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Main: --sexydragon--
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Post Engineer plasma torch
A plasma torch with very limited range (Like the real thing) that an engineer can use to repair 1% of damage over 30 seconds. This way engineers can have a weapon (Tool) that goes along with their names.

Id also like to add "If possible" that the person the engineer is firing the plasma torch at would recieve -90% or more speed reduction. This would make sense as you can be moving while torching something..

Also since its a plasma torch i think it would be fair to have it need a high electric cost.
This could range in techs, for example:

Tech 5 -1% dmg over 60 sec
Tech 10 -1% dmg over 50 sec
Tech 15 -1% dmg over 40 sec
Tech 20 -1% dmg over 30 sec
tech 21 -1% dmg over 20 sec
Tech 22 -1% dmg over 10sec
Weapon stat example:
Name: Engineer plasma torch
Description: Fixing them ships (Or something along those lines)
Damage: 0
Tech: 20
-1% damage over 30sec
-90% speed

Sun Jun 16, 2013 9:52 pm
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Post Re: Engineer plasma torch
No unless it costs credits to operate. The credits you drop on death are generated into the system as an advance on part of the repair costs incurred. If you were able to repair for free this would indirectly cause extra credits to be added to the economy.

Hi, I'm Anil, a long-time player turned developer. I am Star Sonata's lead content developer, which means that I run weekly dev meetings and make sure that any proposed changes to the game receive proper review before going live.

Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:08 pm
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Main: --sexydragon--
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Post Re: Engineer plasma torch
i see your point there. it may not be easy to code on ss, but could getting shot by the plasma torch cause a none credit drop upon the next death?

I'm sure this would cause a credit sink where credits would be lost, but 25-50 mil ain't such a bad loss "If" the repair is completed. If the player where to die before its compete then its a loss of credits.

Otherwise it can be some -2 mil per -1% dmg. Technically just throwing -2 mil per tech on as effect to the other 2.
so it would read.

Name: Engineer plasma torch
Description: Fixing them ships (Or something along those lines)
Damage: 0
Tech: 20
-1% damage over 30 sec
-90% speed for 5seconds
-40 mil credits over 30sec

Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:33 pm
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Post Re: Engineer plasma torch
lonedragon09 wrote:
i see your point there. it may not be easy to code on ss, but could getting shot by the plasma torch cause a none credit drop upon the next death?

That wouldn't work either, for the same reason enkelin said. You could repair 90% damage for the cost of one death.

Wouldn't be hard to just take the credits continuously like energy or shields would be though, especially if it was done as a pulse with 1second recoil or such, rather than a continuous beam.

Although saying that, I don't think there is a great deal of hope. It's quite a bit of work for not a lot of gain. Additionally the engineer would be paying for your repairs (unless you paid for it... which would be a bit weird). The idea is kinda cool though.

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Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:12 pm
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Post Re: Engineer plasma torch
Would still be cool to have, i guess the concept just needs a little more tinkering. Also said engineer (If alive) can scoop the credits that are dropped, this would kind of balance out the use of the weapon.

Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:10 pm
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