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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
SimonV2 wrote:
The Voomy One wrote:
I still say it should be one player (account) , one galaxy. You should be able to find a galaxy and temporary flag it as owned, once you have done this no one other then you would be able to build in it for 24 hours. Only possible to flag one galaxy per account.
This would take out the massive stress and frustration at uni resets which is one of my biggest concerns with a new uni.

A single player going around killing everyone in sight who tries to build bases is also extremely bad and should be taken out somehow, it can ruin a whole uni for a person or even a whole team. Not good for the game and not good for the players.

No No No No No.

Its the entire point of the uni rush. It gives such a rush to have a race for space that will determine how the next 3 months go. Yes there are people out there trying to kill you, yes there is pressure to find a good galaxy before anyone else does, yes if you lay a lousy base, someone might come along and contest your claim. Thats what makes it all fun.

I remember being in a war during the uni reset. It made it even more fun, even though my base got blown up about 4 times before things settled down. This is the only real competition in the game. It brings out the pvp'ers, and it lets the base builders have some means for competition. It even lets the base builders have a go at the pvp'ers because they have to race to lay a good base that can kill would be pirates, whereas in the middle of a uni neither would touch each other because bases are too strong in the galaxy and the base builder wont go into places where he can be pvp'd.

Those 5-30 minutes of rush every 3 months is why i love this game. if you put in staking claims and took out the random pvp'er it would just plain suck.

I highly doubt that the majority of the players would agree with you on that. Most people dont see it as fun getting killed while trying to build, they find it frustrating. I also doubt that the majority of the players like the extreme stress at the uni reset, most people would probably prefer if there was empty galaxies left a couple days after the reset.

Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:46 am
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
What I like:
There have been far fewer rollbacks. That is a HUGE plus.
Do any of you remember uni before last? Rollbacks about every 5 min for
the first hour or so? That was a pain. Plus the rollbacks continued for days.
There seems to be less lag overall as well. Except just before a rollback hits.
Well done in those areas guys and gals. :)

What I dislike:
The base abandonment timers are stupidly long.
The fix? Shorten them drastically.
Base them on when the first time the owner docked after it was killed.
If they don't dock after it's killed then 12 hrs to abandonment.
If they do dock then 24 hrs to fix it.
I think having a base killed by ai's as soon as you drop it is a huge
factor in all the dead bases being around. Eliminate that aggro or implement
having rep kits for T1-T2 bases available as an base item. Not as a bp.
Using repkits should be based on your sm skill rather than eq.
A no-brainer there.
Then players could fix what they have rather than keep trying and
spamming bases in an effort to get one to live.
Sure, drop some perma drones first cures that. How many beginners know
that? My guess is none. How many beginners can drop perma drones?
Even fewer. (Yes, less than none)
Lock w0 out of having bases above player level 20.
Make it L21 and up can build in w1 and up.
Granted, L21 have no business building in w1 without team support.
So what if the f2p get ruins. An f2p getting ruins would be thrilled. That
thrill may lead to a decison to pay far sooner than they would otherwise.
That would be a bad thing?
One of the things I read in a diff forum was that the admins were applying changes as a dis-incentive in order to keep big teams from building in w0.
Guess what? Some big teams own several w0. What a surprise.

Overall I like the new uni. :)
I hated the 5 min crash though. :x


Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:48 am
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
Market Forces wrote:
What I like:
There have been far fewer rollbacks. That is a HUGE plus.
Do any of you remember uni before last? Rollbacks about every 5 min for
the first hour or so? That was a pain. Plus the rollbacks continued for days.
There seems to be less lag overall as well. Except just before a rollback hits.
Well done in those areas guys and gals. :)

