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Post Re: SS Economy
anilv wrote:
heylo wrote:
You can't p2w your team to top 3.

Truth. Just look at goett and The Legion.

It can help you. P2W gave us more options. Thanks to those options RE became nr 1 team in score for around a year. Top 3 in power.
But the real work was trust, sharing, helping and grinding.

Valkyrie300 wrote:
You need to thoroughly think before sprouting exaggerated statements

Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:05 am
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Post Re: SS Economy
People want a new server but some of us who have spent years working on this one would really not want that. It sounds all fun and fair to make everyone on the same level except we don't all have a time limit of 2 hours a day to be online. So even if you reset the game there will be those who grind and grind to get to the point they are at now while those who don't and just recently joined will demand another reset.

Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:34 am
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Post Re: SS Economy
anilv wrote:
The fact that every mid-range team of the past few years has had a fair number of T21 ships goes to show that this is not the obstacle.

No, that fact shows that people are willing to sell them those ships for things other than credits. Enkelin, you do not spend time at the lower end of the game. There are people taking advantage of lower end players lack of knowledge (Something I've said before in another post about why Devs need to make things publicly announced and clearly explained) and making money off of them. You have people telling other people "Don't waste time using a Tech 21 Pax Ship, Pay me $$$ and I will give you an Olympus ship like I have, and it will let you do what I can do. You won't be able to do that in a Pax ship." And the ship they get still doesn't fucking work the way the person who sold them the ship says it would work because Gear/Augs/Mods/Everything else matters just as much if not more than the ship you're flying.

Meanwhile, I can't say or do shit to prevent that from happening because I:

Don't MC.
Don't Build Bases.

These are my choices, and these choices mean that I don't have the ability to sink tons of credits and such into the game. Not blaming ANYONE for my choices.

But when I try to tell someone "Look you don't need to buy a Prawn to be able to do content, just get a Venaticora and get a group of players and you'll be fine." that doesn't sound appealing because the game has a low population and its hard to find people to play with around your content level. So when someone else comes along and says "Just buy this Prawn, buy this HM, buy these augs and MC 3-6 clients and you can do what I'm doing right now" as they solo higher end DGs/Olympus/Subspace in time that makes anything else you're doing look like a literal waste.

The time invested by older players was in an environment where T21-T22 did not exist. People were not farming multiple billions of credits per day (Add in multi subs and other shit). It isn't worth a new players time to build a Tech 21 ship in the environment its in? Why?

Because people encourage others to buy shit from them without using credits. I've seen so many mid game players get T21 ships they never built and never paid credits for. You can guess how they got them.


Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:50 am
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Post Re: SS Economy
All economy probs would be solved by increasing n

Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:04 pm
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Post Re: SS Economy
Vorporal wrote:
In your first point you presume there are a large quantity of equivalently leveled, like minded players all willing to do the same content, repetitively and consistently until all members have equal gear...quick many people fit that bill for each tech level from 20-22?

Also, doesn't this completely miss the point? Arguing that mid-level players quit because there aren't enough mid-level players to play with…

Hi, I'm Anil, a long-time player turned developer. I am Star Sonata's lead content developer, which means that I run weekly dev meetings and make sure that any proposed changes to the game receive proper review before going live.

Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:19 pm
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Post Re: SS Economy

So it sounds to me like you are very much taking the jealousy route to explain mid-level dissatisfaction. The fact that a Prawn can be obtained makes a Venaticora seem unappealing. Am I reading you correctly?

Hi, I'm Anil, a long-time player turned developer. I am Star Sonata's lead content developer, which means that I run weekly dev meetings and make sure that any proposed changes to the game receive proper review before going live.

Wed Mar 23, 2016 1:20 pm
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Post Re: SS Economy
anilv wrote:

So it sounds to me like you are very much taking the jealousy route to explain mid-level dissatisfaction. The fact that a Prawn can be obtained makes a Venaticora seem unappealing. Am I reading you correctly?

How you came to the conclusion that this was my intent baffles me. I'll put a TL;DR at the bottom of the post BTW, so you can skip this if you want.

