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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this




I would like to think the line "excuse me but can I get a shitpost?" is fairly polite.

Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:35 pm
Main: OGsofaking
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
didn't u go 2 war?, no it was college, u nicely all set up to b indentured servant? and hey there

Last edited by itsmesofaking on Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:37 pm
Main: OGsofaking
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
ha i didn't c V2, nice nicely done

I want zeno now (going to amsterdam)

and hobbes wheres hobes

Last edited by itsmesofaking on Thu Mar 30, 2017 3:34 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:37 pm
Main: OGsofaking
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
the ef stuff, ha that was, your not the admin team i'd go after now(u don't even have sp bitches anymore, there seems to be another who is better at the old "reach around"

ya games right on course, i just won the forums, most action in ages, should i go 2 reddit, i like reddit. ha 2years . ne1 play tanks(wot) or sins of a solar empire or civ6
is vent still the thing here or teamspeak, what's that other 1?

Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:40 pm
Main: OGsofaking
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
u cowards
forum has always been the true pvp place
everyone is on equal footing
i know i know, hard concept, having to deal with what u have been threw and all
truly understandable

who has worked in the service industry?

well C yoU Next Time Saps

like the double entendre, eh ,eh


which one explains the playbase the best?

ha this one cause the aug names

Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:36 pm
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
Jesus Christ... When I first saw the name SOFA KING again, I was over the moon. Then I read the rest of the forum. You could not cuck harder...




Fri Mar 31, 2017 5:30 pm
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
u guys r doing a good job over there,
speeding up the end of the human race and all, the mad doctrine taken to a whole new lvl that madkind will never get a chance to truly appreciate.

I've been on a thrones binge,

average g temp has gone up 1.7, 1.9, 2.1, 1.8, and 2.22 in past years, u can believe what they say about the ice taken 100 years to melt all u want but food stuffs stops growing at about 37 degrees and the ocean will b acid b4 that. What your avg temp where u live this year in prime growing season? There used to b 3 growing seasons in some places, past few is 2 now.

Did U also vote for drumpt?


and u can cuck harder, log into the game. cuck cuck
or log onto forums and really have a laugh at the sheeple who would still pay for this and defend it.

wtf kinda word is cuck anyway mexican't ... .be&t=7m4s

Last edited by itsmesofaking on Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:56 pm
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
what do u think i'm saying here

vinegar please!?

now is it the one end or the other or maybe

Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:22 pm
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
I didn't vote for Trump but I did vote for Brexit. Do you know why? Because in the 1970s my parents voted for what was sold as a Common Market, not for a dictatorial, expansionist Political Union who I cannot vote for. A political union that seeks to create a United States of Europe with its own flag, anthem, currency, police force, foreign policy, army and navy. A political union that seeks to create a new, historic entity and erase all national identities within it. A political union that seeks to create an economic and military superpower. A political union that has done nothing but divide the most diverse continent in the world in half from north to south, much like the Soviet Union once divided the continent from East to West. This has all been done before. It was done in the Balkans after the First World War. We couldn't have these little states fighting and killing each other, let's bring them together. Let's give them one flag, one anthem, one president and we will call it Yugoslavia. It led to horrific wars and eventually fell to pieces. The European Union is headed for the same fate as Yugoslavia and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Hillary Clinton, the lesser evil to Trump (if you believe your politicans and your media) saw this undemocratic, corporatist European Union as a prototype for a world Government, controlled by unelected bureaucrats and their friends in the big banks and major corporations and this is why virtually every major organisation was trying to bully the voters into Remaining in the EU and voting for Hillary Clinton. I thought everybody knew not to trust their Politicans and the Media? This is also why virtually nobody from any media industry, hardly any celebrities came out in support for them. Their careers were on the line if they did not back these two options. They would have their lives destroyed if they did not "tow the party line" and vote for the candidate who was backed by their bosses.

The EU is completely obsolete in today's world. These are not the 1950s. That is why we have outgrown a top-down construct, a hangover of an age when freight costs were high and refrigeration was expensive and regional trade blocs looked like the future. But that world has been made COMPLETELY REDUNDANT by technological advance. This is an age of the Internet, of cheap flights, of skype. It's as easy to do business with a company in New Zealand as with a company in France in fact easier, because the Kiwi country will be English speaking and common law. Never before, has geographical proximity been as irrelevant as now. So why would we tie ourselves to the one part of the world that is not experiencing significant growth? Over the last decade, China's economy has doubled, India's has doubled, Ethiopia's has doubled in size but the Eurozone is the same size now as it was in 2006. Every continent has grown over the last decade except Antarctica and Europe.

The UK is a trading nation, a maritime people connected by language, law by habit and history, commerce and migration to every continent. We don't sit on great natural resources, we need to make our way in the world by what we buy and sell, so we need to be where the customers are and as long as we're in the EU, we cannot sign independent trade agreements with non-EU countries. The EU deal with Australia is being held up because some Italian tomato growers are challenging it. The deal with Canada is being held up because of an unrelated dispute about Romanian visas, how the hell did we put ourselves in this position? Why were we paying to be part of the worlds only standard customs union? Paying £19 billion gross, £11 billion NET per year. To put it in context, in the 2010 - 2015 parliament according to the IFS, the entire austerity program saved £36 billion. Over that period of time, our GROSS CONTRIBUTION to the EU was £85 billion, NET contribution was £42 billion. So even if you take the NET figure, that one clean excision would have wiped out the whole Austerity program and still given us enough to take a penny off income tax.

