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Post Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis

Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:11 am
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis
haa haa

Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:42 am
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis
I lol'd. But.. you guys still brought this upon yourselves. Prepare to be boarded

~DarkSteel / Auxilium

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Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:00 am
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis

Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:57 pm
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis
I'm fine with being warred and attacked, not a problem. But when Traders team members tell me in voice chat that Traders owns our asses and when Traders tells us to do something we do it, and that I have no idea what I'm talking about... That's just rude. I was nothing but forthright this entire time. So I don't get how I was treasonous, or stringing Traders along...

DarkSteel - Today at 4:49 AM
I'll just leave our side (Traders) of the SnP war story here for anyone interested in reading it.
[10:05] DarkSteel: Nah we didn't want them to pay up for Re protection
[10:06] DarkSteel: We want them to pay up because they bitched out last 10 minutes before we'd attack RE,while the whole reason that assault got off the ground was to help them out
[10:07] DarkSteel: They could've had the gal for free if they weren't such pussies
[10:08] DarkSteel: But since they were and since we did it all without them, we found that payment was required to make up for our assets used
[10:08] DarkSteel: Then we had negotiations for a week in which clx never even talked to us so it had to all go through hober which may as well be a peon cause clx doesn't listen to anything he has to say
[10:09] DarkSteel: The end result was that we found out they were milking as much Ada as possible before we'd get pissed at them
[10:11] DarkSteel: So then we did base scans and were getting ready for a bvb to kill their crappy t16 Ada kits.. But after doing some math we figured out it would be a close one
[10:11] DarkSteel: So then we had to build a base amp
[10:12] DarkSteel: All in all, this was a gigantic 'thanks for the gal back, dumb asses. Now fuck off' from snp
[10:13] DarkSteel: And as much as I'm against shitting on mid tier teams, at that point they can just go fuck themselves(edited)


I'd like to point out that I was told by Traders members that this was 100% about Traders taking what they wanted and kicking ass, but this doesn't make sense because it goes against what enkelin said here. So, I don't get how I didn't know what I was talking about...

Also this:


Notice btw, that not a single word was exchanged between enkelin and CLXXXIII. Him and CLXXXIII were never on good terms, so it's understandable. But everything went through me, and CLXXXIII's attitude was "If they aren't going to talk to me then why should I agree to anything?". Obviously wasn't going to happen, so I told them he said no.


And after this, I continued talking with the coalition because I was interested in getting Fintushel back even though CLXXXIII didn't care to. I wanted to get some teammates to attack without CLXXXIII's blessing, and I straight up told CLXXXIII I was considering helping them (at threat of being booted by him) because I didn't like that our galaxy was taken based off of BS on RE's part. I tried to get people to help out, but everyone eventually decided to obey CLXXXIII. I said I would help, because I didn't care. But I told him from the beginning I was probably going to help Traders... so that's not Treason. I ended up not helping because I had to go to work, and by the time I got back they were already done.

Traders came back around with a demand for Ada, making it clear CLX didn't need to be involved and that we were to give them X amount of Ada plus Ada for the 1-2 weeks we left the galaxy alone and didn't rebuild in it and start extracting Ada.

CLX eventually left for a business trip for multiple weeks and wasn't here, and the only contact I had with him was sporadic. When I did contact him and tell him about Traders demanding Ada for getting us Fintushel back, I told him I felt we should just give in to what Traders wanted so they didn't raze us like RE did, CLXXXIII didn't want to for his own reasons. We disagreed again. I tried to convince him up until the deadline of Traders deciding to kick our ass, even told my team they were going to come in and take it by the 21st of November. Here we are at the 5th of December still dealing with this BS... :cry:

I had no intention of posting any of this, but when I get told that I don't know what I'm talking about by people who weren't involved in me and enkelin's conversation I feel that it's neccessary to clear some things up. And I hate being called a spy by my team because I tried to do what I thought was best... I prefer to keep things to myself but it sucks being called dishonest and a traitor...



Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:20 pm
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis
hober = shoopmaster

Hi, I'm Anil, a long-time player turned developer. I am Star Sonata's lead content developer, which means that I run weekly dev meetings and make sure that any proposed changes to the game receive proper review before going live.

Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:55 pm
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis
MasterTrader wrote:
Irrelevant bullshit

I really couldn't care less. Now stop blabbing about pointless nonsense and do something more useful.




Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:22 pm
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis

Reddit Space Invaders!

Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:27 pm
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis

Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:35 pm
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis
Pontius123 wrote:

Needs more salt. :lol:


Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:55 pm
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis


anilv wrote:

Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:07 pm
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis
I honestly find this immensely fucked up on S&P's part. CLX stopped any S&P cooperation for literally no reason except maybe fear of retaliation from RE (which is a dumb fear considering they already wiped your team at this point). So they knew Traders was going to move ahead anyway, then Traders without any fucking reason to do so (they could have just as easily kept and outposted Flintushel) gave it back in a huge goodwill move. Obviously, they want payment for their assets used in taking back S&P territory.

Then S&P shows precisely just how low and conniving someone can be by fucking over the people that went out of their way (and as far as maintaining a blockade to prevent RE from wiping your shit yet again) to help them. I speak for myself in this, and represent no one else's views on my team; however, I'm fairly certain in this: anyone, no matter how much they like or dislike Traders or S&P, can clearly see that S&P is fucked up. CLX could have just as easily maintained his dignity by just telling Traders they had no intention of moving back in, but instead it seems exploiting the generosity of others is a hobby he has taken up.

So really, I wish Traders the best in this. Whether they make it a war for resources or a war to dissolve S&P is irrelevant to me, because S&P has earned any extreme of punishment Traders can levy upon them.

Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:13 pm
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis
ShawnMcCall wrote:
I honestly find this immensely fucked up on S&P's part. CLX stopped any S&P cooperation for literally no reason except maybe fear of retaliation from RE (which is a dumb fear considering they already wiped your team at this point). So they knew Traders was going to move ahead anyway, then Traders without any fucking reason to do so (they could have just as easily kept and outposted Flintushel) gave it back in a huge goodwill move. Obviously, they want payment for their assets used in taking back S&P territory.

Then S&P shows precisely just how low and conniving someone can be by fucking over the people that went out of their way (and as far as maintaining a blockade to prevent RE from wiping your shit yet again) to help them. I speak for myself in this, and represent no one else's views on my team; however, I'm fairly certain in this: anyone, no matter how much they like or dislike Traders or S&P, can clearly see that S&P is fucked up. CLX could have just as easily maintained his dignity by just telling Traders they had no intention of moving back in, but instead it seems exploiting the generosity of others is a hobby he has taken up.

So really, I wish Traders the best in this. Whether they make it a war for resources or a war to dissolve S&P is irrelevant to me, because S&P has earned any extreme of punishment Traders can levy upon them.





Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:18 pm
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis
ShawnMcCall wrote:
I honestly find this immensely fucked up on S&P's part. CLX stopped any S&P cooperation for literally no reason except maybe fear of retaliation from RE (which is a dumb fear considering they already wiped your team at this point). So they knew Traders was going to move ahead anyway, then Traders without any fucking reason to do so (they could have just as easily kept and outposted Flintushel) gave it back in a huge goodwill move. Obviously, they want payment for their assets used in taking back S&P territory.

Then S&P shows precisely just how low and conniving someone can be by fucking over the people that went out of their way (and as far as maintaining a blockade to prevent RE from wiping your shit yet again) to help them. I speak for myself in this, and represent no one else's views on my team; however, I'm fairly certain in this: anyone, no matter how much they like or dislike Traders or S&P, can clearly see that S&P is fucked up. CLX could have just as easily maintained his dignity by just telling Traders they had no intention of moving back in, but instead it seems exploiting the generosity of others is a hobby he has taken up.

So really, I wish Traders the best in this. Whether they make it a war for resources or a war to dissolve S&P is irrelevant to me, because S&P has earned any extreme of punishment Traders can levy upon them.

I told them we weren't going to take the galaxy back, immediately afterwards. I told them CLXXXIII didn't care and was just pissed that our team members attacked RE with the rest of you guys in Anatolia. We didn't build in Fintushel for a week (CLXXXIII specifically said we will wait to see if Traders takes it, and that he wasn't going to lay a single damn kit in the galaxy.) I told enkelin CLXXXIII had no intention of building in there and they could have it, enkelin said they didn't care about the galaxy. Then our teammate Nargaroth wanted to build in it, CLXXXIII saw it wasn't built in, and we decided to build there because no one was there.

We left Fintushel open for more than a week before we took it back, assuming Traders was going to take it. The whole point of not participating was, and I'm paraphrasing what was said to our team, "You all have to deal with the repercussions of attacking Resident Evil, forget about Fintushel. It's gone, we lost it. Now we wait and plan for next universe. I don't care if Traders gets it or not, why should we get involved in this?" ~ CLXXXIII


Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:26 pm
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Post Re: Greatest discovery of the latest 50 unis
MasterTrader wrote:
ShawnMcCall wrote:
I honestly find this immensely fucked up on S&P's part. CLX stopped any S&P cooperation for literally no reason except maybe fear of retaliation from RE (which is a dumb fear considering they already wiped your team at this point). So they knew Traders was going to move ahead anyway, then Traders without any fucking reason to do so (they could have just as easily kept and outposted Flintushel) gave it back in a huge goodwill move. Obviously, they want payment for their assets used in taking back S&P territory.

Then S&P shows precisely just how low and conniving someone can be by fucking over the people that went out of their way (and as far as maintaining a blockade to prevent RE from wiping your shit yet again) to help them. I speak for myself in this, and represent no one else's views on my team; however, I'm fairly certain in this: anyone, no matter how much they like or dislike Traders or S&P, can clearly see that S&P is fucked up. CLX could have just as easily maintained his dignity by just telling Traders they had no intention of moving back in, but instead it seems exploiting the generosity of others is a hobby he has taken up.

So really, I wish Traders the best in this. Whether they make it a war for resources or a war to dissolve S&P is irrelevant to me, because S&P has earned any extreme of punishment Traders can levy upon them.

I told them we weren't going to take the galaxy back, immediately afterwards. I told them CLXXXIII didn't care and was just pissed that our team members attacked RE with the rest of you guys in Anatolia. We didn't build in Fintushel for a week (CLXXXIII specifically said we will wait to see if Traders takes it, and if they do then oh well.) I told enkelin CLXXXIII had no intention of building in there and they could have it, enkelin said they didn't care about the galaxy. Then our teammate Nargaroth wanted to build in it, CLXXXIII saw it wasn't built in, and we decided to build there because no one was there.

We left Fintushel open for more than a week before we took it back, assuming Traders was going to take it.

Do you honestly mean to say that you see a shred of decency in the actions of S&P? The resources you're now denying traders are the exact resources they used to your benefit, after "negotiating" with them on reparations. Your team gained massively by the sweat off of their backs, and now there isn't even the decency to acknowledge and repay that.

If CLX said he wasn't going back into the galaxy he should have been a man of his word, and not gone back in. Integrity has value.

Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:31 pm
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