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Post Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Talk"!
This post is intended for all those impressively litterate kids or youngsters (non-adults!), that have witnessed all that talk about Drug's in All-Chat, or perhaps even Team-Chat, and wondered what all the fuss was about! Hopefully it will help explain to all you younger players why there are laws that prohibit such behaviour in our societies.

"Drug's", what are they? Well, its pritty simple to sum it up for you - Drug's are Substances that you Take in one manner or another, that alter your state of mind, or the way you Feel! Most people take them to get what is commonly called "High", which really means they just want to feel-better either about themselves, or their day etc!

Some peoples however take drugs to Cope with being ill, dispondant, depressed, or malcontent with their situations, for one particular reason or another, as doing so, can help change how you feel, typically from angry, to happy - and being "Happily High" is usually the general reason for such a recreational habbit!

It should be noted however, that taking any of the various drug's, can lead to extreem altered states of being, resulting in desperate, crazy, dangerous, reckless, offensive and even grievous behaviour, which ofcourse is the basic reason for our societies having laws preventing people from "being under the influence" of such substances, so you dont do the wrong-thing when your "on" them!

So - What are the various Drugs? you might ask, well, there are a few types, and here are some examples:-

Alcohole - Fermented Drink! Mood Enhancer, Intoxicating, Can lead to excessive attitudinal behaviour, biased apon the persons extreem extents of personality - leads to hang overs, which are quite the sensational life lesson due feeling rather i'll! Generally Accepted in our societies per agreement after the days of ProHibition; perhaps because it takes a responsible adult to handle the over consumption of such a substance, as going too far with "Drinking" can lead to fatal intoxication, or at least, such a feeling of illness, that it (the act of) teaches you enough of a bodily lesson for you to learn from your mistaken over-consumption, and potentially embarassing behaviour!

Marijuana (Weed/Dope/Pot/Mary-Jane/Choof/Hootch/Gunja...) - Smoked Plant! Mentally Addictive Super Mood Enhancer, Pain Reliever, Pshycological Stimulant, Brain Suppliment (Receptor Compliment); Can lead to Dillusions, Pshycological Problems, Pathological Dilemmas, Nervous Tension Dissorders, Lung Cancer (!), Blood Poisoning, Kindey Failure, the list goes on! Its a so called "Soft Drug" because it is a natural stimulant, with semi-narcotic effects on your brain-chemistry and nervous system, but its not an un-natural chemical - and can actually be argued that it complements the natural capacity for the brain to feel Euphoric ("High"), suggesting that its natures intended "Feel Good Plant".

Many Laws exist nearly all over the world prohibiting the consumption of such a drug, as you almost need a comprehensive understanding of pshycology yourself, to better manage your attitudes and behaviour when your taking this drug! It takes a stoik individual to remain sound of mind when experiencing prolonged use.

There are medical reasons for perhaps allowing the moderated use of this drug for recouperation purposes, as it has properties (natural ones) that seem to prohibit cancer, provice pain relief and promote relaxation and a good sense of well-being; But our planet seems to be struggling with such legal allowances, in an attempt to make sure people are resonsible with themselves when using this drug!

Heroin and Cocain - Narcotic, Servier Mood Enhancer, Chemically Derrived Stimulants (Uppers), Medically Defined "Depressants", Dangrously ultra Toxic, easily Fatally OverDosed! - Typically a Powder that is either Eaten, Snorted, Drank, or perhaps Injected (the most dangerous option!). Traditionally a member of the "Hard Drug" family, these highly illegal substances are met with strong laws manditorilly prohibiting the use of, for a sound and comprehensive set of biological, pshycological, and behavioural rekonings!

Eating or Drinking either or simillar, can result in stomach ulcers, intensinal disfunction or failure and organic distenture. Snorting such substances can result in nasal contamination (sinus etc), spot's on a chest x-ray (lung cancer), cilliar contamination and destruction. Injecting such substances imediately begins to destroy your pretious blood-biology, breaking down your blood chemistry and cellular structures, perhaps even infecting your immuno-cells (white cells), and imediately effecting your vascular system, nervous system, brain and organs; imediate sphixation and contamination occur, as well as a strong and dangerously unnatural level of stimulation of the brains receptors!

Why is a "Narcotic" so Bad? well, that's also resonably easy to explain - Such Narcotics imediately effect the depth of your personality, pshycology, and your sensory perceptions (or your sense of experience), leading to potentialy involentary "fight or flight" reactions, over exudence of adrenalin, crazy involentary reactions to your altered pshyocological perceptions.

People easily loose controll of themselves when "on" this stuff, no one could really be quallified to handle the change in natural differential they would experience - its why they say "always have a Keeper when trying/doing such drugs!". A Keeper is a Sober or Straight (Non Affected) person, that Keep's watch on you, incase of medical emergancy, or behavioural riot!

Speed (Anphetamines, Wizz, ICE) - Narcotic (Upper), medical "Accellerant" (metaboliser), dangrously over-toxic, horribly degratory to bodily organics, extreem mood enhancer; speed's you up, makes your mind and body tick-over perhaps as fast as your heart and nerves could possibly allow, given your brain's potential to drive your body. This drug will not only "burn you out" (tyer your brain and body to the point of collapse), but disolve you from the inside out, as its typically smoked, snorted or injected!

It has the same dangers as H or C, or simmilar Opiate, yet due the typicall way in which it is so irresponsibly "produced", its PH or Chemical Disposition is so Volotile, that it has a short term effect on the body, none too dissimillar to long-term alcohole use - Degredation to the Extreem!