Let me try again:

Higher end players are and have been telling lower end players that it is a waste of their time to use attainable ships/gear/etc. I can name and shame if you want, but its unhelpful and not neccessary to do so. They say things like "Why spend all that money on augs and gear and stuff only to put it on a shitty ship like a Paxian ship." "Olympus Ships/Prawns are SO much better, you are wasting your time and money using Paxian ships."

Paxian ships are not better than Olympus ships, mid range T20-T21 weapons, augs and gear are not better than high end T20-21 weapons, augs and gear but they will suffice if you have 3 things:

1. A group of players who understand how to work together.
2. The time and patience to do the content.
3. Sustainable income to pay for repair costs.

So what happens when mid range players cannot find people to do the content with around their level? They go with people who are better and doing better, these people usually multi client with top of the line gear and setups AND have consistent income streams from bases (Which they invested and reinvested over and over again into). These people blow through the content this person was struggling with by themselves. The lower end player asks them "How can I do this?" The higher end player tells them they can buy the ships and augs from them for 500bil+. The lower end player says "I don't have that money" The higher end player tells them to setup bases changing metals into Station Extensions. The lower end player gets frustrated with how slow all of it is going and complains about it. (They shouldn't be doing this anyway, but they do it because the person they saw blow content away told them this is what they have to do.)

The higher end player reveals to them the power of the credit card.


Lower end player now has the ship and gear and augs and still isn't able to do shit. (Because the population is too small, so you can't find people to do things with, because people get frustrated trying to progress and quit or flounder)... The higher end player says to do what they did which is multi client. Or do runs with them. Or join a bigger team that does runs all the time. Which segregates them from lower end players and what they're going through... which leads to people who have no idea what the problems that lower end players are facing are like. Which leads to comments like this:

Just listen to higher end players, do what they tell you to do, and you'll do fine. Stop bitching and start doing what we did/Are doing!

Its a self perpetuating cycle of "Things are broken if you follow this particular path and do exactly what those who came before you do." You all are literally saying "If you just do things the way I did them, everything would be fine!" When the reality is that the situation is only fine because of inherency. The "It's always been this way, it should stay this way because its working fine for me and others like me, and anyone who isn't doing fine is lazy." This type of thinking makes no fucking sense in a videogame, everyone doesn't enjoy working their asses off in a video game just to have fun. Lots of people want to play the game in ways that the game doesn't reward with fun. Making mistakes with your skill choices, as a low level, is NOT fun. Not being able to experience the class fantasy as a low level is NOT fun. Not being able to progress because the content you want to do with the gear that you have access to is unattainable unless you have a core group of dedicated players isn't fun either. Calling Star Sonata a sandbox game when you don't reward different playstyles with appropriate progression isn't fun.

Obviously there are situations where this exact thing doesn't happen, but I've seen this shit over and over again. Lower end players don't have access to the resources that higher end players have, and when they see just how easy the higher end players make the content look when they solo MC it. This isn't jealousy, its frustration.

Do you see where this is going enkelin?

TL;DR - Higher end players tell lower end players that anything that isn't top of the line is a waste of time, therefore lower end players aren't being jealous, they're listening to the higher end players. Doing this results in frustration because they can't get anywhere, and this is just ONE symptom of the vast issue Vorporal was talking about.


Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:28 pm
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Post Re: SS Economy
anilv wrote:
Also, doesn't this completely miss the point? Arguing that mid-level players quit because there aren't enough mid-level players to play with…

You're looking at this issue in a vacuum. I suggest you take a macro viewpoint if you seriously want to see the issues we 'yak on about' when talking about the current game state.

Anything I talk about is presumptive on the game being by and large unchanged, I know the suggestion to kick in another server is a monumental change but its the comparison point. My whole point revolves around the difference between how so called old guard players came up vs how a new presumptive player would.

This is case in point example: "When I played me and my whole team of end gamers did end game content, it was fun, we killed many things, got drops, win". Ok great but one problem, the structure you had back in the day NO LONGER EXISTS. Is that anyone fault? No (excluding magical prescient devs). Does it change how a NEW PLAYER will perceive the game? Yes!

