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Post Add & Rebalance existing mid-low level content
Pretty self-explanatory this would assign some content developers work on Low-Mid level content additions and fixes. If you have any suggestions for fixes let us know in this thread!

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Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:54 pm
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Post Re: Add & Rebalance existing mid-low level content
Ghostships are OP, the inbuilt tends to 2-3 shot anything near it's level.

Almost all low level ships need a Resistance rework, none of them have resists except for a few exceptions such as the Pax line.


Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:15 pm
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Post Re: Add & Rebalance existing mid-low level content
AIs shouldnt be able to use inbuilt deviced, its not even funny >.>

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Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:26 pm
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Post Re: Add & Rebalance existing mid-low level content
I don't agree with AI not being able to use inbuilt items, this is purely an issue with Ghostships being imbalanced. And yes, I agree with severely toning down that inbuilt. Especially when you get a DG level with 5-8 of them.

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Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:42 pm
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Post Re: Add & Rebalance existing mid-low level content
1. Specifically change the A38 Passcard mission change to not troll you. One of the missions tries to send you to Reflector (which there is no station at), in reality it wants you to go to Lyceum or some shit like that. It doesn't tell you about the second galaxy so by pure luck you figure it out.

Mister The Prefect (among other roaming AI's) roam a fairly large area and has a fairly large respawn time, equating to a lot of wasted time searching and waiting.

I propose just making an instanced galaxy off of Lyceum with all the bases and a Mister The Prefect AI inside.

2. Pirate Maboule supposedly roams between East Vindia and Handel's Cove. He too has a large respawn, so you waste time waiting for him to pass by. Not to mention he is actual an Uber AI, meaning he has unique loot that people kill him for.

I propose making East Vindia a "Zone" with the hub galaxy of the instance East Vindia and two branch galaxies Tortuga (the theme) and Handel's Cove. Two separate gates in EV for both of the pirate galaxies.

Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:24 pm
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Post Re: Add & Rebalance existing mid-low level content
I agree on the Ghostship special. Most offensive inbuilts around that tech level do around 1000 damage, not 2500 like the ghostship does.

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Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:33 pm
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Post Re: Add & Rebalance existing mid-low level content
Once i went into the sol DG, destroyed everything up to the second to last level
without drones as a DM. The second i warped in i was 2 shot, lost all four of my
drones and my slaves were killed multiple times by the ghost ships. Took me forever to get out. Eventually after this happened one or two more times I decided W1 dg's where they can't appear is a better choice. The torpedo device is waaay to powerful for that level. The other item that i believe to be broken is the trader's propulsion. As a level 400 engi, im still using that T5 engine to run my 1,442,000 weight orca with more maneuverability and thrust than many fighters. This gives me no incentive to train in engine because it tops pretty much every engine till T11 or so. Whats even more annoying is that the ugly coal furnace like particle affect REALLY makes you want to change engines, but as soon as you do you feel like a gelato. Change this please!

Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:42 pm
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Post Re: Add & Rebalance existing mid-low level content
The ghostships are at about lvl 150-250 in power now actually.

Fri May 10, 2013 8:52 pm
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Post Re: Add & Rebalance existing mid-low level content
bageese wrote:
Pretty self-explanatory this would assign some content developers work on Low-Mid level content additions and fixes. If you have any suggestions for fixes let us know in this thread!

Add a cap-able Giant Blue Space Jelly and/or a cap-able Giant Volcum. -Make both of them DG bosses; and, set it so that you have to fight your way back out, while protecting the slave.-
Add an increase to the effect of surgical weapons on Harmless and Mostly Harmless AI drop size (especially, Space Jelly), and make a readily available mission for a "Space Cadet Surgical Laser" for Earthforce Cadets. -Decrease effect of normal weapons on drop size as deemed necessary to maintain "drop" item price.-
Add Nexus missions/events, where Earthforce and Volcom fight for Nexus Station.

Change the drones surrounding Urqa portal in Pax to fire a Heat-based Jux (with a lower damage increase, but a faster recoil). Then, place two of the original heat drones out of range of player firing on the Jux drones, but in range to be protected by either of, 2 of the Jux drones.

Remove the Derelict Bulks; replace them with nerfed "Nano Bulks" that fire shorter range nerfed defense lasers and move at a speed of 4-7 and cannot turn except when autopiolit is activated. -Set all items to be considered inbuilt and provide the immediate drop of the largest cargo possessed upon destruction, no matter to the circumstances.-
Remove erroneous space between wormholes in the Nexus to compensate for the decreased size of Deep Space. -Arranging the asteroid belts to be on the outskirts of the Nexus, with the portal network being on the inside, may suffice.-
Remove restrictions on bases on DGs (including, Deep Space Dungeons), allowing only NON-COMBATIVE attached bases to exploit resources and access to purchase from players completing the dungeon. -In order to maintain an aspect of cleanliness in the game, I recommend only permitting bases on the very ends ends of Dungeons.-

Sat Oct 12, 2013 7:45 pm
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