Perhaps one of the worst drugs to come along, and seems to be popular due the generation of younger people that were braught up on anti-depressants (beta blockers etc!), as taking it can bring you out of the sense of emotional hinderance that such "Anti Depressants" can have you feeling and experiencing. It also used to be used for those feeling the need to be a smart as they can, as your brain speeds along, allowing more deductions per second, the so called "Smart Drug", is what Speed is really about. But dont let such a foolish colloquial perception misslead you; your better off staying away from it, as it will shorten your life markedly, if you dont fall I'll due is addictive propensity to make you prolong your use.

It could be argued that any responsible adult has the right to engage in what ever recreational drug taking habit they like inside their own home, but agreeably if they keep such behviour to themselves, do not involve others (especially for exhibition, promotion or proffit!!!), and be as responsible with themselves as they are able - as it is arguably (in Court!) a Choice, as to what one does with themselves, provided they dont venture out into public, intoxicated or under the influence, as such behaviour is appropriately reprehensible, for a number of properly legal reasons....One must realise though, without comprehensive education on the many subjects required, you can easily be dangrously irresponsible with your habit, and soon find yourself in Prison, a hospital, or worse, Dead!

Ok Kiddies, or clever young adolescants - Drug's are Dangerous, Verry Dangerous, and that's why our societies have Law's that prohibit such recreational habbits! Drug's can make you loose controll of yourself, more so than perhaps complement your mood (arguably!). Drug's leave you less aware of your surroundings, and less able to comprehend your good and proper responsiblities to your fellow citizen, or community!

I hope this post has helped you understand what "Drug's" are all about, and helped your realise that all that talk in all-chat by this or that person about them, is irresponsible, and to be shunned or considered shamefull. I urge you young people to think to yourself "how silly, that person taking drugs!", because the reality is that if you want to feel better about yourself, or your life experience, or want to improve how much you relax or get-into things - Good Food with Friends and Family, and healthy levels of exercise, are the most God-Given Natural ways to achieve this, and actually provide your brain and body with all the feel-good stimulation it could ever need; all you have to do is better manage yourself, and your bound to have a long, fruitfull and happy life!

"Dont DO Drugs, It WILL Ruin your Life" - Is my basic Message to you younger folk.

Dont say I didnt warn you! (about the drugs!)

----------------------- Legal Disclaimer ---------------------

It is intended that this document adhear to a modicum of accepted, planetary, Federal Laws, in the sence that its sufficiently explanatory, and does not really promote the use of Illegal substances, yet tryes to educate on the dangers of (such use). I hereby avail myself of any particular continental, or statutory law, that may seek to judge me for making such a post, with all due respects ofcourse! I'm trying to make these kids realise that "Drug's are Dangerous", and I'm also trying to suggest that young adults Refrain from such talk inside this online-game, Star Sonata!

I am otherwize known as the Clone with the Alter-Ego!

Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:23 am
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta
theguru wrote:
Insert rainbow throw up gif here.

Original 666kane666.

Tue Jun 02, 2015 9:38 am
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta
kanescreed wrote:
theguru wrote:
Insert rainbow throw up gif here.


Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:43 am
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta
Skirmish wrote:
kanescreed wrote:
theguru wrote:
Insert rainbow throw up gif here.



Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:50 pm
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta
Considering how drunk I am when I usually play this game, let alone how drunk I am right now at the moment, you cant possibly expect me to NOT talk about alcohol. lel.

One day, Life asks Death "Why do people love me, but hate you?" Death responded with "Simple Life, because you are the beautiful lie, where as I am the painful truth"

Tue Jun 02, 2015 4:27 pm
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta
So, I saw this and wasn't too sure what to make of it.

I was very tempted to lock it, but I haven't for now.

While we have no rules currently against drug related conversations, a lot of the information in here is incorrect and spreading misinformation on these subjects isn't good at all.

For example, you missed out one of the worse drugs there is, tobacco. Tobacco kills a lot and cost health services a lot of money dealing with patients (this PDF cites some numbers which I've quickly skimmed. Fortunately for the NHS they get a big cut of the money from cigarette sales directly to fund the treatment that'll most likely be required later). Also, here's a 'fun' spin on how we judge the risk of smoking (and other things) by Vsauce:

There's also other nuggets of information, such as ecstasy being less dangerous than horse riding ( and alcohol being more dangerous than LSD (

In short, I'm not locking this at the moment, but don't be surprised if I do or another devmin does.
Not that I'm promoting anyone to do drugs (legal or otherwise) but if you do, I implore you to do appropriate research into what you're doing so you know what's going on and can make an informed decision before giving consent.

"What you mean you killed him cha cha cha?!"


Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:10 pm
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta
theguru wrote:
Perhaps one of the worst drugs to come along, and seems to be popular due the generation of younger people that were braught up on anti-depressants (beta blockers etc!), as taking it can bring you out of the sense of emotional hinderance that such "Anti Depressants" can have you feeling and experiencing.

I think on the balance of things at least this one has the potential to do more harm than good. You might as well list the deleterious effects of insulin abuse. Sure, taking it unprescribed maybe not the best plan but for some people potentially life saving.

The rest of it is... questionable at best.

Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:03 pm
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta
I liked the part where you cited your sources the best.


Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:17 pm
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta
Cocaine cures cancer.

Original 666kane666.

Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:18 pm
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta
Someone on the forum who has cancer is going to pod you for a long time now.

Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:06 am
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta
TMOI2 wrote:
Someone on the forum who has cancer is going to pod you for a long time now.


Original 666kane666.

Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:39 am
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta
Because what every SSian needs is a biased drug guide


Wed Jun 03, 2015 11:27 am
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta

Sun Jun 07, 2015 12:42 am
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Post Re: Community Service Announcement - About all that "Drug-Ta


Sun Jun 07, 2015 12:08 pm
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