New players CANT do the content with equivalent teams to the one you had because as of this stage they don't exist. As of this moment the ONLY way to advance at the same pace in the game is to utilize the current old guards for runs by your own admission. This means you either mooch off their goodwill as they throw you scraps from runs (since "they" MC a oly run solo how is it fair to them to give you enough rewards to ensure you progress vs a team pooling resources to produce a better team like you enjoyed. The value equation just doesn't stack up).

To add insult to injury, since you cant really pull together a functional system inc all the mods/cmods/RNG drops even if you find an old guard willing to toss you a BP for the item you have to again return to the old guard players to have the thing built. Now you suggest all of this would be untainted by the market economy? That a player should simply ignore the fact that their multi-hundred billion ship they have cobbled together is made out of primarily donations from old players and doesn't at all effect their game play enjoyment at all? Come now, be reasonable.

What if I told you right now the only feasible way to progress from where you stand as a player, at anything close to a decent rate, was to become friends with devs and ask them to give you items? You would call bollox in an instant and rightly so. How does this differ from the current system except that its not ratified?

Hobers points are valid, since your economies are outside the P2P econ its natural for new players to seek to step outside it as well. Sadly the only option is to move to the real world money economy which is a bag of worms so huge im not going to touch it with a barge pole =) ill leave the negative effects to Hober to explain as he has done so.


Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:48 pm
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Post Re: SS Economy
What these guys are describing is right how it is now and why I quit. I could keep up with two accounts when aliens came out just about but now you have to have three accounts (mf sniper needs an engi to power as well as a shm) I just went screw this. Again all this could be solved by more players but idk how we get there.

New server is not a solution as not one of the new server mob have or will address the glaring issues with it.

Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:23 pm
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Post Re: SS Economy
sabre198 wrote:
New server is not a solution as not one of the new server mob have or will address the glaring issues with it.

What glaring issues?

Keep in mind, I don't care for a reset. I do not care either way, I would be for a reset if the admins were to do it and I would be totally fine if they decided not to. I think there are ways to make both options work.

However, you keep talking about "glaring issues" and the ones you've brought up have been answered by me with no reply by you.

You mean the one about what to do if exploits happen? Already addressed it: Go full retard on any exploits, if something is exploitable you fucking nuke it from orbit. One exploit doesn't destroy the balance of the game, cumulative exploits do. This game has suffered from 12+ game breaking exploits that I know of, and I don't know shit.

Dealing with excessive amounts of credits in the economy? Already addressed it: Peasant pumping doesn't fucking exist anymore. Station Extension Y's doesn't exist anymore. Duped Credit bugs won't exist anymore. That time when Speed Demon was king? Doesn't exist anymore. That time when Multifiring was insane? Doesn't exist anymore. That time when MFed Excomms was considered godly? Doesn't exist anymore. That time when you could solo shit with stealth because it couldn't see you when you shot? Doesn't exist anymore. That time when Sniper was insane because of Analysis and people could literally 1-2 man DPS bosses with a Sniper and farm gear while MCing with low end setups pushed to the limit by Analysis? Doesn't exist anymore. I could mention more, but you get the idea.

I don't care how "pro" high end players think they are, if the game was reset entirely and the classes made to have CLEAR strengths and weaknesses early game, they would not get to the same point they are now starting from literally nothing. They would dominate, because they are wise and have knowledge and game experience. But the difference is that the admin team is much more responsive and active now, so when things go wrong or appear to go wrong they would be ready to swoop in and tweak/tune.

It would be impossible because the things that the original players did (From 2004-2008, I was there briefly as an ignorant noob in 2004. I P2Ped starting in late 2005, early 2006. I'm still an ignorant noob when it comes to wise ones.) are not available to do anymore.


Last edited by MasterTrader on Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:48 pm
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Post Re: SS Economy
sabre198 wrote:
What these guys are describing is right how it is now and why I quit. I could keep up with two accounts when aliens came out just about but now you have to have three accounts (mf sniper needs an engi to power as well as a shm) I just went screw this. Again all this could be solved by more players but idk how we get there.

New server is not a solution as not one of the new server mob have or will address the glaring issues with it.

It sounds like you didn't have enough friends available to do the content you wanted to do. To keep you around, the game would either have to have been bigger or have offered you endgame content that could could solo. Is that accurate?