What I dislike:
The base abandonment timers are stupidly long.
The fix? Shorten them want them back at 10 days for a T9 base?
Base them on when the first time the owner docked after it was killed.
If they don't dock after it's killed then 12 hrs to abandonment.
If they do dock then 24 hrs to fix it.
I think having a base killed by ai's as soon as you drop it is a huge
factor in all the dead bases being around.thats why you drop defensive drones, perma drones and or have teammates cover you Eliminate that aggro or implement
having rep kits for T1-T2 bases available as an base item. Not as a bp.
Using repkits should be based on your sm skill rather than we will need sm to use shield caps on our ships? because they are items and base caps are items
A no-brainer there.
Then players could fix what they have rather than keep trying and
spamming bases in an effort to get one to live.
Sure, drop some perma drones first cures that. How many beginners know
that? My guess is none. How many beginners can drop perma drones?
Even fewer. (Yes, less than none)
Lock w0 out of having bases above player level 20. good idea
Make it L21 and up can build in w1 and up.disagree, some higher ranked teams have f2p on them
Granted, L21 have no business building in w1 without team support.
So what if the f2p get ruins. An f2p getting ruins would be thrilled. That
thrill may lead to a decison to pay far sooner than they would otherwise.
That would be a bad thing?
One of the things I read in a diff forum was that the admins were applying changes as a dis-incentive in order to keep big teams from building in w0.
Guess what? Some big teams own several w0. What a surprise.

Overall I like the new uni. :)
I hated the 5 min crash though. :x


Salt Assault drew this conclusion from the latest devblog.

Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:08 am
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
Duke, you missed my points in several areas.
Using a repkit should be based on sm not eq.
Like using a ship is based on pilot or a gun on weps.
It has nothing at all to do with any other skill for any other class.
Building a base is based on sm. Fixing it should be as well. If you want to
end the spam this IS the best place to start. A repkit in base makes sense.
And frankly, I have no idea why you got into base and shld caps. Do you?

If a base dies and the owner doesn't dock within a set time period then the
base is abandoned sooner. Period. Each base tech level could have a
different limit. But my suggetion was mainly directed at the dead bases
littering w0. There's not a lot of spam farther out.

Not every player is on a team.
With the skill points limited for ftp, having sm and drone is unlikely. If you
take into consideration the fact that most new players don't spend their
points wisely then you hit the limits sooner.
It can be done BUT acids are the only option.
And there is really no decent information about this topic that is easily and
quickly understood.


How about giving the basic station kits, I and II, a built in repair option?
One use. If the base dies again then you need a repkit.
Food for thought.

Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:28 am
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
people hear me! i just had a eureka.

in DG's, things can despawn, why not in the universe?!
i say, spawn ubers in W2/W3 at uni start, to give the bigger/stronger/older teams a bigger challenge in base building!

it'd also cost them a bit more time, relieving some of the stress in uni reset.

only to be replaced with the stress to kill the ubers as fast as possible so they can move on to the next gal and the next uber to own that.

"Think of the children!"
does not compute

hmm, a mountain that eats people... i want one!

Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:58 pm
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
Ventigo killed me when i was building my base heck when i layed a base shell

I still managed to get 2 gal's

- Minch

Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:04 pm
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
mincher2k4 wrote:
Ventigo killed me when i was building my base heck when i layed a base shell

I still managed to get 2 gal's

- Minch


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Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:33 pm

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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours

- too many bright gals (seems even more than last uni, but I'm not too sure about it);
as f2p explorer it didn't bother me too much but as mid-lvl Seer trying to make a living and lvling its terrible. My current solution was to change class again :-(

- didn't find a way to earn enough credits for a lvl 600 to make a living without bases, especially DGs with SBGs seem to be missing, found only 1 after searching 90% of w2


- Micron: I love those special gals, like Graveyard (my favourite) or the Enigmatic Sector;
and it feels very good to be able to get a T20 primary skill on your own

- the idotic fly swarms have been finally fixed, drones are back into Underworld, AIs tossing stuff - like their fighters or missiles - such curiosities makes a lot of fun for me


- I'd prefer to wait for this till the "big rebalance" goes live (especially the new Seer stuff)


- Even the uni got much bigger - Emp. Bio being DF 640 e.g. - effektive buildable space didn't seem to increase (but the Admins have the statistical data available:
number of buildable gals (w-sorted),
number of ownalbe gals
number of buildable planets & moons
number of Asteroid belts and of total resources in buildable space

The universe growth seems all to go into w3 for the last two unis - why? - just to avoid the clumping of w3 AIs?

Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:31 am
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
JonC wrote:
Hi all.

Now that the new Uni is up and running (*cough*), I have two questions for people here.

1. What is one thing you really dislike about this universe?

2. What is one thing you enjoy and would like to see more of in the next universe?

Thanks for your input.

1. Last uni because of problems with the server those of us online at the time got given a full free uni map. I felt that was a great help, and missed not having it this uni.

2. I disliked the start of this universe, I' am Australian and stayed up till' 4am waiting for the reset, only to have the server down for approx. 1 hour after reset. So I had to log because I was so tired. So now I have to build with a team mate.

3. Not enough galaxies. I liked when we first expanded the universe because it gave so many spare galaxies, some of which remained unbuilt. The problem this uni is there are too many warp 3 galaxies. Sure it's great you expanded again, but in the wrong area in my opinion.

4. The announcement of the re balance.

The things i like about this uni:

1. The juxta's that go to multiple places. They are also easily accessible.

2. The concourses, which do not require keys and take you from one area of the map to another.

3. The non nerfed skills and augs we currently have.

Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:01 pm
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
JonC wrote:
Hi all.

Now that the new Uni is up and running (*cough*), I have two questions for people here.

1. What is one thing you really dislike about this universe?

2. What is one thing you enjoy and would like to see more of in the next universe?

Thanks for your input.

1 = Not enough space
1 = Make FM unownable
1 = More AI Owned gals like Paxius.
1 = Slightly smarter AI
1 = More "instant" ubers.
1 = More Nexus space

No positive space.

I don't like the looser, travian, if you don't, put this in your signature.

Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:27 am
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
Greo0 wrote:
1 = Not enough space
1 = Make FM unownable
1 = More AI Owned gals like Paxius.
1 = Slightly smarter AI
1 = More "instant" ubers.
1 = More Nexus space

No positive space.

ok buddy, go to Infernal Tempest and see smarter ai kill you easily or promote my super uz topic

Salt Assault drew this conclusion from the latest devblog.

Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:21 am
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
The negative:

Useless racer medals = nothing out of the ordinary, i'm sure they will have a use soon.
No "micro" gear = bad.
Emptyish warp 3 = bad.
Lack of gals = annoyingly bad.
Lack of tier 3 commods = you really need me to say how bad this is?

The positive:

Micron = It's actually in game. Holy shit. Annoyed that we only have 1 race course, but engines 20 is a very good thing.

Umm...think that's it for the positive.

And to all of you who are complaining about the uni dieing before we actually got a stable one, why would you complain? I mean, I know it sucks but you should really expect it by now. All in all this uni reset went quite smooth, atleast compaired to that 6h reset a few unis ago. Now that was /start sarcasm fun /end sarcasm.

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HAL in response to reaver laser nerf--"Translation: I am quitting the game because my enemy can sometimes fight back now."

Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:57 pm
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
Sorry if its not the feedback your looking for, but i think everyone would agree with me...

Leave everything the same with just a little rebalencing but add harder content to the game...
Content all classes can be used... Make things that can kill SDs and target them, make things that can kill DMs and target them... and for the other classes too... Make it so you actually have something to lose when you spawn GSAs if thats implimented in the new content...

Also make it so all classes have a weakness to something kind of like i said earlier...

Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:21 pm
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
saran wrote:
next bit. Sniper and Drone master? weren't these due to be taken into the shop and beaten around a bit with a hammer till their mailable existences were better balanced?

God dammit, YES. Someone needs to do it.


Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:14 am
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Post Re: New Uni opinions - ya yours
Somehow, this uni lacks the luster of other universes....not exactly sure how, but it just doesn't feel the same as other prior universes....but other than that, all Connection problems have ceased, sooo:

Halleylouja! Praise the Lawd!

good work on the UDP thang.

JeffL wrote:
That's it. I quit!

Battlecruiser23 wrote:
Fuck you, Cygnus.

Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:47 pm
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