Team:  Rank: Director Main: Lazerus Level: 2345 Joined: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:58 pm Posts: 108 Location: Milky Way, Sol, Earth, Australia.
 Humanity as a Species
Humanity as a Species
Earth is a planet full of Human-Beings! Humanity on Earth is comprised of many National Identities which are a collection of Cultural and Linguistic indifferences that makes for a most entertaining and fruitful holliday experience! (To say the least)
Humanity on Earth is truly due a definition of more than Duality, yet actual Diversity! Through our International, Cultural and Specular (Species in the plural) diversity we achieve a strength that may very well be unsurpassed compared to how ever many planets out there that may have been inhabited by human beings for many millions of years (Millenia!)!
If your looking for a planet to vacation on that has a rich indignation of human diversity then I reckon that Earth tops Risa for such a destination!
You can imagine that planets our there may have been formed for the sake of Natural Sanctuary, and that perhaps our species, Human, may have been "employed" to exist as care-takers of such Galactic Diversity. Amidst such a vision it may become clear that a singular and successively dominate Culture may Reign! So in other words, there is only One "form" of Humanity, only one ruling governing body, only one language, only one currency, only One form of Technology as it is understood academically!!
Thus our strengths on this planet as a whole is that if Aliens defeat one Nation and ITS form of Technology, then they suddenly have ALL the other nations to deal with! The Aliens find them selves up against Many an Iteration of Human Kind to the point where they may very well retreat! Why? well because they defeated the American concept of Physics, but they couldnt stand up to the Russian ideals of the same sort of science........ get it?!
Humanity on Earth is DIVERSE, That is our strength!
Our individualistic nature on this planet is what helps keep us all civil and proper with respect to each other.
If we all stand together, as a whole, we cannot be defeated, because to defeat one of us is to be up against the rest of us!
"Humanity Forever - Cultural Diversity is our Strength!"
And last of all - "Earth is OURS!"
_________________ There wouldn't be a Knight if it wasn't for the Black-Smith!