Hi, I'm Anil, a long-time player turned developer. I am Star Sonata's lead content developer, which means that I run weekly dev meetings and make sure that any proposed changes to the game receive proper review before going live.

Wed Mar 23, 2016 5:52 pm
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Post Re: SS Economy
anilv wrote:
sabre198 wrote:
What these guys are describing is right how it is now and why I quit. I could keep up with two accounts when aliens came out just about but now you have to have three accounts (mf sniper needs an engi to power as well as a shm) I just went screw this. Again all this could be solved by more players but idk how we get there.

New server is not a solution as not one of the new server mob have or will address the glaring issues with it.

It sounds like you didn't have enough friends available to do the content you wanted to do. To keep you around, the game would either have to have been bigger or have offered you endgame content that could could solo. Is that accurate?

These friends and players don't exist because of the out sized influence end game players have, and this isn't because end game players are bad people. Its because when a mid game player loses something to an end game player, and it doesn't seem like it was fair, its extremely discouraging and infuriating.

Example: Team A and Team B. Team A is a mid game team with a moderate amount of teammates. Team B is an end game team with relatively the same amount of teammates. Team B doesn't like where/what Team A built, for WHATEVER reasons. Lets say they have a war, and they're relatively evenly matched. Team B is better geared with a couple people MCing and shit, but Team A is able to take advantage of the fact that all of their players play on one account and can react to things on the spot. They go back and forth over territory wars, with no team getting a decisive victory. Lets make 3 scenarios and explore them:

1. Team A gets their asses whooped after Team B clears their shit out and wipes them out due to being better. Some people on Team A are mad, but their teammates convince them that if they had played better/built better/had better set base privileges everything would have been OK. Some people leave, some stay. Generally an acceptable situation, don't you think?

2. Team A gets their asses handed to them after Team B gets access to one of their players accounts/has a spy infiltrate Team A and get access to accounts (Lets say someone on Team A is a multiclienter or got their account password stolen due to clicking a link in Skype. Team A is royally pissed that some shit like that happened, and they have a right to be. But, again they could have taken precautions to that happening. You shouldn't share accounts right? Not as acceptable for Team A as the previous one, but this can be chalked up to stupidity on their part.

3. Team A gets their asses handed to them because of a game breaking bug that negatively impacted them, Team B suffers from the same bug BUT because they are further along and have resources stockpiled it doesn't really mean shit in the long run. They've been through game breaking bugs before and have just accepted that this is what happens. Team A slowly bleeds players who complain about how unfair this shit was and quit.

My point is that Option 3 has happened so much in this game, not only in BvB/PvB but in PvE and PvP. Bugs and shit like that have negatively affected mid game players more than they have affected high end players, which causes a hemorrhage of players. No one likes feeling like the game cheated them, its just that some people in this game have gotten used to feeling like the game cheated them OR they were on the winning side more than they were on the losing side of being cheated.

The game actually doesn't even have to cheat them, it just has to appear to cheat them. When mechanics don't make sense and aren't clear, things feel like cheating. This, IMO, is bad game design. Things shouldn't look like cheating, in a well designed game you should be able to say "Wow, this person is doing 5x-10x as much damage as me? With the same ship? He must be using those items and mods and tweaks."

Power should be understandable in a game, the moment its not understandable it becomes frustrating. The power of multiclienting is not understandable to those who do not do it, and those who do it are too used to that power to get why people view it as being unfair. The same applies to making money. Making 2bil a day for someone who can make 10-40bil+ a day doesn't seem anywhere near worth being in awe over. In fact, making 10-40bil a day just seems NORMAL, and when people challenge you over it the natural response is "Shut the fuck up, I worked hard for this. If you had worked hard, you would have it too." without realizing that the reality of the game we're playing in has fundamentally changed.


Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:11 pm
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Post Re: SS Economy
What game-breaking bugs are you talking about that have chased mid-level players away in droves?

Hi, I'm Anil, a long-time player turned developer. I am Star Sonata's lead content developer, which means that I run weekly dev meetings and make sure that any proposed changes to the game receive proper review before going live.

Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:15 pm
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Post Re: SS Economy
Obviously we haven't played the same game over the past 11 years, because I clearly remember people quitting over the years not because they got bored of the game, but because they got tired of being taken advantage of by those who benefited (Intentionally or unintentionally) from a beautiful game that has been riddled with issues.

