stall-master what had happened. The stall-master answered that a cart had been driven into the stall. No one was with the cart, but on it there was a beautiful coffin.

The king ordered that the coffin be brought to his room, and there he had it opened. When he saw the beautiful dead girl inside, he began to cry bitterly, and he could not leave her. He had four large wax candles brought and had them placed at the four corners of the coffin and lit. Then he sent everyone out of the room, barred the door, fell onto his knees before the coffin, and wept hot tears.

When it was time to eat, his mother sent for him, asking him to come. He did not answer at once, but instead wept all the more fervently. Then the old queen herself came and knocked on the door and asked him to open it, but he did not answer. She looked through the keyhole, and when she saw that her son was kneeling next to a corpse, she had the door broken down.

However, when she saw the beautiful girl, she herself was very moved, and she leaned over Maria and took her hand. Seeing the beautiful ring, she thought that it would be a shame to let it be buried along with the corpse, so she pulled it off. Then all at once the dead Maria came to life again.

The young king said joyfully to his mother, "This girl shall be my wife!"

The old queen answered, "Yes, so shall it be!" and she embraced Maria.

Thus Maria became the king's wife, and the queen. They lived joyfully and in splendor until they died.

The End:D

Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:19 pm
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