But most importantly, it was the democratic price. We fought a civil war in this country to establish the principle that laws should not be passed nor taxes raised except by our own elected Representatives and now, supreme legislative and executive power is held by people I didn't vote for but people that owe their position to having LOST ELECTIONS, like Peter Mandelson and Neil Kinnock it's only when they have been REJECTED by their electorate that they are invited to come along and legislate for us. If the EU were about cooperation like NATO, NOBODY WOULD HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT. You'd have to be insane to be against working with your neighbors and allies. The problem is it presumes to legislate for us, and take on the attributes and trappings of statehood. Nobody is talking about isolation. Nowhere else in the world do countries apologize for wanting to live under their own laws. New Zealand is not about to join Australia, and people don't go saying "Oh these dreadful Australo-skeptics, when are they going to understand that they are just a small off-shore island clinging to our dated notions of sovereignty". Japan is not applying to join China, as far as I am aware. People don't say "UGH THESE FILTHY BIGOTED SINO SKEPTICS WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO GET IT THROUGH THEIR HEAD THAT THEY HAVE LOST THEIR EMPIRE!?!?".

It is a natural healthy thing for a Democracy to live under its own laws while trading and cooperating with EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. We are the Fifth largest economy on the planet, the fourth military power, one of five members of the UN Security Council. How much bigger do we have to be before we start looking out to the rest of the world and rediscovering that global vocation we once took for granted?




Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:37 am
Main: OGsofaking
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this ... F6rvuy7BfM:

k let me wake up 1st b4 i have to decipher the ... ICO_x-gZ-M:

1st read through, your mad the sun has set on the empire
it hasn't, don't worry your still owned by 200 people
ministers run countries, presidents run corporations u guys still have your project going on but it seems to be burning itself like it has leprosy or something

Sat Apr 01, 2017 10:06 am
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
the eu is just the 5th holy roman reich. If it breaks up it will just be russian simple as that.( a bunch of city states that wouldn't know that moscow is on the other end. This is classic divide and conquer. It can never be whole as long as there r so many different kings, can't have a elected ruler as well as many silver spooned devils.

china is the prototype for the one world gov. Just cause the west don't directly say they own it's citizens doesn't mean they don't and the world is the same over, we'll all assets to be leveraged against the 3 spheres(1984) so that there could be only one eventually

the eu is obsolete the same way the usa is then(but no eu army, nato is amerikan). We have been in a war with a billion chinesse and a billion muslums since we counted how many there are cause we have to, unless u want humanity to end up being muslum(india also) chinesse cause thats where it's going(didn't give me this africa shite cause their farming=hunter gatherer). EU don't grow cause it reached end game a few centuries ago, only real way for them was to merge, it's just in the processes of resetting their game skills(ss reference). So there never was a real usa eu.

the uk is not a trading nation, it's a exploiting nation(u have nothing of your own to trade with in the 1st place u used it all) living off its past success trying to milk every last drop. U know to be a lawyer u need the bar, u know every bar has to b approved by the city of london the world over, funny eh. The euro trade thing, well it's your washington dc don't look at themselves as european they see them as belgians or germans or whatever. While an amerikan is an amerikan.

u talken about the english civil war or the amerikan revolution(just case your army left don't mean u didn't replace them with laywers)? they rn't the same. The eu is about rich people of the individual eu countries still getting to b rich(kings). No one else in the world has to join a union cause they r already spoken for, owned by mostly uk,us, other old houses or on the other side of the fence(enemy china whatnot) It's not just about lossing empire is about losing such a great empire massive, ha bigly. Sure u got gangrene, ez to cut a few toes to live , but when you had to cut off every limb and everything to live(you've ran outta stuff to cut off), u getting kinda givie uppie watching the world drown when u have no power to help it to swim anymore. Your dutch east india company(usa) is basically eating itself from the inside out in order for uk to survive as it does atm.

U guys screwed up, way to cocky, incest. And now the world is just about i got mine SOFAKING u! The british rediscovery can never b cause u didn't kill enough civilizations back in the day only people. lazy short term so the long term can b right screwed, and here we are with global warming ... 7_russian/
brexit is uk leaving then uk splitting then only england staying left
u know what that leads to .....

vive la france
bloody surrender monkeys won

Last edited by itsmesofaking on Sat Apr 01, 2017 3:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Apr 01, 2017 11:59 am
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
I would of voted for trump if I was American. The other option was a woman after all.

Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:38 pm
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
would u b one of the people admitting regret now?

i can't find this image of the admitting trump regret sign

ya no vote her either, i would've moved, dubya would've made me move already so

Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:50 pm
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
Why what's he done? Don't see how you could express regret until the term is up unless you know his whole plan.

Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:52 pm
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Post Re: I warned u it would go like this
just the hint of russia trump isn't enough, or the nepotism , all he doing is trying to turn his 5b(and his 5b is -200m and 5b russian $) into 150b.

true he hasn't done nothing much yet((ya i also c u internet spy)), except that budget stuff but not full, it's just the whole what IF he is, it shouldn't even b in a conversation.

judging by trumpcare plan i'm also going with 1920 eugenics in the poor(poor= <$7m) people sense. don't get me wrong dumb should not b. (there needs to b a planet civil war, or skill testing question, u know there is climate change(so we can try to preserve us) or bye) in a sense

the whole augument is we r already past point of no return and it's to wrong to even grasp

it's the only shot we have left (first step in every and all everythings truth and admittance)

and the waiting till end of term, haha, we're in a giant airplane, somehow a deaf, dumb(replace with the r word) and blind monkey got elected to b the pilot and your cool, u can't have regret when we're all dead

changing physics type knowledge takes 9months or is it 11? after election not <100 days
he at least got the smartest man left

Last edited by itsmesofaking on Sat Apr 01, 2017 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:59 pm
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