People didn't just quit because of bugs and exploits, but bugs and exploits played a big fucking deal in it.

From the people that got screwed over due to zwi00 and co getting access to an admin client (Might have been an account, not sure on the specifics. They were definitely exploiting the shit out of the game and driving people crazy, which I would argue led to people quitting because their progress in the game was virtually wiped out.) to people losing bases and galaxies due to the HQ bug that happened not too long ago. Hell we can go even further back and talk about the exploitation by pantalones/Capitalists/Imperium all those years ago. Heck I can think of about a dozen different players whom I don't remember which team they were from, but I know they exploited.

We can talk about the Diffuser bug that Wingding got banned for, because he got caught, but that everyone and their fucking mother who knew how it worked had either used or were using.

How about when people carried hundreds/thousands of Mobile Pest Drones into base assaults because bases tended to target the lowest shield things, so people would take bases out by spamming the living shit out of Pest Drones while they bled the base dry...

We can talk about why KMK, Infinate Dreams, Vanu Sov, JAWSS and that other team I was on between 2005-2008.

I was on JAWSS prior to 2008 when zwi00 and The Dominicans were using fucking ASM's by the boatload to go on a galaxy rampage. I saw what that did, (the admins "We have to catch you in the act before we do anything about it" policy made it worse) to the players who were actually good enough to warrant exploits being used against them. People get pissed and that erodes whatever fun they're having in the game, until the littlest thing causes them to quit.

We can even talk about teams like Lunapolis and what happened to them.

In fact, we don't have to go to far back. We can talk about how people were buying Adamantium Modules from the Earthforce Outpost.

We can talk about Prawn Pieces dropping from content they shouldn't have dropped from, which gave players who built Prawns from those pieces a significant power advantage over those who didn't. That one thing didn't cause anyone to quit, but its cumulative. People who are ahead tend to stay ahead, and every little nudge they get to stay further ahead keeps them that much ahead.

And since this is a competitive game, getting ahead by means of unintentionally or intentionally benefiting from exploits or bugs makes it so that any PvP/PvB/BvB is skewed heavily in the favor of those who were around to benefit from said exploits/bugs.

I was a young guy back then, and because I had some crazy shit going on in my life I got really invested into what was happening in the game... This game has historically been ruthless, people used to lose so much and have a hard time gaining it. And problems that cropped up in the mid game have pushed players who wanted to play in ways that didn't involve "Spamming Fatty Drones/Mining Drones/Arson Drones from a Celestica/Serenity as a DM in order to power level off of BG Dungeons" or "Swarms of Enforcer slaves with Mining Laser 3/Fire Beam/Open Heart Lasers to level off of Warp 3 AI" had to play in ways that did not fulfill class fantasy...

You know what, never mind. I obviously have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm ignorant of the general state and the history of the game, and I shouldn't be wasting your time or anyone elses.


Last edited by MasterTrader on Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:47 pm
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Post Re: SS Economy
anilv wrote:

It sounds like you didn't have enough friends available to do the content you wanted to do. To keep you around, the game would either have to have been bigger or have offered you endgame content that could could solo. Is that accurate?

Yeh like these guys say not enough people and the people who are here are benevolent old guarders with 3+ accounts doing the content themselves solo who don't really want to share (can't blame them as they are funding 3+ accounts)


What glaring issues?

1. Exploit t+1 issue
You say come down hard on it like it's easily detectable when it happens. By the time admins have a sniff of it it's already permeated through the game. Cash has a habit of that it doesn't just go one layer out from the exploiter. What you going to do ban everyone? The guy who sold something on trade to someone innocently?

2. Someone buying accounts t+1.
A uni in someone starts account trading and gaps themselves way ahead of everyone else

3. Knowledge gap issue
You can't reset knowledge, people will quickly gap on knowledge alone. Within one year the gap between new starters and new old guard will be wide again. What you going to do reset again?

I don't care how "pro" high end players think they are, if the game was reset entirely and the classes made to have CLEAR strengths and weaknesses early game,

So a reset AND a rebalance then, gee not much work then?

Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:55 pm
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