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Post Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Color)
Have a the base in perpetual motion with a mission chain for installing 1 of several Tweak-Devices on your ship.
(Galaxy was chosen because the missions can be related to that of the study of the side effects of the moons/etc)

How it would work:

*Number of mission chains determined by player level
*Tech of Tweak-Device determines how hard/expensive mission is to complete
*Tech of Tweak-Device would have to match tech of ship to complete mission
(T5 ship cant use a t20 Tweak device, but a t20 ship can use a t5 Tweak Device)
*Once a ship has a Tweak-Device it cannot complete anymore missions
(Yes, This means ships with already installed "Cannot" complete mission[e.g. absentis/zebu/etc])
*Tweak-Device only produces 1 tweak every 20*1+tech level=seconds
(tech 0 = 20 seconds, tech 20 = 40 seconds)
[20*1+techlevel=seconds could be scaled to take longer by changing the 20]

Because it is a tweak "Device" and not a "Gen" it can not be used for unlimited credits.
(For now lets keep event based Tweak-Devices out of this topic, This way it makes the discussion easier and if implemented not so OP[e.g. bunny tweaking all day])

This idea originated to me from this topic:
However it is an idea that would be best under its own suggestion to prevent being ignored or receiving unnecessary heat from the other topic at hand.

Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:49 am
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
Perpetual Motion is not a good place due to the fact it is actually a drone production galaxy and doubling the hundred or so missions already there would be a mess.

I had an idea earlier to allow ships to have 5 super-item slots, since not all "super-items" are tweaks. For example, the Roswell-family have super-items that deploy drones. Zebucart and Ragnarocks have super-items that are weapons.

1st slot: Passive
2nd slot: Normal
3rd slot: Normal
4th slot: Normal
5th slot: Ultimate

The Passive and the Ultimate define the ship and cannot be unequipped. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th may or may not be part of the ship. They can be unequipped, but cannot be transferred off the ship. Many super-items from other sources can fit into their spots if you wanted.

Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:23 pm
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
I did not know about the amount of missions already in that galaxy. However wouldn't having several SSS slots take up a lot of space on the ship if the player cant transfer the stuff off their ship?

Also my idea was to just get a simple start on the Tweak-Device. However in my my personal opinion it would be not only harder to code but a little overpowered to have that many SSS slots unless they all ran on the same charge basis that the weapons abide with recoil.

Though i can see where your going with this and as far as i know the best i can think off would be a system like this.

Passive - (Things like shield/energy/damage/etc [tweaks in general])
Offensive - (Things like Roswell drone device and other offensive SSS's)
Player Choice - (One last slot for a player to choose a passive/offensive or if the choice exists a different SSS all together

The passive would have the shortest time, offensive second longest, and the player choice could be longest or depend on the choice.

My point is i want it to be something permanent or at least semi permanent so that players have to make a decision on what they want. Or make it like the augmenters where you have to destroy it/removal missions (Based on level)
However again, i do like your idea, but not being able to transfer the items off of ship would take up hull or allow the player to mass up several devices and use those rather than tweaks/etc, and that is not what i want happening.

Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:37 pm
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
Why does it take up hull? Most if not all super-items small or 0 size. Large size supers completely defeat the point Jeff_L was trying to make when he added the first ones to small hulled ships like the Zebucart. 35/55 hull used up with nothing on it is pretty stupid, don't you think?

The best place to implement any "super-items" is to find many galaxies to add them to. A single galaxy to which stuff is transferred to the player base is a really really stupid idea, and severely limits new content from being added of the same genre.

The passive and ultimate are the main defining features. They don't have to be strictly tweaks or super weapons. The point is the passive is a passive advantage related to the ship. This item is on all the time and isn't a massive shift in it being OP or UP. The ultimate is the big one, and really defines the ship. The ultimate is always strong, but it has anywhere between a 90sec cooldown and a 300sec cooldown.

Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:45 pm
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
When put that way, its a lot easier to agree with. Though one must admit this would be a really fun addition to the game.
The only problem id see now is where would what missions be placed at?

Generic idea out of the can:
Paxius (any one of them) = defensive/passive (Due to exploring)
Iq' Bana = offensive (Due to their need to conquer)

Cant think of anything else atm to be honest. However id like to see where this goes and how it opens up.

Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:19 pm
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
Put it this way, you don't want to limit any kind of item to a single idea. From a game company point of view, it extremely limits possible content, forcing you to expend more effort making new content to get the same distance as other companies. From a lore hound's point of view, it makes no sense whatsoever. Not all UrQa are aggressive feral beasts; the kings and queens are quiet calculating creatures capable and willing to strike from within, to inflict maximum damage.

Furthermore, you can apply that logic to any sensible group of humans in Real Life. If Preter is a male and a brony, does that mean every male is also a brony? Besides really ticking landswimmer off, assumptions hold people back, which is what that idea does to games.

Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:00 pm
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
Very well said max, wonder what a dev/jey would think of this idea though >.>

Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:28 pm
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
A "Tweak Device" would just be a non-sticky super item that does a tweak. Having missions to get some super items that do common tweaks might be a cool and interesting idea.

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Tue Apr 16, 2013 11:25 am
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
Non sticky works to :P, im starting to like where this is going :D

Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:51 pm
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
ba, ba, bump :P
So like super shield soother/shield tweak 1-3's/power punches/etc would be in this category right?... An having these would definatly be fun :D

Say i bring a crate of the tweak i want, plus some other commods/metals (Maybe ada depending on tech of gen) and trade it in or would it be a more in depth mission chain type a thing?

Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:56 am
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
I think either just simple BP's or turn in missions would be fine.

For support, please create a support ticket here and I will get back to you as soon as possible. About Star Sonata.

Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:09 pm
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo


Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:54 pm
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo

Not exactly where i was going with this. Also why wait so long to use a tweak gen when carrying the tweaks them selfs is faster to use?

The point isnt to be a gen but a device. Say ever for a super shield soother, You could use it every 30 seconds. This is longer than the tweak itself but is still more useful and space saving than carrying say 100 or so of the tweaks.

Wed May 01, 2013 11:11 am
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
lonedragon09 wrote:

Not exactly where i was going with this. Also why wait so long to use a tweak gen when carrying the tweaks them selfs is faster to use?

The point isnt to be a gen but a device. Say ever for a super shield soother, You could use it every 30 seconds. This is longer than the tweak itself but is still more useful and space saving than carrying say 100 or so of the tweaks.

SSS gives +shield gen for 12 seconds- if you made the tweak generator give one every 30 seconds it would be way op. Id rather bash my face in then fight a seer with a 30s SSS device.


Wed May 01, 2013 12:38 pm
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Post Re: Tweak-Device Installation from Perpetual Motion (In Colo
IrishKnight wrote:
lonedragon09 wrote:

Not exactly where i was going with this. Also why wait so long to use a tweak gen when carrying the tweaks them selfs is faster to use?

The point isnt to be a gen but a device. Say ever for a super shield soother, You could use it every 30 seconds. This is longer than the tweak itself but is still more useful and space saving than carrying say 100 or so of the tweaks.

SSS gives +shield gen for 12 seconds- if you made the tweak generator give one every 30 seconds it would be way op. Id rather bash my face in then fight a seer with a 30s SSS device.

How when you could only have 1 passive device? (SSS)
Each type would operate on its on recoil system
Simply equiping a new SSS device would mean it has to recharge still. This would actually make the player wait longer (By a few seconds).
If we are using seer for example it would be like PWI'ing then equiping seer rift gen. Doesnt Full charge on the spot, u gota wait mate.

Wed May 01, 2013 3:50 pm
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