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Main: The Colony
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Post Subspace T22 Ship Supers and Reworks
    Change the crappy Egg super to a short range warper (but not a super, to prevent overpowered synergies)

    Change the crappy fighter super to a +radar, +crit resist, maybe +regen tweak super. The ship translates as “Sentinel” so an item that helps guard against unseen threats and hunt them down sounds okay concept wise. No complaints so far over the concept from casual conversations on it.
    Probably change the warper super to also a warper, again, to prevent overpowered synergies with actual warpers (eg Hyperdrive 5k)

    Increasing the visibility of the ship in exchange for greater hull to differentiate it from the Venaticora and the Vanguard as a true Heavy Fighter rather than the Medium Fighter trying to be Light Fighter problem that sniper ships currently have.
    One of the supers might be exchanged for a tweak super that aids in engaging small nimble enemies.
    But more hull for less stealth would be good since in PvE you not need to be 0.01 Vis, even in KD. You can get away with 50 vis or so.

    Changing out both supers and replacing them with a “Poseidon Tsunami” device (that has massive hostility to try to pull AoE aggro) and a superitem that increases speed and thrust. No forced thrust or submerger item.

    Replacement of the single shot heal that boosts resists on the target in favor of an item that boosts tractor stats (including tractor effects if someone can get that to work).
    Nerfing some shipmods in favor of 15% Everlasting Ops and 15% Defensive Ops.
    The goal is making the ship a top of the line support ship.

    Replacement of one or two superitems to change the Bhisaj from a pure healer to a healer and a backup long range dps (like a Sniper) at the cost of said healing.
    The Bhisaj is not very “Guardian”-like, which is to say, it’s not really a bigger Berserker ship. It feels more like it could be a DPS player’s ship, rather than a Tank player’s ship.
    Essentially, you would trade a significant amount of Trans Power and Trans Eff for Damage and Firing. The item’s effect is a long duration tweak with a 100% uptime if you need it constantly in this DPS role.

    Free +Chain Damage augmod on Antu hull, when Jeff gets around to making that. (Theres a couple of Chain weapons on the table for player obtainable content to encourage the usage of the ship for chain over splash or ST)
    Reducing the movement penalties on the Alien Siege Mode, but also reducing the range bonus.
    Removing the 100% Shield Recovery bonus in favor of a Lifesteal bonus. Reducing the speed penalty in favor of adding a turning and tracking penalty.
    The hope is to make the Antu player want to be in the Antu most of the time. The Antu itself gets around the drawbacks the other two modes have.

Sat Jun 08, 2019 5:29 am
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Post Re: Subspace T22 Ship Supers and Reworks
I don't think the Subhatta inbuilts need to be changed at all.


Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:08 pm
Main: HeartOfTheStar
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Post Re: Subspace T22 Ship Supers and Reworks
The egg is kinda used to distract the enemies off you, but having the warper would make it abit better.

It only has 2 augs slots, taking that augslot away from it gives it only one aug to play with, however that would encourage players to use chain weapons on the ship. As for giving it Lifesteal, I say yeah it would be fun to play with and see what happens. reducing the speed bonuses would would underpower it cause then it could catch your enemies. I think instead of a Alien Siege Mode, we make it a Anti Siege Mode inwhich you get 50% Resists, 50% Shield recharge, but -50% damage, -25% Rof and you can turn your ship, but can't thrust.

Thu Jun 13, 2019 3:19 am
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