Team:  Rank: Officer Main: Leeroy Level: 6330 Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:59 pm Posts: 4
my name is leeroy,many of you know and like me,several do not,but i didnt come to this game to be mr popular or to make friends.i came because it was one of the best games available and it didnt cost alot,seeing as how you could have several accounts with basicly undeveloped characters,we called them slot whores on my team but im not sure if thats a term everyone used but basicly you could become a powerful player without having to keep 20 account subs paid.
but now,you hafta keep all accounts subbed and at the time i turned in my 2 week notice,they didnt even have a warning system in place.this is ludicrous ! and as a DIRECT RESULT of this decision by admin,im no longer able to AFFORD the costly new system therefore i have no choice but to quit.i have spent trillions of credits putting up with rebalances,changes and other bullshit too i dont care to bring up here but this time you reached into my wallet and this i cannot stand for !
im calling for all players,big and small,to boycott this game for a period of not less than 6 months.lets see how they like it with NO SUBS vs. the old system and see if player power still counts for anything ! join me in unsubbing today,contact admin and tell them exactly why your leaving and demand change along with a pro-rated refund on your remaining account time.
for many years ive tossed around the idea of a P2P Players Union.i think now is as good as time as ever,since i cant afford to play anymore and can devote my full attention to this boycott !
thanks for your time,please leave any comments below,im sure many of you wont like my ideas but lets try to keep it civil.this is a peaceful protest.it may not be a democratic game but we as paying customers should be treated more fairly.as i once told mr jeffl,i dont know how yawl do business out there in california but here in the south,when we take a mans money for a product or service,we dont allow our staff members to rob you again in the parking lot !
thanks for reading and if you approve please let em know below and unsub today ! just stop,pull your trade slaves and make a commitment to not play anymore for 6 months and in 6 months we can reevaluate whether they heard us or not.if not,i highly recommend picking a game from steam,they have MANY games that do not require a sub,rather a one time purchase.
thanks everyone for a great decade of gaming ! and possibly goodbye forever,
_________________ the only way to be truly free is to be so free that your very existence is an act of rebellion
Team:  Rank: Officer Main: Pure Evil Level: 5313 Joined: Fri Dec 31, 2004 7:20 am Posts: 1595 Location: UK > Wales > Bin+ computer with boardband :p
Cya Leeroy, will be stopping subs next universe pretty much. May make some memes along the way to point out the silliness  lol If people find it funny I think its fine to mock them until they start doing there jobs properly. Which I don't see sadly, they seem to be in ivory tower mode. 
_________________ Fibre broadband in my brainzz!